The deathbloom willow, a type of preadatory tree that can only bloom in the areas with large amounts of yin and death aura, finds its home and starts on its journey to the top.
Like a speck of dust in the wind, a tiny seed was flowing along a wind current. This seed was pitch black with a red insignia on it that displayed a large willow tree that looked as if it supported the heaven. On each of its leaves were tiny little symbols that almost looked like little worlds, but before one could look closer they would become blurry and then reform. The black seed was very mystical, carrying with it in a black trail that followed wherever it passed. This black fog was pure yin energy, one of the most basics powers that directly confronted the powerful yang energy.
The seed floated in the void searching for a suitable area to 'plant' itself. This seed, although just a seed, still contained a conscience that had the ability to use common reasoning. When he was formed, he was dropped off at a place that had sparse yin energy. For it to grow and survive, that is exactly what he needed. The seed had been searching for hours and was at the end of its life. Spiritual plants formed seeds, and then spread them over the world. The number of seeds were not many, about 100 each time, but the condition was that the seed survived. Some plants may never have any descendants, because the times that they produce seeds may be centuries apart.
This seed used up all of its source energy to float in the air and to use his divine senses to search for yin energy. This was a great consumption to a tiny little seed that had not energy to support itself, only what its 'father' gave to it. This made it very difficult if not born in the right environment.
As it was reaching its last strand of life, it started to feel a faint yin aura that then started to surge into pure, frost cold yin energy. Losing consciousness, he urged himself over and fell, directly losing all vision and life.
Where am I?
Stretching out his divine senses he noticed it was restricted to only 1 foot in circumference. When he was a little seedling, using his father's energy he was able to look for thousands of feet in each direction. The difference was like night and day, he was only able to see such a short distance and was completely restricted to the same place.
Satisfying his declining life force was first priority. Spreading his roots towards the areas with the densest yin energy. Only about 2 inches, his roots were not able to reach any of the denser areas with yin energy. His roots were like a sponge in water, directly absorbing all of the yin energy it could find, and using it as fuel for himself.
The yin energy ran up it roots and into the seed. The seed used this energy to directly nourish itself and to sprout newer roots to absorb more energy. Poking through the small black seed was the newer roots that were gray compared to the dark black ones that had yin energy flowing through them. These newer roots were softer and had a hard time digging through the soil and rocks. Using the yin energy in the surroundings, he used the yin energy to infuse it in the roots and then use them to spread outwards towards energy rich areas.
Where to now? That way is a no go, and the bugs over that way are terrifying.
Days later after sprouting he was now starting to sprout a little twig out of the seed that collected energy out of the air. He had already located and arranged his roots to absorb all of the yin energy that was close to him. He had already almost ran out of the energy in his surroundings, and it started to get more complicated then just locating yin energy and absorbing it.
Through the past couple days he had spread his divine senses in the surroundings and found some areas that had richer energies than the area he was in now. However, some of these areas were not safe, directly having some animals that ate plants with yin energy to grow and mature. To his left he was facing a cliff, and there was no way he was going to climb it, nor was there a way for him to do so. That left him with 3 other directions. The richest area was a death zone that was infested with bugs. These types of buy looked like a beetles with razor sharp teeth that could eat through stones. The plantation around them were in tatters, signifying that they definitely would not spare him if he were to get close enough for them to see.
Of the other directions, one led him out of the yin concentrated area and the other one led deeper to an area with richer yin and death energy. Pulling himself with his roots ever so slowly, he started to make his way towards that energy rich area in the distance.