
Entering Jianye

Yun and a small escort army led by Dian Wei and Zhang He arrived at Jianye. Mulan was nervous as she was shaking around the whole time because the day of her wedding was getting closer and closer and with them arriving at Jianye it was only a matter of day until she and Sun Quan would finally be together.

As they approached the city a rider rode out of it to receive them. Yun could see the messenger as an old friend who has aged quite well for someone in his position.

"Cheng Pu, it is nice to see you again," says Yun to Cheng Pu showing respect to Cheng Pu since they went through a lot once before.

"It is nice to see you as well, General Zhao," says Cheng Pu as he looks at the escorting army which was roughly made up of four hundred men before his eyes landed on Mulan.

"Lady Zhao, I hope you traveled easily to Jianye from the border of Xu," says Cheng Pu showing his respect to Mulan who would marry into the Sun Clan soon.

"I am used to marching, General Cheng," says Mulan respectfully when Cheng Pu turns to Yun.

"Your men will be resting outside the city except for ten men which will guarantee your safety should our people fail to do so," says Cheng Pu to Yun who nods and he turns to Dian Wei and Zhang He.

"Prepare eight of your best men to accompany us. You two will be keeping my wife, and my youngest two, safe until we leave the city or when I am not around," says Yun to his two bodyguards as they begin to get their best men.

They stood before the gate to Jianye when Yun noticed that Sun Quan might have prepared some parade to welcome them into the city which he didn't expect at all as he glared at Cheng Pu who caught on rapidly by saying, "It is just to show his hospitality towards his future wife that he wanted to show a bit of his power by arranging a small parade for Mulan."

"I understand that he wanted to show a bit of his power but a parade is a bit too much, don't you think so too?" asks Yun receiving a nod from Cheng Pu.

"Even our strategists tried to get this idea out of the Master's head but they both failed," says Cheng Pu talking about Zhou Yu and Lu Su trying to stop Sun Quan from doing this since spies could inform their masters of what was happening at the moment in Jianye.

"Well, at least I know that he cares for my daughter," says Yun in a defeated tone.

"Then let me guide you inside," says Cheng Pu as he ordered the gate to be opened so the group could get inside while the escorting army made their camp beside the city.

Yun was already accustomed to parades which couldn't be said about his children with it being Zheng's first parade in which he was the focus with his older siblings being the focus of it the second time in their lives.

Yun was riding beside the carriage which was transporting Zhen Luo, his mother, and their youngest children in with Rin and Yang looking at Ai eating at the moment.

It was overwhelming for the younger generation to be the focus of this parade as Yun could see it by how nervous their horses are when Thunder gives a shout from himself to calm his descendants while shaking his head in disappointment at seeing this behavior from them.

Yun was holding a hand over his mouth trying to hide his smile and holding back his laughter while petting Thunder to calm him down.

"If I remember correctly I will be meeting Madam Wu today," says Yun after calming down to Cheng Pu who nods.

"Yes, she is already awaiting to finally meet the man which whom her late husband made a deal with for a long time," says Cheng Pu to Yun remembering his late friend and Lord.

"Sun Jian was a great man. I hope my grandchildren will be able to follow in his footsteps," says Yun which made Cheng Pu only nod in agreement.

"I hope so too," says Cheng Pu since the Sun Clan needed fresh blood and Mulan was welcome to join them since her blood comes from one of the strongest men of this generation.

They rode the main street down with people left and right trying to see who was going to marry their Lord when their eyes laid on Mulan as she was showing her elegance even when she is hiding it behind dirt and her armor which she accumulated from the travel to Jianye and the military training they went through at the border.

They soon arrived at the manor of the Sun Family as they dismounted their horses when Yun looks seriously at Thunder while telling him to behave since they are guests there.

Yun didn't need Thunder to make a scene just because Thunder is being Thunder when Rin walks over and takes the reigns from Yun while saying that she will take care that Thunder wouldn't do any mischief before leaving Yun standing there with Shadow on his shoulder who also left him to make sure that Rin didn't leave the city with Thunder.

Rin grew and became bold compared to the cute little girl she used to be but Yun didn't mind it since she wouldn't cause any problems rather she would be solving some which Thunder created in the past.

But sometimes she would disappear for a whole day and return at night completely covered in dirt from playing outside the city with Thunder which made Yun place Shadow on Rin to track all her movements just to be safe.

The horses were brought to the stables before Yun and his family were brought inside with Yun helping his mother. Once inside they walked past the courtyard they were welcomed by Sun Quan who had Sun Ren on one side while on the other side was a woman a bit older than Yun.

Yun could imagine who the woman was since she was standing beside Sun Quan and not behind him which meant that she is his mother Madam Wu. She could still pass as a beauty in Yun's eyes as she might have some small wrinkles on her face but they didn't apparate her real age.

Madam Wu on the other hand was examining the Zhao Family before her glance landed on her future-daughter-in-law who looked like her own daughter when they go with the attire they are wearing at the moment.

But she could see innocence in the girl's eyes and a light tan which means that she is also dedicated to her craft. She then looked at the tallest man she had ever seen who she concluded is Yun when an even bigger man appeared behind the man helping an older woman enter the manor accompanied by Cheng Pu.

Now she knew that she made a mistake and that the man standing beside her future daughter-in-law must be her brother going by how close they are when a slightly younger man stood beside her as well but he almost overtook her in height.

"I will have tall grandchildren," says Madam Wu out loud to herself which only Sun Quan and Sun Ren could hear making Sun Ren blush from hearing that since she looked at Zheng the whole time who has grown a lot from the last time they met each other.

She was sure that Zheng has overtaken her since his sister wasn't small either for a woman. But she could see Zheng's face which showed a determination that she didn't see the first time they met.

But those eyes soon disappeared with warmer and gentler eyes as he looked at her. Now the blush covered her whole face instead of only her cheeks since Zheng looked more and more like his Uncle Hua just with a bit more muscle.

Sun Quan on the other hand couldn't get to move his eyes away from his future wife even covered in dirt and dust she looked beautiful to him until he heard his mother's comment about her having tall grandchildren which made him snap out of it and move forward to greet his guests.

"Welcome to Jianye, I hope you had a safe travel here," says Sun Quan hoping that nothing happened to them while traveling to Jianye.

"The roads were calm and we were blessed with a safe travel," says Fang taking over for his father who was at the moment helping their grandmother.

"I am glad to hear that," says Sun Quan as he stretches his hand out toward Fang who takes it and shakes it before Sun Quan moved to the next person who is Mulan.

"I hoped for a warm bath before you met me since I am not pleasant to be seen at the moment," says Mulan a bit embarrassed to show Sun Quan this side of herself.

"You don't have to worry about that, you will always a pleasure in my eyes," says Sun Quan reassuring her while Zheng forgot all protocol and just marched toward Sun Ren who was hiding her face from this disgrace which Zheng just committed by ignoring the Family Head of the opposite family.

"It seems your brother has his priorities straight," says Sun Quan seeing Zheng disregard all the traditions and going straight for what he came for.

"Well, at least he is making his name due respect," says Yun from behind the twins as he also saw what Zheng just did but Yun himself wasn't really a man of traditions if he didn't have to follow them such as marrying more than one woman.

"You must be General Zhao," says Madam Wu walking toward him.

"It is an honor to finally meet you, Madam Wu. I heard a lot about you from Sun Quan and the late Sun Jian," says Yun respectfully to her before saying, "But please just call me 'Yun' or 'Zhao Yun' if it is more comfortable for you. I am only General Zhao when I am standing on a battlefield or to acquaintances but we will be a family soon."

"You are right," says Madam Wu as they could see in the background Sun Ren hitting Zheng for disregarding protocol.

Hope you like it.

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