
Death korps of Kreig Fanfic: A survivor

Okay this is heavily inspired by the Lord of change Fanfic and me.....I'll be mixing somethings up but just roll with it......took me time. Also no I've not dropped my other works, this is just one of the stories I wrote and managed to recover and simply edited.

56Neutralists · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: The Work Of Fate

" Do you…..want her." The Male Drukhari said aloud and suddenly which re-focused my attention on the Xeno. I looked at him briefly before looking at the Aeldari. She…returned the look with a face of disgust and yet confusion. I stared deep into her eyes for as long as I could, slightly taken aback by the oddity of her presence.

" Oh, want to have a taste." The male Drukhari said with excitement in his voice as he walked closer to the Aeldari and then put one hand over her shoulder before slowly exploring her body, as he did so he looked up at me with a Kind smile and walked towards me slowly and Disgustingly.

" Oh don't worry I'll make an exception for-" he began saying when suddenly my body moved, although my eyes were still focused on the Aeldari. My body reached for a Flash Grenade and pulled it's pin. My eyes were wide open as I took in as much information as possible as the blinding light overtook and blinded my vision.

Based on the information I took, my body moved quickly as I grabbed my shovel which was at my waist and swung it. The feeling of flesh soon clashed with the edge of my shovel and then a hard substance soon clicked against my shovel though I was sure I cracked it. Quickly I threw a flash grenade behind me and listened as it rolled outside and detonated. Following up with another set of action, I moved and reached below for my shovel and soon caught the handle.

Using my foot, I stepped on the body and withdrew my shovel out of the body before I then swung it sideways in an attempt to hit the Aeldari next to me. My shovel connected with flesh though not to deep. I withdrew it and then slashed down continuously on the pile of Xeno's flesh and all this happened under 15 seconds. ' As much damage as possible ' a voice repeated in my head…my voice and so I brought out a Frag and unclipped it with the intention of blowing us all up however just then I felt a shocking feeling all over my body as I was blasted away from the room though not before dropping my frag.

Landing on my back I felt my body become numb and the previous stress which had culminated in my body finally struck though I gritted my teeth as I forced myself up even when I couldn't feel most of my limbs, I was unfortunately knocked out by a force in front of me causing me to immediately fall back down as darkness soon took over.


I felt sore all over my body as it refused to move in an attempt to deal with the yet unattended strain on it and yet now was not the time to give it it's satisfaction as I inhaled a deep breath from my masking noting that I was still alive hence my duty had not yet ended. I took another breath before opening my eyes as I felt some stinging in it though I still opened it and took a quick scan of the area. It was dark very dark though I suspected my eyes would soon get somewhat used to it and it of course did as the darkness of krieg had made me familiarize my body with such environments.

I moved my arms and soon noticed I was chained to somewhere and to something, the first thought that popped into my head was Gommoragh but it was too quiet and so I waited. I sat up and began feeling my way onto where I was chained to and once I reached the of the chain, which was attached to something I quickly noticed it had sharp protruding edges or rather spikes. I sat down and decided to simply focus my mind to other things whilst I wait for my end.

' That was reckless ' the voice said inside my head.

' …..the only choice.' I replied back.

' No it wasn't. You could have played along-' she began saying only for me to interrupt her speech.

' With a Xeno and a Drukhari nonetheless. Never!. I'll be disobeying direct orders from Krieg high command if I ever think of such a thing.' I replied back with spiteful tone.

'...…' silence soon returned in my head as she silenced herself.

[ Footsteps ]

The sound of someone walking towards where I currently was soon sounded. From what I have learnt…it was intentional. This Xeno are more than capable of reducing the amount of noise they make as they have done so several other times. I looked up in wait for the Xeno to reveal their face and it did...

" Aeldari." I said aloud as the being was clearly the female Aeldari from before…..which means the Drukhari Male might have survived though I was sure I hit a living being.

She looked at me not with disgust any longer but rather a more confused look. She walked two steps forward before moving two steps backward.

" #*$^$ #*&$ *@&$ " she said in what I shall presume to be Xeno language.

" *$&$ &$^#* #*$&$ @^$&#*" she said once more.

( Bang )

She hit the wall in what I presume to be anger or rather frustration. She frowned and then proceed to speak and repeat several other incomprehensible words and sentences for some minutes. Now she began to frown as she stared at me and I back at her. I hadn't moved my body much as I simply stared as the Xeno throw heretical words all around the air. Again some part of me wondered if she could just kill me.

" Illinae Nehiath. " she said once more though not in frustration, it seemed like she was giving up and saying her last few Heretical words before leaving. My body forcibly Jolted up as mind immediately knew what that sentence meant. I had unintentionally giving the Xeno's a reaction that I should have not. It was near instinctual which I had not even known was still possible. Silence soon returned to the room as the Aeldari looked at me with a new facial Expression.

Chapter 5 : Questionable actions

I'll try to increase the word count after chapter 8

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