
Chapter 516: Acquaintances meeting in Exodus

A few kilometers away from Maria and Kuina, located was a big canyon, and currently, in the middle of this canyon, a fight was taking place.

A group of players was fighting against a big scorpion; although they were heavily damaging this 2 Star Boss, the casualties on their side were big; out of the fifty men Ryder had brought, more than half was killed, he became frustrated. 

Lightning flashed from his hand and landed on the big scorpion stopping its movements momentarily. 

Ryder looked behind him; a girl was sitting nonchalantly on a boulder chewing something; this girl was beautiful, short bob hair, crimson eyes, her hair was also crimson like a flame. The only shortcoming you could point out on this girl's body was her small breasts, no there weren't small but literally flat like a flatboat. This girl called herself Riley, a temporary member of his guild. She is strong, perhaps stronger than him. 

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