
Reviews of Death's Lover


Death's Lover


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



As of this writing, I read 7 chapters. If you're into secretly soft-hearted aloof characters, you might want to give this novel a try. Amon gives an impression of indifference to the world. But we are given glimpses of his personality which makes me excited about how his character development will go further into the story. This is not a face-paced novel. The author is still building up the lore and the world in the story. That's not to say it is boring. The chapters were a breeze to read through. I hardly noticed that I reached the end of the available chapters. I just want to keep reading to know about its world and its characters.

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Again, mandatory self-review! But as usual, I won’t be biased and will rate myself accordingly. Writing Quality - I give myself a 4. I am a perfectionist when it comes to this and I know I can do better when I put more effort into it. I still lack in this and I admit that. Update Stability - Giving myself a 5 because I update daily and give 1-3 chapters a day~! Story Development - So far, so good—not too fast, not too slow, the pacing is just right. 👌 Taking my time and even in a reader’s perspective, I apprefiate the flow of the story in this manner so that it won’t seem forced. Character Design - My chatacters are like based on the character archetypes such as the hero, the innocent, etc. It may be a common use in stories, but it is pretty relevant and useful in making a story because if characters aren’t planned and all, then the story might be messed up. I gave into thought the creation of Amon and Lilith. World Background - This I’m not so specific about because I could have elaborated the world well enough. Although the story is also related to the world of The Soup Eater’s Possession, this can be really good! ^^ But still, won’t give it a perfect score. That is all for my rating for myself~!


10 chapters in, and I'm already hooked. Writing quality: The writing quality of the author si topnotch, with cleverly constructed sentences that are easy to read and visualize. Very professional. Stability of updates: The author is consistent with her updates, so I believe that it deserves 5 stars. Story Development: I believe this book is to be savored slowly, rather than to be taken in a fast-paced manner. Which is not a bad thing, since it enables the reader to get to know and connect with the characters and the story more. Character Design: Let me just say one thing--I absolutely love how the characters are constructed; grim reaper Amon with a cow head mask, and Lilith with heterochromia and speaks in third person. I applaud MysticAmy for doing a great job here. The distinctive features of the characters made them stand out from those of other novels, which just means to say that the author definitely took her time and effort in creating these intricate details. Overall, 10/10 must read. PS. let me just say that the novel kinda reminded me of the K-Drama "Goblin," esp. when Amon was getting the dying soul of the mother. Except here, he's so flustered LMAO can't deny I laughed when he said "Damn me..." T-T And please keep the "Almond" nickname for Amon. That was so witty, haha!


are you taking a break or did you drop the novel