
Death by Fuzzy Socks

"Fuck, why does it get so cold," I mutter to myself as I shove my feet into a large pair of fuzzy socks. Grumbling to myself I walk towards the door to go make myself some hot chocolate. I know my brother, Nate, will make fun of the socks but for the love of chocolate and the possibility that he may invite Jason over tonight, I figure it is worth it. This is a BL if you don’t like it don’t read it.

Lisa_James_27 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Be More Interesting

Noah flushes as Jason lets go of his arm savoring the warmth but quickly dashes past him wanting to bury himself in blankets and pillows. Quickly reaching the top of the stairs he remembers that he had left his unfinished drink downstairs and personally he hated it when an ice cube melts and makes the bottom of the cup seem like it has weird specks in it. Spinning around to head back and grab his water he feels his feet slip. His fuzzy socks though supper comfy didn't have the same sticky pads that slippers do and fell out from under him. Letting out a little squeak he falls down the stairs reaching for the railing and slightly missing.

Blinking quickly to ward off a wave of dizziness Noah sits up looking at the young girl in front of him with two braids in her hair eating what looked like purple popcorn and slightly frowning at him. "Ummm hi," he says his voice coming odd and light.

"How boring. You are the fourth one today that failed to do anything interesting. I mean there was that hot guy right there and you ran off to go get warm by yourself! What's the point of that? You could have taken the hot guy with you and at least given me something interesting to watch." The little girl ranted on and Noah tried to follow what she was saying fighting off waves of dizziness and an urge to sleep.

"Who are you?" Noah asks frowning in the girl's direction.

Slowly a childish grin spreads across the little face, "Well you don't look like a total loss. Let's see..." the girl hums, a notebook appears in her hands and she taps a pen on the pages. "This is fixable. A bit of training and a minimal operations system to keep you on the right track. Your personality is alright. Okay, here!" Tapping her pen again this time the writing she put down disappeared into the pen turning into a swirling blue orb that she quickly flings at Noah.

Flinching, he raises his hands and lowers his face. "Alrighty! Wanna watch this with me?" the girl continues as nothing happened despite the odd tingling and increase in dizziness and confusion that Noah is feeling.

"Watch what?" he manages to get out not quite sure what at all she is talking about.

"You can look at your system after we watch this. Consider it a bit of training with me to pay for your reincarnation," the girl bounces up, grabs his arm, and pulls him. The entire room swirls and they appear in what looks like a security office but with a plushy bed rather than an office chair. She plops onto the bed still holding his arm and turns on the screen. "This is one of my favorites scenes from a previous... um, friend." She turns to the screen absorbed instantly into what is happening.

On the screen, Noah sees a college student sitting in a cafe with a slightly older man. "This is Kyle and the older one is James," she quickly adds. Kyle sits back in the chair in the cafe, tightening his grip on a hot drink topped in whipped cream and glancing up at James.

"Sorry about running off like that last night," Kyle begins. "I was nervous when you just kissed me like that."

James smirks and leans towards him, "But you liked it yeah?" Kyle's face erupts in a deep blush dying everything from his ears to the back of his neck a bright pink. "Come on, let's go home," James said.

With that, the screen blinked switching to a view with James pressing Kyle against a door. "Don't hide your face from me. I love the way you blush," the older man muttered lifting Kyle's face for another kiss, pressing into him and shoving his knee between the boy's legs. Quickly deepening the kiss James began to undo the button and zipper keeping him away from the small soft tower that fits perfectly in his hand.

Kyle gasps at the sudden warmth and pushes his hips forward grinding into the palm in front of him. "The bed," he weakly breaths. Whimpering as the warmth moves away from his crotch to his hips and tosses him onto the bed. His pants are quickly discarded to fit into the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Moving back into the kiss Kyle feels James removing his clothing as well. James then grabs their cocks and holds them together. The smaller five inches leaking onto the larger almost seven-inch tower with an almost purple girth that matches. With a groan, James shoves his hips forward grinding the two cocks together in his fist, and grabbing one of Kyle's loose hands he puts it around the tips of their cocks. "Feel how wet you are. Do you see what you are doing to me?" James groans into Kyle's hair.

Kyle can only respond with a groan as his wet member twitches on the edge. "Good boy, come for me," James whispers continuing to fist their members together. With another groan, Kyle cums over his hand. James smirks and holds his hard bulging cock against the softening one. "We aren't done yet love," he wipes some of the cum from his hand moving it back to the pink bud below. James continues to jerk himself off as he rubs his index finger back and forth against the now quivering bud. After ensuring his finger is coated in cum he pushes in causing Kyle to jerk against him. "Shhh, it's okay. You feel that finger love?" With a small whimper, Kyle nods his head at James his eyes slightly misting but more in surprise than pain.

As the finger moves back and forth in Kyle's but James matches the pace with the fist around his cock until a thick burst of cum spreads out on his fist once more. Turning his hand in their now combined semen James coat another finger joining it with the first and turning his hand looking for a sensitive bundle of nerves that he is sure will bring Kyle once again to the edge. "Ahh," Kyle shudders and James smiles as he rubs a small circle on the bundle of nerves then withdraws his hand.

Grabbing his now hard again cock and aligning it to the small quivering bud with a jerk of his hips he pushes the head of his monster into the soft mounds. Feeling the sudden tightness against him and the way Kyle once again jerks in his arms he freezes there letting his little lover adjust to the intrusion. Rubbing small circles on the hips resting in his hands he waits for the tightened ring of muscles to relax their grip. After a few more moments he feels it give a bit and shoves in another three inches. "Oh you are so big," Kyle gasps.

Pausing again for a moment James laughs, "I'm sorry love but I'm only halfway in," he says to the boy. Kyle's sparkling eyes widen and he shifts a bit to try and look down at where they are connected. Feeling the wiggle James is unable to resist any longer and slams the rest of his monster home leaving Kyle to wreathe in his arms. Feeling the tightening of the muscles around his cock James pulls back and slams home again to watch the way his lover jerks in his arms. With a small huff of satisfaction James then beings to pound back and forth into the small hole.

As the pain fades away and the long girthy member continues to pound into his prostate Kyle can only gasp as pleasure rises. "You said, umm, be gentle..." he pants.

"You have no idea," James pants back as he continues to slam into the smaller boy. Kyle jumps and tightens again and seeing this James grabs the head of the smaller cock tightly. "Wait for me..." he hisses at the smaller boy while loving how quickly he can bring his lover to the edge. Only moments later he loosens his grip a bit allowing Kyle to orgasm and the tightened muscles quickly bring him over the edge as well.

As both their bodies relax in the afterglow, James keeps his member firmly in the soft cushions of the younger's ass. Kyle's eyes being to flutter and James flips him over pulling their bodies tight together.

"Ahhh! So romantic," the girl gushes at the screen, "Look at that! It's not that hard. I mean you are more of a Neko anyway so really what more is there than letting them get started!" With flushed cheeks and a grin, the girl turns to Noah who is still staring at the darkening screen with a look of horror on his face.

"Why?" he gasps, "That way someone's private..."

"Not really," the girl quickly responds. "It was another reincarnation who gave permission for this in order to get the chance to live again, just like you!" With that, the girl waves her hand at him and pushes so Noah once again finds himself in the room where he woke up earlier.

"You will get used to it," she says. "Any questions?"

"What reincarnation?" Noah gasps just now realizing that he might be dead. After all, he has had wet dreams before but never anything so vivid and he did now remember falling down the stairs.

"Don't worry about that. I'm putting you back in the body you had before just with a system now to help you keep up. Besides, I was asking about the training video but if not then have fun." With that Noah's world once again becomes dark as he slides out of the station world and back into his own body still not quite sure what had happened.

Some reason I thought writing a sex scene would be easier but gosh I must have used the word groan like 50 times for lack of better things to say. Hope you like it. This one was like 1.5x longer than the first chapter but probably took almost three times as long. I have some ideas about how things are going to go with Noah and Jason but if you have any thoughts feel free to let me know. See you tomorrow with the next chapter, another less smutty one while Noah tries to process things.

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