
It's Been A While...

'Kira Kun? What the fuck?' Yamishi didn't expect this at all. He was considered a puppeteer of emotions, a manipulator. So how could this have happened?

"Kekeke, Yamishi this has taken a somewhat interesting turn. What will you do?" Ryuk was enjoying every moment of Yamishis struggle?

Meanwhile, Yami was in a daze, he couldn't think straight... He had to kill her and so he quickly ran to the bathrooms and went into a stall.

The book was ripped out from his back and pen met paper in a forceful manner. Yamishi at this moment had a crazed face, it looked maniacal. Right as he got to the last letter of her name his head began to clear up.

'Why on earth would she reveal something like that, knowing that I could simply kill her? There must be a reason for it. I know she isn't stupid...' so he thought about it and in the end, came to the conclusion that she wouldn't tell anyone.

Don't be fooled, this isn't stupidity... Although what she said had been unexpected, now that he had time to think, he could tell everything she had said was definitely the truth. She would do anything for him, she would go to any length to achieve her goal.

"Ryuk, I'd like you to keep an eye on her."

"Sorry Yamishi, I can't help you. But I can make a deal with you..."

"And what would That be?"

"You will know when it comes to it. Don't worry you won't regret the decision Keke."

"You make this extremely hard Ryuk. It's a deal, just tell me if anything happens, ok?

"Understood Yamishi"

With that Ryuk and Yamishi went their separate ways and would meet up the next day.


*Ding dong*

The school bells rang meaning the start of the day. Yamishi walked into class and was met by Amane and Ryuk.

Yamashi quickly glanced at Ryuk triggering him to respond with a report.

"She didn't say a thing to anybody... Don't worry Yamishi." Ryuk said this while hanging upside down from the roof.

"Amane, let's talk later." A calm and kind face could be seen by all.

"Ok Yami, we can talk in the rooftop at the first break."

Yamishi sat down in his seat and Amane headed to the back of the classroom where she was seated.


The door opened and a man walked in. It was someone Yamishi recognised as a his fathers friend. It was Director Masato. Yamishi and Masato traded a quick glance and smile.

The teacher spoke: " Class this is Director Masato, he's a detective working on a recent case in the area. He will briefly be talking to you about safety."

"Hello, students, as your teacher has already said, im a detective... Recently there has been a lot more crime and in return, any remaining Kira followers have been retaliating. Therefore, we, the Tokyo police force would like to make sure that everyone avoids areas with no cameras or extensive smog."

Chatter could be heard amongst the students, even Yami was involved in it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Amane admiring him.

'This girl is very similar to me...' He thought.

The detective continued "One last thing, make sure to stay with friends whenever possible and take the safest route home. Thanks, everyone"

The detective left the room and the class began like any other.


It was now break time and Yami was sitting on a bench on the roof. It was covered in a reinforced glass to prevent the smog from getting in.

He was there for only a moment before she showed up.

"Yami, im sorry for scaring you like that. I couldn't resist. I'm so so sorry." She apologised almost with tears.

"It's fine, you didn't scare me. I knew the whole time. I understood everything about you the moment you started talking." this was only partially true as he didn't expect her to know his secret.

*Sniff* "I see"

Yamishi wiped the tear from her eye and comforted her "You will be mine, you will serve me, right?"

"Whatever you ask, I will do it. Even if you ask for death."

Yamishi smiled and let out a giggle

"You're aware that the moment you try to betray me you will die right?" This was possible as ryuk had made the deal to keep an eye on her. If she even tried something Yamishi would know and write her name down.

"Of course, you are Kira after all."

"Haha, good then."

He thought for a moment and came up with an idea...

"Listen Amane, you can stop faking around me. I already know the real you..."

This came to a surprise to her as she didn't expect someone to see through her so easily. "I understand. To be honest, I was going to tell you, but you are far to quick."

The two looked at each other for a second and yamishi looked into her eyes.

"There's just one thing I don't entirely get... How did you know I was Kira?"

"Don't worry it's not your fault. You see, after Light, I made a deal with the shinigami king."

Yamishi snapped his head to Ryuk who also looked clueless to what she was talking about.

Amane looked up to Ryuk and smiled "It's been a long time hasn't it?"


The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.


Authors Note: Hey readers, some of you may be a little confused. So... Let's just say every name has it's meaning.

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