

When Shen exited Xia Manor, he immediately went to buy some new clothes for his "hunting" at night. While he was browsing the shops with robes, he couldn't help but groan.

'Can't they have just some simple black robes without any unnecessary patterns like flowers? What the hell are these clothes. I will also need to get a good mask to hide my face in case someone spots me from afar. Well, I should avoid buying it since someone could track me down if I officially bought it, though I doubt anyone is so smart here.'

When no one was looking, Shen made one of the masks disappear into his storage.

[Is master truly sure about this? Indiscriminately killing everyone would take away a little of what was left of the master's humanity.]

'Oh? Are you trying to discourage me? Anyway, I have already indiscriminately killed that innocent woman while she was picking up the herbs. I think it's a bit too late for any regret or to stop.' Shen replied to the system while he was walking around the city to remember the layouts.

[I have only good intentions for the master. I just don't wish for the master to suddenly stop in the middle]

'Once you start something, you ought to finish it. I don't even have any spare time to feel regret. Rather, can you tell me what is my purpose in this world?'

[The master can set any purpose he wants, however, I recommend the master to continue growing stronger. As the master grows stronger, our bond grows stronger too. For right now, it would be in the master's best interest to continue using and "testing" me out.]

'So basically be a lab rat that white figure wanted me to be? You mention something about our bond, does it mean they can take you away from me but not in case I grow strong enough?' Shen asked but once he received silent treatment, he realized the system couldn't answer that question even if it wanted.

"Hmm?" Shen stopped walking as he looked at the big sign of one establishment.

'Heavenly Fragrant House, huh?' Shen decided to take a look inside and the moment he entered, he instantly knew what type of establishment it was.

'I should have expected it from its name but at least I can still buy drinks here. I hope they won't disappoint me' Shen went to find a seat inside what he would call a brothel.

The moment women noticed who has arrived, their eyes sparkled, almost fighting over who is going to serve Shen, however unfortunately for them, all he asked for were drinks.



*Sips* 'What a cheap tasting alcohol. It kinda reminds me of my days back in college' Shen smiled as he was drinking cheap alcohol despite complaining about it.



Time flew quickly and 2 weeks quickly passed ever since Shen arrived at Floating Cloud City. He was currently at Heavenly Fragrant House where he spent a lot of his spare time. So much that even rumors started circulating around the city..."a handsome man regularly visiting Heavenly Fragrant House just for the drinks. Even when intoxicated, he never touched anyone inappropriately"

Such a strange individuum mentioned in rumors naturally aroused some people's curiosity, mostly women in this case. However, there were much grimmer rumors circulating throughout the entire city...

"Have you heard? 7 more people were found dead last night right inside the city, this time, even a few disciples from the Xiao clan were involved."

Shen stopped playing with the cup of wine and started paying attention to people sitting at the table next to him.

"Yeah, this is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. I have no idea who is crazy enough to mess around with Xiao clan but I doubt they will live long enough now that they might get involved."

"They would get involved eventually, this is just speeding up the process."

*Gulp* Shen drank everything inside the cup in one go before putting it back on the table.


Name: Shen

Karma: -???

Current status: Relaxed, mildly intoxicated

Profound Strength: 1st level of Nascent Profound Realm + (1200 Death Energy)]

Sanity: 49%

[Death Energy - 1500]

[2200 Death Coins]

[Storage space level 3 + (200 Death Coins)]

[Grim Reaper passive level 2 + (1200 Death Coins)]

[Universal Language mastery]

[Path of Endless Death:

Profound Strength: 1st level of Nascent Profound Realm + (1200 Death Energy)]

Death Art: Death Blossom level 0 + (300 Death Energy)


'Now that I think about it...I can't even die, right?' Shen asked a weird question, most likely due to being slightly drunk.

[...It is indeed impossible for the master to die, however, he is also not invincible. The Death Energy the master gains from the dying correspond to the strength of the master's killer, however, if the killer is many realms above the master, it won't give an unlimited amount. Master can also go completely crazy and lose his mind from dying too many times in a row.]

'Right...?!' "He-hahaha!" Shen suddenly started laughing aloud which caused the other guests to turn towards him. He suddenly got up, left a few profound coins on the table for the drink before taking his leave.

[That was a bit crazy even based on the master's standards]

'I just got a great idea how to gather a lot of Death Energy. You have mentioned that we are currently in what was it called again...ah, Blue Wind Empire. That must mean, there is an imperial family ruling the empire, right?!'


'Do you know if there are any princes or princesses?'

[Of course, there are several princes, however, there is only one princess. What does the master intend to do with them?]

Seeing the text in front of him, a cold smile was formed on Shen's face.

'Befriend one of them, preferably the one I can control easily, help him ascend the throne, and then wage war on the other nations...can you even imagine how much Death Energy I will be able to harvest during wars? hahaha'

[With the master's thinking, I might be forced to change my name to Evil System]

'Death System, Evil System, I don't see the difference. You are the one encouraging me to genocides.'

[...In that case, I would like to recommend the master to try his luck with the princess first since it would be much easier than befriending the princes. The master has extraordinary looks, if he is going to show his talent and ability to grow stronger fast, she might marry the master.]

'Marriage? ...Meh, but I won't throw that idea away yet.'

*Ding* [You have accumulated enough reputation to be given a grade from the rumors you have created. The rumors regarding your midday persona received the grade A, almost everyone now knows of the handsome young man wearing strange clothes and regularly visiting Heavenly Fragrant House. The rumors regarding your midnight persona are causing quite chaos throughout the entire city which has even forced the strongest martial clan within the city to pay attention to you, the grade S has been awarded]

'Hm?! Not yet, why did it trigger so early?!' Shen still wanted to work on getting even better grades but for some reason, the system deemed his quest accomplished.

[You have used unconventional means to receive the grade. You have been supposed to get only one grade, therefore both grades will be combined together to avoid the waste of your efforts. The final grade received is S+]

'Fine, that's not bad, I was fearing it would give me A+ or S-'

[+10.000 Death Energy, + 5.000 Death Coins, + 1 Phoenix's tear, + Netherworld's Traceless Steps level 0]


[11500 Death Energy]

[7200 Death Coins]

[Netherworld's Traceless Steps level 0 + (1.000 Death Energy) - A vicious profound movement skill that is capable of breaking reality. One of the best profound movement skills can leave afterimages that will disperse upon hitting them. This skill doesn't leave afterimages but copies of their user. The copy won't instantly disperse upon being hit like an afterimage but instead will take the damage and will even bleed, confusing the enemy in the process.]

[Phoenix Tear - A tear from a mythical creature, capable of reviving and healing any type of injury. Bodyless souls cannot consume the tear. (fully recovers sanity)]


'Oh, that skill sounds interesting but I doubt it will be so wonderous on level 0. I almost thought that tear would be completely useless for me but at least it recovers my sanity, these rewards are really good! I can also use that tear on someone like prince or princess to gain their absolute trust, hehe.'

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