
The Prologue


That's how all this started but let's go before this.

"Zach!" Professor Jenkins yelled.

"Huh? ".

"Zachary Storm pay attention! Now read passage 5." She commanded.

Professor Jenkins was a voluptuous college teacher who caught the eye of every male student although she is crowded in mystery.

And I admired that about her.

"Yes Ma'am! " Zach responded.

Later that day I hanged out with my childhood friend who in fact was a guy but looked like a young girl which has caused so many misunderstandings such as Pedophilia and other stuff. We both went out drinking and were both pissed drunk. Last thing I remember I someone screaming my name and a car.

So yeah that's how I'm in this pitch black space thing so you could say I died. But I wonder is this heaven or hell.... maybe neither?

Woah what's with the shaking? Ahhhhhhhh!!

"Hello mere mortal! " The darkness said.

"What who are you and where are you!?" Zach questioned.

Next chapter