
An Opportunity Presents Itself

"Mummy, where are you and dad going?" a little boy questioned.

"Well, your father and I have been invited to a gathering of very important people. Together we will make the world a happy place. Just. for. you." A loving mother said as she poked the little boys nose.

"When will you be back mummy?" the boy said while reaching out for a hug.

The mother picked the boy up and held him to her chest with a hug "I will be back in three days from now. In the meantime make sure to be a good boy for the maids, ok."

"Ok mum~"

With that, the woman got into the back seats of a car with her husband. The car's driver then pulled out from the family estate.


It was a long ride to Saitama from across the other side of Japan, however, the entire trip was filled with anticipation for the future of their family. Soon they would rise to power once again, therefore it was only natural for them to be nervous.

"Honey, it's ok to be nervous, I am too. We are meeting the higher up families of Japan, but with any luck, we may soon rise to the top and stand with them." The husband said reassuring his wife.

"Yes, you're completely right. Soon we will be back in power and it's all thanks to the return of Kira. Without him, none of this would be possible." She said in agreeance with her husband.

"We should be at the hotel any moment now Mr Kenichi," said the driver.

"Good good" replied Kenichi.

When they finally arrived and got out of the car, they were greeted with a huge black and gold building. This building was the Satoshi Deluxe Hotel.

"Hm, this place is indeed worthy for all of the Lords of Japan," said Mr Kenichi.

"Yes Master, you will stay here for tonight and then at exactly 11 am tomorrow I will pick you up and bring you to the gathering held by 12 pm at Satoshi residence. Is everything alright sir?" asked the Driver.

"Yes, that's all good. Just make sure to get my suitcase to my room." The Lord said this as he began walking off towards to hotel entrance.


Meanwhile at the Satoshi residence

"Mr Satoshi, there is somebody here to meet you. A girl it seems" informed the butler.

"Send her in" the lord replied while reading a book.

The butler opened the door and in walked a young girl with blonde hair, most likely in high school.

"Good afternoon Mr Satoshi. My name is Amane, I am here on the behalf of Kira himself," said the young girl with a sense of superiority.

"Kira, and tell me why I would believe such bullshit. What on earth makes you even qualified to speak that way to me!" The lord yelled with anger, clearly sensitive to lies about his God.

Amane pointed at the butler and turned her head to face him. She whispered so that nobody could hear her "Tetsuo, his name is Tetsuo."

She turned back to face the lord and spoke "This man, Kira will now take his life"

The lord raised an eyebrow

in the next five seconds the butler began grasping at his heart, he fell to the ground with a thump. It was a heart attack, the signature kill of Kira.

"I don't believe it, Kira has come to me, he has spoken to me of all people." The lord walked out from his desk and got onto his knees and bowed down. "I am his, Kira controls everything I do from now onwards."

It was obvious that he meant every word that had been said. He would indeed serve Kira with everything that he had.

In the beginning of Kiras return, Yamishi had noticed that the Kira cult was starting to rise in power and were beginning to act out more often. He had learned through research that the Kira cult had once been a very powerful force through Japan, some believing that they were secretly partially controlling Japan itself. He then knew that this was something worth acting upon.

He hacked into government files and found quite a lot of information on the Kira cult. With his power he could make some of the high ups of the cult rat out their leaders, killing them and forcing them to write their leaders name before death. All he needed to do this was a name, and who better to use then Misa Amane. With her deal with a Shinigami, she was given the shinigami eyes, allowing her to see both the name of a person and their remaining life force. With this, finding the higher-up's information was easy. Once he knew the whereabouts of someone in power, he decided to make Misa go and talk with them. He would be able to convince them if he gave Misa an invisible untraceable earpiece. If she gave him a name to write he would write it allowing for her to be believable when faced with the obvious doubt that would come with being a messenger of Kira. Finally, now that all of this had been achieved he could use this lord to gain more power throughout Japan.


The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can, in exchange of half his/her remaining life, get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaining life span when looking through them.


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