
Chapter 1

"Zoe, Zoe dear, time to wake up" someone was shaking me awake, I stirred trying to push the person away "ZOE" came the same voice, but a lot sterner, I moaned and rolled over, finding myself face to face with the person who was shaking me awake, my MUM. I stared at her and groaned "whatever!" my mum never let me sleep in, I hated her so much!

"get up zoe!" my mum yelled again making me jump, again I groaned but this time I rolled out of bed and faced mum who was still sitting down, "Well?" I glared "if you want me to get changed them out!" my mums face changed from angry to furious,

"well if you want to go to Hawaii you better change that attitude, and if you don't them you'll find yourself staying with your aunt, so think about it!", I stepped back and paled, I really wanted to go to Hawaii and certainty didn't want to go stay with my aunt, and to be honest she wasn't actually my aunt, she's not blood related, she's just been mums friend since primary school, soo I am forced to call her 'Aunty'. "sorry" I muttered to mum hoping she thought I was actually sorry and... she did yay ME!! I'm going to Hawaii and my parents can't stop me! little did I know deep down I really did love my parents, for they were ALWAYS there for me. As I walked out of my room my younger sister Pheebie bumped right into me, I swung to face her and glared "watch where you're going weirdo!, Pheebie turned red and snapped back "don't be so rude, you're the one with no brains!" I went to hit her; but she ducked and ran down the stairs "whatever" I muttered.


As I was walking to school, I saw my best friend Aurora and waved her over, Aurora smiled back and ran over to me "Hi" she panted

"hello" I replied happily, Aurora is the name I always wanted ever since I was 5, it was just such a nice name! Though I think it suits her a lot more than me, Aurora was beautiful, she had beautiful soft brown hair, a beautiful tan and lushes brown eyes, "how are you?" I asked her kindly,

I'm ok" she responded just as cheerful "how about you?"

I groaned and told her about my morning and added "I just feel like they don't love me and I don't belong in the house" tears came to my eyes but I wiped them away, Aurora moved over to me and gave me a hug, "it will be ok" she whispered in my ear, I smiled and hugged her back, she was so caring! I pulled away from her and said "oh, I'm also going to Hawaii", Aurora gasped and smiled, "WOW!! you lucky!" I smiled and we walked the rest of the way to school talking about how weird we thought boys were.

Before Aurora and I took our separate ways into the school I turned to her and asked, "hey Aurora, can I come to your place after school please?"

"of course!" Aurora responded eagerly

School seemed to drag by as if it didn't want me going to Auroras house, but as soon as the school bell signalled the end of the day I couldn't get out of there quick enough, when i got to the school gate Aurora was already there waiting for me, when Aurora spotted me she smiled and I ran over "hello" I smiled,

"hi" Aurora giggled, I looked at her suspiciously, "what you giggling at?"

"well" Aurora started "your sister told me to tell you that you're a stinky bum!", we both burst out laughing, normally Pheebie would tell Aurora to tell me stuff that were quite mean and would make Aurora angry, but this one was just hilarious!

When we reached Auroras house my stomach twinged with jealousy, the front garden was green and fresh and the front of the house looked miraculous, but when you walked inside the front yard was nothing! The inside of the house was full of expensive furniture and beautiful cream walls! At my house everything was cheap and the walls were white with drawings on some of them, even though I've known Aurora since I was 4 I never stopped being jealous of their house and all the trips they went on over the summer holidays, Hawaii was going to be my first ever holiday! I loved Auroras mum as well she was kind and never yelled!

By the time Auroras mum dropped me of home it was 6:00 and my family was already having Dinner, mum wasn't happy.


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