
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Assigning New Roles

It was the next day and Yamishi and his father sat before Ryuzaki in his office waiting for him to speak. Yamishis arm had been bandaged after being shot and he had taken the day off from school to recover.

Before much longer Ryuzaki opened his mouth, "From what I saw yesterday, you are well trained to be able to pull that off. I've already done my research previously so I knew you could use a gun, but somehow you still far surpassed my expectations. Therefore I will be assigning you a new role."

Yamishi smiled and waited for Ryuzaki to continue however his father wasn't the same.

"Excuse my ignorance R, but this is my son, he's still a high schooler and you took him to such a dangerous spot. What makes you think I'd let you continue, " said Yamishis father.

"This job is full of danger and although I knew that I still did this. I am truly sorry, but I will need him to be doing much more dangerous things in the future. You see, he has insane reflexes and skill, not to mention his intellect which is on par with my own. I want him to take my spot when out in the field, this means he will need to fight occasionally." Said Ryuzaki.

Everything he said was with truth. He wouldn't hide his intentions from Yamishi or his father as there was absolutely no point in doing so.

Yamishis father stood up as soon as he heard this, "I will not accept th-"

Yamishi interrupted his father as he put his hand on his shoulder, "Father, there's no need to worry. When out there I will most likely be fully suited up and armed. If this is what required of me then I'll do it without question."

His father couldn't say anything as he stood still and stared at his son.

Ryuzaki smiled as he began talking, "Of course, there's no need to worry about your sons' safety as he will be set up in the best possible armour, not to mention he won't be first on the field. In fact, the only times he will need to fight are if his team is taken out. But that would be almost impossible as the team I have set up for him to lead are the best of the best."

Yamishis father knew no matter what he said his son would always do the right thing, even if it meant putting himself in danger. "I understand, as long as my son comes homes at the end of the day. I will trust you this time R. Please excuse my previous ignorance."

Ryuzaki got up and walked to a door, on the other side of the door was a figure holding something. When he opened the door in walked Watari.

Yamishi looked to Watari was holding a case of some sort. "What's the case for?" he asked.

Watari didn't speak and instead walked over to the desk Yamishi and his father were seated at. He placed the case on the desk and opened it, as he did so, Ryuzaki walked back over to his desk and sat down.

"This is for you Yamishi" Ryuzaki leant forward in his chair and pulled out a black skin-tight suit.

The suit was fitted with multiple small and thin black plates of armour. This suit was obviously built for Yamishis body. The suit was also fitted with a gun holster on the leg. It included gloves and shoes which could be taken off. It was clearly high tech and built out of the highest quality fabricated materials. Even the parts between the plates of armour could be considered high quality as it was some sort of metallic nanofibre.

As Yamishi analysed it he couldn't help but wonder what the materials used were and the suits overall properties. He realised that the suit would have to had been custom-built or at least still in testing as he had never seen anything like it. Of course, nanofiber and bulletproof armour were inventions of the past, however, this suit seemed different. It was somehow so much more advanced than what the SAT had used the day before.

"It seems to be very high quality. Dad, there's no need to worry anymore, this armour is undoubtedly strong enough to protect me, " Yamishi said as he gave his father a pat on the pack to make him feel more comfortable.

"Indeed it is. I have come to a temporary conclusion that after analysing you, I could consider you to be one of my most trustworthy acquaintances" Ryuzaki said as he got up from his chair once more.

Yamishi had completed his goal in gaining Ryuzakis' trust. He too had been analysing Ryuzaki and had learnt many things over the time they had known each other. One of the most important things he had learnt was that while Ryuzaki may say something, it might only be said to test him. Ryuzaki did this quite often, like for example when he had told Yamishi that he suspected that he was in fact, Kira. This wasn't just said because that's what he believed, but also to see what Yamishis reaction would be like and whether it would be faked or genuine. Yamishi wasn't being naive, he knew that Ryuzaki was around the same level as him when it came to the intellect. It was very possible that the only skill Yamishi had over Ryuzaki was his ability to manipulate those around him.

The rest of the day was spent working on the Kira file, however, nothing notable was discovered. That said there was still major progress made on the whereabouts of that cult group that had ambushed the SAT team.


Meanwhile, in another ward, a girl could be seen in her room. The entire room was full of pictures, pictures of Yamishi Yagami.

The girl lay on the ground talking to herself, "Light, your beginning to remember. You even remembered saving someone. How much longer until-"


One page taken from the Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note.
