
Chapter 658: Maria's disappearence

Two days passed in a flash, and Maria was still nowhere to be found. After she left that day, nobody saw her; naturally, the others couldn't continue the sparring matches, it was canceled.

Alex couldn't stay he searched for her but was unable to locate her, it was as if she had vanished from the city. He even asked for the girls' help, but together they were still unable to find Maria. Not even Silveria managed to locate her.

Tonight the moon was more beautiful than usual for those in the mood to enjoy it. 

Funnily today was lovers' day; it was like valentine's day on Earth. Unfortunately, Alex was not in the mood to enjoy this day because he could not find his lover. At the same time, he might have gone out with Artemia; he chose not to because by doing something like that without taking care of his problem with Maria, he couldn't afford to get distracted. 

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