
15th DeathWatch Company

-----20 minutes earlier-----

"Sir, I am receiving a distress call from Alpha 2-9-9-0 'Valentine.'

Trace of arcane explosion suggests heavy arcane bombardment were used. Additionally, orbital scans reveal class 6 Leviathans approaching Valentine fast."

Stated Athena, artificial intelligence abord the DeathWatch low orbit station 'Legionnaire.'

"Get 15th ready, and deploy five Striker class combat mech to assist them."

High commander Spire expression did not change as he ordered Athena.

Dressed in a black commissar trench coat. With a black peak cap decorated with skulls. He was one of the first soldiers who were transferred from their respective units to DeathWatch.

The first-ever specialize company to be assigned the task of exterminating all Xenos life forms that may or may not post a threat to Earth.

Spire knows that these Xenos are not stupid, they want something from Valentine. But what is it? Valentine mission is to patrol the Atlantic sector, and that is it.

They did not carry something worth using multiple class six Leviathans.

Or maybe they found something.

"Athena, transfer yourself in one of the 15th pods, It seems that Valentine is carrying something extremely valuable to the Xenos, and I need you down there to confirm it."

Spire quickly turn around to see a hologram of a small woman standing on the orbital maps.

"Understood sir, may I choose who I link myself to?"

Asked Athena as she shifted her focus from the orbital maps to Spire, all while licking her lips seductively.

"It matter not, just pick one and be done with it."

Answered Spire.


Suddenly Athena disappeared from the holo pods and quickly transferred herself to the 15th DeathWatch.

"Staff Sergeant, High Commander Spire has assigned a mission for the 15th."

Athena paused be for continuing.

"A battleship class vessel 'Valentine' is under attack from arcane using Xenos forces.

Additionally, 4 class six Leviathans were detected, and they are approaching said vessel.

High Commander also deploys an additional five striker class combat mech to assist your mission."

After she finishes briefing him, she carefully inspects his uniform.

He dressed in full black assault uniform.

The assault uniform covered from head to toe. The chest piece, however, provides its user with arcane protection.

Although this technology is still in prototype, it proved to be an effective tool against Xenos who can manipulate arcane power.

His face is hidden underneath Omnituens generation five combat helmet.

The helmet provides its user with combat stats, real-time orbital scans and user's physical and/or mental state if the user desire so.

The helmet is also designed to be used in extreme situations in case of biological weapons were used.

A single long tube connects the mouthpiece to two small oxygen tank located on the back of the user, right above iliocostalis (upper buttocks).

Providing its user with oxygen that will last for 48 hours.

Athena smiles as she softly whispers into his left ear.

"I'll be with you the whole way, Jack."

"Understood. 15th, drop pods. Now."

Staff Sergeant Jack ignores the A.I. unknown action.

His red eyes glow as he grabs his semi-automatic rifle, T-99.

He walks towards his squad that is waiting for his order.

""Aye, aye sir.""

"Where to this time, Staff Sergeant?"

Suddenly a smooth female hand pokes the Staff Sergeant from behind.

He turns around to see fully geared Sergeant, Mera.

She dressed in the same manner as Jack.

She took off her combat helmet, revealing her overwhelmingly charming face.

Although Mera is indeed a soldier, that hasn't stop her from taking care of her own appearance.

Her plump lips and short black hair give off a feeling of a war goddess.

"One of our naval vessels is under heavy arcane bombardment.

Our mission: Exterminate all Xenos life form and secure Battleship class vessel 'Valentine.'

More info will be linked in drop pods."

The Staff Sergeant answer Mera before stoping her from poking his face.

"Boo~~~ you are no fun, how could you coldly ignore a pretty girl like me Jack...~~."

Athena said as she turns away and simulating a teardrop in her eyes.

"Athena set coordinates to 22.070369, -35.747613.

We are dropping in five. So get in my head."

The Staff Sergeant ignored Athena's act as he quickly gets inside his drop pod.

"I swear to god Jack, you will never going to get girls with that attitude."

Athena pouted. It was surprising to him at first, since artificial intelligence expressing human emotion were never seen before.

But Athena pretty much exclusively only express her emotion with Jack and only Jack alone.

She smiles as she transferred herself into the Staff Sergeant suit.

The drop pods interior is small.

There two screens located directly opposite from the pilot seat, providing its user with communication and control panel.

The drop pods are small, so small in fact that it is virtually undetectable.

"Staff Sergeant, I am just making sure, from what I am seeing, we are dropping straight on the enemy warships?"

Asked Mera. Her clear voice came through the radio inside the drop pods.

She wasn't afraid of death. In contrary, she is excited.

"Correct. Three warships are surrounding Valentine. Seargent Mera and I will take W-1. John, you George are on W-2 and lastly, Steve, you and Jane are on W-3."

Jack answered as he started the drop pods engines.

Although drop pods mostly use gravitational force as the primary way to gain speed, thrusters are still needed to rotate and change direction.

"HA! George, you owe me 3 bucks. I knew he gonna pair us up again."

John said as he laughs loudly through the radio.


The drop pods engines burn faster and faster as the Legionnaire's pod bay slowly open, revealing six drop pods hanging by a cable.

"Cut it out, you two. initiate system check Athena."

"Propulsion Control System ----- READY.

Radio Comms ------- READY.

Emergency Parachute ------- READY.

Emergency Smoke Bomb ------- READY.

Auto Turrets ----------- READY.

All system is green and ready to go."

Respond Athena.

"DeathWatch 15th to High Command, we are ready for the drop sequence. "

"Dropping sequence permission granted. God speed.

"Dropping in 3...2...1. Engage."

The five drop pods dropped from Legionnaire after he announced their depart via radio.

The crackling sounds of steel burning against the atmosphere proved to be problematic to Jack as he cannot understand a single word of his squadmates.

And somewhere along the way, the radio comms were damaged, making the communication almost impossible.

Luckily, drop pods are equipped with an emergency radio communicator.

"Jack, we are approaching enemy warship W-1. Distance:1,500 meters."

Athena appears inside his helmet. His drop pod was shaken to the core as he decent faster and faster.

Jack nodded before activating emergency comms and connecting it to Mera.

"Engaging thruster. Mera stays close, do not stray off course.

1,000 meters, approaching fast."

Jack switches the drop pod to manual control as the silhouette of Xenos warships got bigger and bigger.

"Brace for impact!!"

Shouted the Staff Seargent.