
Deck of Lives

A young boy headed to a place he never ventured before. He traversed a maze of roads, dodging battle-hardened warriors with anger etched on their faces to finally arrive at a gate. That gate led him to a world he never expected to see again. What was this gate? What was the world beyond? This is the story of a boy seeking salvation from his life, who wants to escape the invisible prison he was trapped in. Will he find the salvation he seeks so desperately or be bound by the chains someone forced on his neck? ---------------------------------- I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I'll happily remove it.

Lazysam · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Who The Hell Is He?

Amane who barely managed to enter the classroom just moments before Mr Tanaka arrived, kept staring at the board. Her gaze seemed glued to the equations Mr Tanaka was writing. A mask of intense concentration veiled her face, but beneath the surface, her mind danced a different tune.

"Hey Amane, what do you think about that boy?" Amane softly muttered to herself ensuring no one could hear her.

Suddenly, a voice rang inside her head, replying to her barely audible question 'You mean that boy from before…why?'

"Just curious…from what it seemed he looked like new in this school. I mean who would be an idiot enough to not know about the teacher's room in his school? But that's not the point. So, tell me what did you feel?"

'Does it even matter?...it was exactly the same as you…but…why are you thinking about him this much just because you felt a bit uncomfortable…'

"No…it wasn't just that…there was a sense of familiarity. It's hard to put into words but…I think there is something similar between us…"

'Pfff…hahaha…did you hurt your head that bad…tell me…did you fall in love with him or something?...because honey, from the way I am seeing it, it doesn't look like it…'

"Hey! Just listen to me for a moment." She hissed, a touch of annoyance lacing her voice.

"When I struck with him, I felt it…his body was surprisingly strong…as if a wall had been there instead of a guy…when I took his hand, his hand felt rough to me…normally, that happens when you do some physical work or carry something very heavy over a long period of time…there are many professions that fit that criteria but…the scar on his hand…it tells me a different story…it was from the back of his hand and seemed to stretch to his forearm…how many types of items do you know that can leave as deep a scar as that?"

'It has to be something really sharp lik–'

"Like a blade…now, the question arises how did he get that scar?...who the hell is he?"

'Looks like you'll have to stay up all night tonight.'

The thought of staying up all night cast a shadow over Amane's spirit. A lump welled up in her throat, threatening to spill over into a torrent of tears. Her head dipped down as if the weight of the sleepless night was already settling on her shoulders.


During lunch, Shin went to the cafeteria with Kazuo. The unfamiliar lunchroom stretched before him like a vast, uncharted territory, filled with unfamiliar faces, a sea of empty tables and a bewildering array of food options that left him feeling adrift. A knot of anxiety tightened in his stomach as he shuffled along the line, unsure where to begin. Kazuo, like a saviour, jumped in to help him pick his food, his reliable smile never fading off his face.

The boys had their lunch before heading back to class. They took their remaining classes as the afternoon stretched before them. With the release of the final bell, everyone packed their items and exited through the gate.

The afternoon sun cast long shadows over the bustling roads as people went with their day-to-day lives. Everyone started going in different directions - for some, it was a gaming cafe, for others, it was karaoke. However, there were some who silently navigated through. But for Shin, the paths seemed to change as he started going in a different direction.

After a few minutes of walking, he found himself in a familiar place. The place was filled with several cars from some dented ones to cleanly looking ones. However, a lone figure at a distance caught his gaze, a middle-aged man, somewhere around in his forties, with a soapy sponge in his hand, dwarfed by a gleaming silver car.

Shin quickened his footsteps to reach near the man to say his greeting. The man noticed his presence and passed a gentle smile as he replied back his greeting.

With practised movement, Shin entered the one-storey shop behind the man and moments later came out after changing his uniform, wearing a deep blue car washing suit. With ease, he grabbed a bucket filled with soapy water and a sponge, the familiar scent filling his nostrils. Glancing at the man, Shin saw him expertly wielding a hose, rinsing the silver vehicle free of suds.

With the corner of his eye, a nearby vehicle came into view as he moved with precision and began a methodical attack on the grey vehicle, each flick of the sponge and rinse of the hose seemingly calculated to achieve maximum efficiency. The suds flew as he scrubbed, the wheel rims and chrome sparkled as he rinsed. The midday sun beat down, turning the car wash lot into a symphony of soapy water with rhythmic scrubbing. In the middle, the gaze of the man fell on Shin and he called out to him, his voice deep and loud.


The sudden call jolted Shin up from his work as his attention went to the man.

"How was the school?"

The sudden question felt unfamiliar to him as his mind played the whole day as if a movie. His gaze fixed on the man as his lips parted to say something.

"It was good, Mr Hanada,"

Mr Hanada searched his face for any sign of truth as he narrowed his eyes. But the usual expressions on Shin's face brought him some relief before he continued his work. Both kept doing their work for the rest of the day with no words to one another as if a usual routine for them.

The sun had started to set, its warm, orange glow casting over the buildings and the roads, making everyone realize that the day had come to an end.

Shin also started taking off his suit and wore his uniform back before saying his farewell greeting to Mr Hanada.