1 1 .Haunted !

He stood there,stuck in a world of his own,while blocking the doorway. My heart was beating faster with each passing second. My eyes closed while I tried to escape what stole my vision's attention. Fear was flowing through my body as I slowly headed towards where he stood. I reached out and waved my hand at him,hoping to steal his vision. Both the silence between us and my fears just became louder. My eyes widened with hope of seeing the bigger picture. But I was just a blind person at that moment. I reached out for him,but his response became worse—nothing from him once again. The darkness whispered a gloomy suggestion. My arrogance dared me not to carry out the command. However,I swallowed it over the upcoming seconds as there was no other solution. My hand slithered into his chest as if I had discovered treasure,only to enter and hold the bearer of his life. My hand was swimming in a pool of blood to the rhythm of his heartbeats. My own heart had become demonic, for it suggested I put an end to the rhythm. My fingers could not fight against the temptation. One of my hands chocked the heart,while the other had sailed two sharp nails into it. His heartbeats were disappearing second by second,while the darkness of my own heart rejoiced in sorrow, for it had been praising the devil in that moment. However,the devil could not be trusted, regardless of the victory or loss he served you.

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