
I Am R

He had told his father these details as he knew that he would bring it up when introducing him to R. To find an ally in someone such as R would be in his best interest. Stay close to your enemy and predict the outcome of their actions.

The pair pulled into an underground warehouse and to Yamishis fathers surprise, the warehouse had been fully set up now. There were multiple workstations, computers, and rooms. The Warehouse was now fully functioning.

"Wow, this place really has everything, doesn't it?" Yamishi mentioned to his father.

Distracted by the warehouse they had just entered Yamishis father replied with a quiet and shocked voice "Yeah... yeah"

When the car had been parked they got out and were greeted by Watari who has dressed in a black suit one again. This old man was so tall and lean, good for someone of his age. Although he only seemed in his late 50s.

"Good morning gentlemen, I see you brought Mr Yamishi, " Watari gave a smile. "R will be the most joyful."

"Haha, yes well he certainly wanted to meet my son" chuckled Yamis father.

"Hey dad, why did he want to meet me?" Yamishi questioned.

"Haha, don't be so modest, im sure you already know why you're here," Watari said with a smile again.

"Right, I didn't want to be too full of myself, sorry." Of course, Yamishi knew exactly why he was here.

Yamishi had already known what was happening. There was no way R would pass up the opportunity of working with someone who helped the Tokyo police solve three cases by himself, is one of if not the smartest people in Tokyo and had been predicted to have an IQ of over 200. All while still in his first year of high school. The government had wanted to get their hands on this boy since he was young, however, they had never been able to convince him to train under them.

"No need to apologize here, also there's no reason to hide your genius," Watari said clearly knowing his information.

Watari led the two of them into the same office/meeting room as yesterday. As they entered the room, they saw a skinny, short kid, only about 18 years of age, sitting crossed-legged on a table.

The kid looked up to the guests and took a lollipop from his mouth, "Pleased to meet you..." He stared right into Yamishis eyes "I'm R"


'This is the mighty R, I have to be careful, he's probably at the same level as me, although he could be possibly lower.' Yamishi now walked up to R and put out his hand, "Hi, I'm Yamishi, pleased to meet you."

The two shook hands

"I've done my research on you Yamishi, I'm quite impressed actually," said R

"Um, thanks I guess. I've also heard about you" replied Yamishi with a hint of awkwardness.

"Mmm, actually you researched a lot about me too, didn't you? I like you, how about we be friends?"

Yamishi gave a smile

Yamishi wasn't a fool, being so-called friends with R wasn't just for the friendship. He could tell that R wanted to use him for his intellect and skill. Light, or Kira, though some may disagree, wasn't a psychopath nor was he a sociopath, he was a normal person. He was just born smart and with an extremely high IQ, estimated at roughly 250 Due to this, he saw things as how they should be, and through sacrificing himself, he tried to make the world a better place.

In the end Light, L, R and Yamishi all had very similar situations. They were all born into a world which wasn't made for them. For this fact alone Yamishi was extremely wary of R.

Nevertheless, he replied, "Of course, I'd love that."

"Oh, great" R looked Yamishi in the eye and taunted him. "Than call me Ryuzaki"

Without hesitation "Got it, you can just call me Yami, even though that isn't your real name.." He smiled and looked calm but secretly he was surprised. 'What the fuck! No, no need to worry, it was a test and I easily passed. What a fucking idiot, does he really think I'm that dumb? No, wait it was an insult, that fucking asshole! I can't just let him insult me like that!'

Yamishis face was still friendly, "Wow Ryuzaki, It's so amazing to meet the famous Ls successor."

This was something that stumped Ryuzaki, he hadn't expected this. That piece of information only the members of the Wammy house could know.

"How do you know that Yami?" Ryuzaki still had a friendly face but was clearly being cautious.

He had to cool down the situation "Haha, nothing to worry about a friend, it was pretty obvious actually. I mean, ever since Ls death, every time one top detective disappears a new one appears in their place. And they all seem to be at the same level as the last."

Yamishi knew when it was too far and he had just gotten within inches of it. If only he wasn't so easy to anger. This was another thing Yamishi and Light had in common. Both were more emotional than they let on. They were both quick to anger, yet were able to hide it so easily.

Yamishi decided it was time to ease the pressure in the room so he spoke, "I know I wasn't brought here just to be your new friend, so... how about we begin?"

"Right, yes you're right let's begin" Ryuzaki had cooled down but was still slightly suspicious of Yami.

"Son, please tell R what you told me in the car earlier," Yamishis father said.

Yamishi looked at Ryuzaki and began...

A smile crept across Ryuks face "Kekeke, that was close Yamishi, be careful or I'll have to write a name in my book hehe."


A god of death can extend their own life by putting a name on their own note, but humans cannot.


Authors Note: Hey peoples thanks for the support. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Just as a reference when I say Light had an IQ of roughly 250. A high IQ starts from about 132, genius IQ starts at about 160 and the highest ever IQ was recorded at 263. Anyway, till tomorrow~~

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