
Xian's escape

The fifth of April 2022, London, England.

Jasper notices that N's team stopped watching him, even his laptop stopped being watched, and he started feeling a bit safe.

Abdul started meeting Jasper too many times in places like the library, snacks, the park and many other places, but Abdul didn't show any interest in Jasper, neither Jasper noticed him because to Jasper all Arabians look the same.

Meanwhile N's team at the office was concentrating fully on finding the next suspect, so they started tracking every viewer on all articles related to KIRA, DEATH NOTES or EXECUTER, Nathen done a ton of research to find anyone that can lead them to Kira, but they all didn't get them anywhere.

On the same time, Samir was doing his best on tracking the news about Kira and the EXECUTER, until he found the video of N when he spoke to the world on BBC, so he started watching it, while watching the clip of N he looked with deep focus and said to Sbahacho while pointing at N with his right hand "This is the detective N, right?" Sbahacho stopped reading the manga and said to him "Yes, that is the brilliant N!" Samir looks back at Sbahacho and says without any hesitation "then why no one picked him to be a death note holder?" he says that with a little careless look on his face, Sbahacho looks at Samir for few seconds with a look that seems surprised "But if he gets the death note, he won't use it, he will just try to capture the other three, and it wouldn't be as fun, because he already sees Ryuk, and because he is literally the smartest living human being!"

Samir looks back at his laptop, then looks back at Sbahacho, then looks at his laptop screen, exactly at N's face, then looks back at Sbahacho, then looks at his screen again then Sbahacho, he continues this movement a couple of times while getting faster each time, and eventually stops by looking at Sbahacho and says while pointing at N "This! You are saying that this is the smartest person alive? This is the smartest person on earth?" Sbahacho smiles and says "That guy right there can solve any puzzle, any equation, any problem within minutes if not seconds, he managed to capture Yagami Light when he was only fifteen, you should not under estimate him!"

Samir laughs while eating chips and says "No! No! No! I never under estimate people, never, I am more of interested in this guy, I want him to be in my team without letting him know that I am a death note holder! But how am I going to do that? That will be a hard thing to do, but we will find a way" Sbahacho laughed and said "Ha-Ha! Good luck with that, as for the Executer and Kira I think that they are the same person, because we have just come to earth, and Ryuk was the only person moving around here!"

Samir lays on his bed, and starts playing with a finger in his right thumb, while looking at the ceiling, meanwhile Sbahacho was reading another manga, that we don't know its name.

In Paris, France.

Juliette had already packed all of her things, and wrote on her note the name of one of the richest people in Paris as follows:

-       The full name, will withdraw three million euros out of his bank account and gets drunk by drinking too much alcohol, then he starts giving away money like crazy to some people, and he brings me a half million euros, then he jumps from 20 stores building and dies.

That is exactly what happens, but she had already bought a ticket to London, three before even she started writing, so once she had gotten the money, she went to her bank agency, put them all on her bank account and immediately she bought about one hundred and twenty-five Bitcoins, then she headed to her light.

Once Juliette reached England, she withdrew all of her money and rented a small apartment, and opened a new bank account in England, and sold twenty Bitcoins and bought a car on that same day, with so many cosplaying outfits.

While in the top-secret prison, Xian was creating many different scenarios about how he can escape, with Shido helping him by letting him know details about where the vehicles are and how many are guarding them.

Xian eventually came with the right plan for him to escape, so he started writing it down:

-       Prisoner ****** ***** will kill prisoner ***** ***** and then he will start making noise and kills himself. At 07:45 p.m.

-       Prisoner ****** ***** will try to attack a guardian, and he will fail, then he will just jump to his death. At 08:10 p.m.

-       The guard ***** ***** will come, open my cell, and give me his gun and outfit, then he will go to the bathroom and die out of a heart attack right there. At 08:20 p.m.

-       The principle's wife ***** ****** will kill herself at home, and his daughter *** ***** will call him and tell him that his wife is dead then kills herself by a knife. At exactly 08:23 p.m.

-       The prisoners ***** *****, ***** *****, ****** ****, and ***** **** will all start fighting with the guards and kill themselves by the guards' pistols. At 08:30 p.m.

-       The guard **** ****** will give me his car keys, then goes outside and starts panicking and saying to the out watchers that he is seeing a massive ghost. At 08:35 p.m. he starts chocking beside them and throwing up blood.

Then, he starts waiting.

07:38 p.m. the first prisoner kills his cell-mate and kills his self, he dies by 07:45 p.m. shortly after that the prison goes into a mess, especially after knowing that the principle was not there. And Xian manages to leave the prison through all the miss he had created.

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