1 Chapter 1 -- Liyden

I sighed as I opened the envelope that had been resting on Levi's chest, careful not to wake him, before running my fingers over the inked words. I tilted my head at the words, brushing a stray strand of my knee-length silver hair over my shoulder.

"What do you think, Ly?"

I glanced up slightly as the letter was gently slipped from my fingers. I heard the sound of rustling paper, of Levi's breathing, still a bit slow from sleep, of the scrape of his clothes on his skin as he sat up from his napping position on the couch. "I don't care," I replied. "Whatever keeps you alive."

Levi chuckled. "That response is just like you."

I tilted my head as I felt fingers touch next to my eyes.

"How are your eyes doing?"

Levi's fingers were brushing against the bandages wrapped around my eyes, and I knew his own, one gold to match his hair, and one a deep violet, were slightly sad.

I just reached up, patting his hand. "I'm fine. Remember, I don't need sight in order to protect you."

"I know you don't."

"So, are we taking that job?" I asked, sitting on the couch.

"I think we'll have to. We're running low on money, after all," said Levi, and I heard him slip on his doctor's coat. "We'll do it after work. How's that?"

I nodded, taking the jacket he pressed to my hands.

Levi was a psychologist. Not just any psychologist, but one who specialized in dealing with cases caused by supernatural beings. He helped those with Akuma, to keep the Akuma from taking control of the host and changing into an Akumai. He could sever paranormal bonds, and even drive out other spirits and demons.

Of course, I was his assistant. He prepared them in the best way possible, so they'd have the least amount of mental and spiritual damage, then I'd dive into Limbo, which was the world between Heaven, Earth, and Hell, where the most amount of paranormal beings resided. I'd take on whatever was in that person and free them.

I felt Levi hook his arm through mine, which was his way of leading me as we walked, as I couldn't use my eyes, not in the mortal world.

We walked out of our little apartment, Levi escorting me down to the street, where he helped me into a taxi, telling the man to go to the hospital a good half and hour away.

Levi helped me out of the car, linking arms with me once more before leading me into the hospital.

"Good morning, Doctor Goldstein!"

"Good morning," Levi called back.

"You, too, Hyden!"

I nodded, smirking slightly to myself at the fact that we kept our true names hidden from the hospital. That made it very easy to cut ties if needed.

We made our way up to the tenth floor, Levi sitting down in the chair at his desk as I took off the sweater, reaching for the ripped lab coat hanging up on the wall. My fingers missed the first grab before closing around the fabric the second time. I slipped it on over my simple black T-shirt, knowing I must have looked quite strange wearing a torn coat.

"I can always buy you a new one," said Levi, as if reading my mind.

"Don't bother. Save that money for bills and the rent," I replied. "I can fight in anything." I touched the coat, and there was a faint light as it mended itself.

"You know you shouldn't use your powers for something trivial," said Levi from behind me.

I nodded. "I know. But we have quite the patient coming into the building today. I should look presentable."

Levi put his hand on my shoulder and I turned my face toward where he was, tilting my head. "Will you be alright?"

"Of course."

There was a sudden knock at the door. "Doctor Goldstein, the group from the Bureau is here."

"I'll be right out. Please escort them to Z-9."

"Of course."

Levi sighed. "Ready, Ly?"

I nodded. "Let's go. Remember to stay safe, Levi."

"I will. You, too. Don't do anything foolish," said Levi, patting me on the head before leading us out of the office and through a highly secured door.

There were several other checkpoints before Levi led me into a large room, the interior walls heavily enchanted with barriers.

I tilted my chin up as a foul, sickeningly sweet scent hit my senses. "Levi..."

Levi just squeezed my hand, letting me know it would be fine. I felt him straighten up, his voice turning to the one he used when talking with the patients, cool and professional.

"Welcome. My name is Levi Goldstein, and I'm the Akuma specialist at this hospital," he said. "Could you please describe what's wrong?"

I listened to the person talking, taking the time to listen to the breathing of the others in the room, identifying that there were a total of ten people other than the one sitting in the chair in the middle of the room. Apparently, this patient was a member of the Exorcist Bureau, a fairly high-ranking one, based on the number of escorts.

"I assume that one beside you is your assistant?"

"Yes. Her name is Hyden, and she's the one that will be diving into the Limbo to combat the Akuma itself."

I felt the gazes of the majority of the people in that room were now on me, and I just nodded. "It's a pleasure."

"Really, now?" asked one. "There are less than a dozen humans who can withstand diving into the Limbo in the world. We must be very... lucky to have met you, Miss Hyden."

I just nodded. "Levi, are we ready?"

"Almost. Let me hypnotize him, and then you can go."

I nodded, letting Levi take my hand, pressing it against the man's temple.

"Now, listen to me," Levi said. "Both of you. Empty your mind of all irrelevant thoughts. Pay attention only to the sound of my voice. You're sinking deeper into the darkness, deeper, darker. Now, Mr. Leonard, you can feel a small object in your hand. You should see a small gold bell in your palm. Do you see it?"

"Yes..." muttered the dreary patient.

"That is the connection between you and Hyden. That's how she'll find you. Just ring the bell, and Hyden will find you. Can you see your surroundings? What do they look like?"

"I'm... in a room," muttered the patient, eyes half-closed, barely even conscious due to Levi's hypnosis. "It's a familar room... with two reclining chairs and a sofa. There's a television on the wall, but its playing static. The rug is old, and it's black and white. There's a coffee table in between the sofa and TV. And the door is to the left..."

"Good," said Levi. "I want you to step up to the door. Now, don't open it, but you should see a lock or bolt, or both. I need you to unlock them for me."

"I'm scared. I feel malicious intent when I look at that door."

"It's okay. Just unlock it. I promise nothing will happen if you unlock it. A very brave young woman will be coming very soon to help. Now, I need you to ring the bell. Not hard, but I need you to ring it consistantly."


Levi's voice changed to someone more urgent. "Hyden, can you hear the bell?"

"Yes," I said.

"Good. That is how you will find Mr. Leonard. There will be many obstacles in your path. Destroy them all and calm the Akuma in this man. I order you."

My eyes opened from under the bandages. "Yes, Levi."

There was a bright flash of light that blinded all in the room, and when they were able to see again, I was gone.


I was weightless, floating in the darkness all alone, my silver hair drifting around me as if I was floating in water. My single violet eye stared into the darkness, a strange glowing butterfly resting on the closed lid of my other eye. I had black, scaled wings, like a dragon's, and I held a long, black metal pole.

The darkness was endless, silent, begging me to just stay still and rest. But I knew my objective. My wings cut through the darkness easily, propelling me through the dense murk.

Suddenly, the blackness changed to a dark gray, the density changing from that of water to that of thick fog. In the fog, there were many, many doors that hung, as if suspended. They were all different from each other, some large or small, some old or modern, and all with unique designs and colors and shapes.

This was Limbo, also known as the Outer Consciousness shared by human being in the world. And through each of those doors was the Inner Consciousness of a single individual. Akuma resided in the Inner Consciousness, until they were able to take over the individual and manifest in the mortal world.

I listened carefully, a few moments passing before I heard a small tinkle in the distance. I flapped my bat-like wings, flying through the fog, dodging the doors and moving fast until the bell sounded closer. I turned to the left slightly, then going down further.

Finally, I stood before brown wood door with an iron knob and knocker. It had a series of small stained glass windows, and all of the hardware was iron. Obviously, this man was a true Exorcist, as iron was often used to repel supernatural beings.

I pushed the door open, and it swung wide easily, as the locks had been undone. I stepped inside, my feet touching the floor, gravity taking control of my body once again.

I only glanced over my shoulder as the door swung shut, the noise of the crashing wood shocking in the dead silence. I looked around the room, which was exactly like the man had said, my eyes lingering on the static screen of the TV before moving to the corner of the room, where the man sat with his knees to his chest, eyes cast downward, as if he were trying to avert his gaze from something.

"Look what I found. How interesting. So nice of his man to bring me a snack."

I glanced to the left, finding a tall woman with short flame-red hair and eyes the color of coal. Her bright yellow pupils were slit vertically, like a snake, and her fingers were abnormally long and slender, like a tree's branches.

"I assume you're the Akuma?" I asked, putting one hand on my hip and tilting my head.

"Yes," said the woman. "I am known as Pluma, and I am one of the many fire-attribute Akuma. And I am a soon-to-be Akumai."

I smirked slightly. "Is that so? You know, to become an Akumai, you need to take over your host, right?"

Pluma laughed. "Of course. See that weak little human over there? I've almost completely absorbed him. It was pathetic how he fell, actually. A mistake in a mission loosened his grip on me, and I took that chance to escape his uses."

"Is that so?"


I smiled slightly. "What would you do if I said the only reason I'm here is to stop you?"

"Oh, good question. There's only one answer, though. I'd kill you."

I smiled wider. "Is that so?" I ran one of my nails down the pad of my thumb, drawing a drop of blood. I drew a symbol in the air, the blood floating there as if I'd drawn on a wall, only for a moment, before I thrust the pole into the center of the circle. Both the circle and the pole glowed as the metal distorted and changed into a different weapon. As the blood from the circle soaked into the metal, I brandished the scythe at the Akuma. "Sorry, but I suppose it's time to cut our conversation short."

Pluma nodded, baring long fangs as her claw-like hands swiped through the air.

I dodged her first attack, getting behind her and hitting her over the head with my wings. I swung the scythe, the blade going through her stomach, impaling her to the floor. I stepped back as Pluma screamed and writhed, pulling two black chokers from the lab coat pockets. I slipped the first around the Akuma's neck, before walking over to the man in the corner.

"Hey, can you hear me?" I asked.

The man lifted his head, looking at me warily.

"I'm Hyden. I'm the one sent to help you. There's no reason to be afraid of me." I held out the black choker. "This is for you. It's your choice if you want to take it, but if you do, then the Akuma won't be able to slip out of your control again. It's up to you, of course, but remember that you have a job to do."

The man's eyes turned form wary and slightly frightened to determined and confident. "Of course, Hyden." He took the choker from my hand, clasping it around his neck.


I reached out, pulling my scythe from the Akuma, who lay on the floor, paralyzed. I glanced around the room before tapping the shaft of the scythe against the floor. There was a flash of light once more, before I appeared in the large room once again.

"Did you succeed?" asked one of the men in the room as Levi moved toward me, carrying my bandages.

"Ask the patient yourself," I said as Levi wrapped my eyes again. "He should be awake in a few moments."

Right on cue, the man moved drearily.

I couldn't see the expression on his face, but I could hear how relieved and grateful his voice sounded as he thanked Levi.

"And you, Miss Hyden. Thank you so much. I'm not quite sure what you did, but I thank you."

I just nodded. "There are a few things we need to tell you before you leave, though. That choker, for example, is a device used to restrain Akuma. If you need or want to use your power, just take it off, but be sure to put it back on as soon as you're done, because that'll let the Akuma free again."

"Yes. Thank you."

I nodded, Levi helping me to the door.

"Another doctor will come very soon to notify you about everything else," said Levi. "I'll take my leave, Exorcist Bureau."

Levi pat my head as we walked through the halls. "You did well."

I nodded. "Of course, Master Levi."

Levi chuckled lightly. "Then I'll be counting on you again, Reaper Liyden."
