
Mr. Curtain is a Liar

Hello Mr.Curtain here also known as Dracoforce. The first thing i'm here to say is disregard the title Chase from chapter 3 is just a little but hurt about what happens this chapter and he threatened to off himself and end the story early if I didn't make this the title if i didn't know any better i'd think he's depressed, but we all know that's not real. Second I didn't intend to make this the story much of a horror story but intentions change as chase will soon find out... or already found out... just disregard time when i'm the one talking because timelines are a little difficult which is why i hate time travel.

Well it seems I have a bit of a rambling problem as well so I'll just leave it here and let you enjoy the show


Great job at keeping your word Mr. Curtain. You just said that I wouldn't be talking in first person but here i am. Nonetheless welcome people to air ghost please enjoy the ride while i give you some gentle exposition.

I've been in what i would call a parallel dimension for this last year. I call it a parallel dimension because i can see everyone but they can't see me so it's not a parallel universe or world . I estimate it to be dimension 3.5 seeing as i can't move freely through space and time nor do i have any qualities that we deem this any of the dimensions above.

I've also been being chased by the demons and soup makers... I mean ghost hunters. See if you don't get the joke you didn't read the prologue and for you i have some strong words for the others thank you kind patrons and also if you got any spare power stones that you don't need if you could just slide those my way that would be great.

But back to the story where was I... 3.5th dimension yada yada...being chased... soup makers... Oh yeah that brings us to my current situation where i'm currently being chased by a demon. Wait! No! I'm not ready to go yet! Mr.Curtain is taking my voice. You can take my voice, You can take ability to break the 4th wall, but you can never take my spirit!

Well that is enough of him and now we go to third person narration. So currently Chase is being... well chased.(If you can't already tell i have the widest sh*t eating grin on my face from saying that). On his left he has the ghost hunters on his left clad in shiny white lab coats, tinted big circular glasses, an what can only e described as a suped-up vacuum attached to a thermos.

On the right you have a demon which are usually big hulking figures with devil horns you know what why am i describing Just look up Ch*0r from Ch*0tic that C*nadian TV show from the early 2000s and make their skin burgundy. Anyways disregard what I just told you this one is different. Its skin is an azure blue it's body instead of being a hulking pile of muscle it's only 6 feet tall and has toned muscle but worst of all it's in a police uniform, golden badge, blue button up and all.

Of course Chase being the enigmatic narcissist of a genius he is he immediately jumped to the rooftops with his near flight like abilities. The demon could eat his soul and he be damned for all eternity but he is not being put in a thermos his pride just couldn't handle that level of humiliation.

Using is 2 years of track and field experience in high school before his death he leaps from building to building before he reaches the edge of the city he turns around to see... this can't be right i must be reading it wrong lets see... if i flip it upside down... turn my head sideways and squint my eyes... No yeah it says this demon is keeping pace with him by walking on air alongside the buildings.

(Demon cop) "Are you done yet" He says nonchalantly

(Chase) "Yeah i'm done... living" He says as he jumps of the building doing a trustfall into the arms of whatever comes after the after.

Wait a minute you can't do this to me this is the second chapter and I've got a contest to win or at least place at least give me my five thousand wor- oh... nevermind before he could fall 2 feet the demon caught him with some kind of force hold.

(Demon cop) "I've got another send him to the test" He says with the most done with this job look in his eyes.

Now what Chase was feeling can only be described as indescribable pain. If he still had skin it would be being torn off layer by layer as his teeth were being pulled out. -Sidebar I just want you to know this part of the story i can control and i believe this is what he deserves never call me a f*cking virgin... Back to what i was saying- his teeth were being pulled out along with his nails and finally his genome is being deconstructed before he reappears cell by cell in a dark room

(Disembodied voice) "Welcome to the ghost death test please enjoy your stay!" it says maniacally

(Chase) Mr. Curtain you motherf*cker i hope you die in a fire and i curse all your ancestors you said this wasn't gonna be a horror novel."

Yeah so i didn't hit 1000 but i'll just take the last 50 some odd words off of the prologue

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