
Prologue: The Happening

"Impossible!" Those were the words muttered by Gin Hanger.

A young naked boy stood by his dead bed in his hand he was holding a weapon called a scythe, this weapon is know through all fairytales, fantasies and mostly horrors movies.

"The scythe, it chose him!" In disbelief and confusion Alex Cruise said.

A flow of dark shadow steam emites from the boy's body, he isn't fully aware of what is happening he's still in transit. So he just stood there still and never moved a muscle looking at the window.

This scythe that was a shock to everyone and was in the boy's hand was called the scythe of darkness, but originally know as Kaos, because it was believed to belong to one of the most powerful and evil Reaper in all of the world and universe. Killa Kaos, a reaper who is behind a massacre that took the lives of the people of Cross Creek in the event that will go down in history know as The Reaper's Punishment.

"T, t, t, that scythe isn't supposed to be awakened, it should be sealed it should have been locked away" Master Luna trying to get close to the boy.

"Master!" Conroy called out.

Master Luna reached out her hands, slowly getting close and more closer to the boy, the black steam emitting from his body begin to flow with untamable and uncontrollable speed. It starts to blow her in order to protect herself... Master Luna performs a magic spell called the Lullaby spell in attempt to put the scythe to sleep.

"By the power of the sun god and the moon goddess, I plead you I seek to you, all mighty ones I beg you to please give me the strength to put this rogue scythe of darkness to it's slumber, and save this poor boy's soul and allow him to have the rest he deserves" she performs this spell by waving her hands.

The scythe begins to emite purple electricity around it, and the hands of the boy cletch even more on the scythe.

"Is it working?" Gin asked.

"No, I don't think it is, I mean look at that" Alex Cruise pointing the electric charge that starts to course through the boy.

"What's happening?" Conroy's voice shaking.

The black harmless steam intertwines with the purple electricity which causes it to create a flow of shock-wave around the boy, Master Luna seems like she isn't done casting her spell. She keeps on chanting and getting closer to the scythe.

"Just a little bit more!" Master Luna pushing through the flow of wind that's sending everything that's non-living to a frenzy.

The boy's reflection pulls up in the window, he is asleep and faced down, behind him in his reflection there is a shadowy figure that looks like a cloak with dark purple eyes. It hovers around him with it's claws looking ready to pierce through his skin.

No one sees that because they are blinded by the wind that is blowing things across the room, so everyone tries to take cover from getting hurt all of them hide behind Master Luna.

"Finally this body will be mine, it wasn't my first pick but it's got a lot of potential because it's dead. Every heartbeat, every sight and every breath taken will be mine" a distorted voice whispers.

Those words sent spine-chills across everyone across the room.

"Oh no, he is alive" Conroy shivers with fear.

The shadowy figure notices that Conroy can see it, which means he's a Seer, people who see everything between through the human world and the mystic world.

A low, whispering scream echoes in the room and everything that was flowing in the air gets sucked in around the boy, then it gets pushed out. Pushing everything and everyone across the room, especially Master Luna who gets hurt in the process.

Windows crack and the shadowy figure enter the boy through his eyes and mouth, a wave of tornado coursing with purple electricity flow. The windows and everything else that is glass explodes.

The next thing that happened was that the boy was now floating in the air, he opened his eyes and they were purple, the scythe still in his hand. The boy screams in pain but he isn't fully awaked and he's still isn't himself.

Everyone else was unconscious and lying on the floor, a face appears inside the tornado.

"We are still going to cause chaos, they don't know what I have in store for them, I'll give you new life since you will be my new host and my new toy" a distorted voice said.

Though the boy was also unconscious he was groaning like he's actually trying to say something and fight back, but we wouldn't be able to tell. Because the face disappointed along with everything, the boy just fell hard to the floor... Is he still alive or not?

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