
The Beginning of the End

Dear Sa-chan, if only I'd had sex with you that time, perhaps I wouldn't have wandered down this disastrous path.

As both were kissing each other to make themselves feel good. Sa-chan suddenly stopped and pushed herself away from Katagiri and she said, " I'm Sorry, I-I'm scared.... " Katagiri quickly understood why she was scared. As it was a matter to be scared about.

Let's go back to where it all began and what actually lead to the present.

Today, I'm leaving for Tokyo. I'm leaving a life in the country side to attend university in Tokyo.

Speaking of which, When I told Sa-chan, she cried about this for three days straight.

Katagiri: "...Haven't you cried enough?"

Sa-chan: "B-Buuuuut..."

Katagiri: "It's not like it's a good bye forever..."

Sa-chan: "But...! we won't be just seeing each other for a while?"

Katagiri: "I'll be back at the end of the year."

Sa-chan: "... I'll send letters."

Katagiri: "... Ok."

Sa-chan: " I couldn't stand if you cheated me." *pouts*

Katagiri: "Of course, I wouldn't do that..."

"... Well, I have to go now."

Sa-chan: " Cries Heavily "

Katagiri: "Come on, Look at me..."

"I'll see you Sa-chan" *Pats her head*

"Please, stop crying every time you look at me."

Sa-chan: "Sorry I know you have your own path to follow, kyo but bwaaaaaaah (Sobbing)"

Katagiri: "..."

"What can I do to make you stop crying...?"

Sa-chan: "Letters...I want letters."

Katagiri: "I'll message you on RINE."

Sa-chan: "No..." "Every once in a while, if you send me something I can hold in my hand. Then I think I'll feel better." *Blushes* "Sorry, I know it's a pain, I'll probably end up sending you a ton of letters." (A highschool girl who doesn't know how to use a phone)

Katagiri: "You're terrible with technology." "Hmph... Sure, why not?..."

Sa-chan: "...Really?"

Katagiri: "Just every once in a while..."

Sa-chan: "... te he he, Yay I'm glad."

Sa-chan and I've been dating for a four years now. If we continue on in the conventional way... I'll likely end up marrying her.

Finally I've arrived at Tokyo

"Woah, it's hot here."

Arrives at his apartment, Starts cleaning his apartment.

Katagiri: "This room looks desolate, even for me..."

As he was busy cleaning, Something struck the window

Katagiri:"What's that?"

Looks closely and finds a Large sized Bra. Goes to neighbor's house.

Ding Dong (Rings the bell of his neighbor)

Katagiri: "...I just moved in next door. Some of your laundry blew onto my balcony."

A blonde beautiful girl opens the door and says,

Shino: "Hello."

Blonde Girl's attributes: Fresh from bath, Smells like soap, Bra slightly visible, Huge boobs.

Katagiri: "..."

Shino: "How can I help you?"

Starts looking at something else because her boobs were distracting him.

Shino: "How embarrassing. I apologise." "You just moved in right?"

Katagiri: "Yes... Well, my name is Katagiri."

Shino: "Are you a university student?"

Katagiri: "Yes, from this year..."

Shino: "Then, I suppose you're still 18..."

Katagiri: "Yes...?"

Shino: "I'm Shino Kunikida from next door. Nice to meet you..."

Katagiri: "Nice to meet you too."

Shakes her hand and thinks "She's all skin and bones"

Katagiri thinks: "She's so skinny but she sure has a chest on her."

Next Day in University,

Random Guy saying: "Man university lectures are soooo long."

Katagiri's friend:: "Huh... So, Katagi... you're a country boy."

Katagiri: "Yup."

Friend: "Same here, there are so many cute girls in tokyo. It's awesome, let's go on as many group dates as we can and find Girlfriends."

Katagiri: "I have a girlfriend..."

Friend: "Seriously?" "So you already got a girlfriend... sheesh, it's not fair."

Friend B: "Don't `Spose you got a photo?"

Katagiri Thinks: "I wonder, what Sa-chan is upto now?"

Next Day, A letter from Sa-chan arrives.

Katagiri: "It's from Sa-chan."

At the same time Shino arrives and sees that Katagiri is reading some kind of letter.

Shino: "Oh my, what a cute letter." "Your girlfriend...?"

Katagiri: "Yeah."

Shino: "..." (stares)

Katagiri: "What?"

Shino: "Are you a virgin?" " You give off that kind of a vibe."

Katagiri: "I have a girlfriend."

Shino: "So, your girlfriend won't give it up?" "You poor thing."

Katagiri: "..."

Shino: "If you like, I can help you out with that."

Katagiri: "..." (shocked)

Shino: "Haha, Yeah right..? Just kidding."

Sa-chan there are so many different kinds of people in Tokyo.

Coming back from the University the next day, suddenly his sees a girl playing with cats and it was Shino.

Katagiri: "What's she doing here?"

Shino: "Katagiri"

Katagiri: "Hello" "Ms.Kunikida..."

Shino: "Call me Shino."

Katagiri: "Shino... What are you doing here?"

Shino: "This is a great spot for kitties. Are you on your way home from class, Katagiri?" "You know, you really look bored when you laugh."

Katagiri: "..."

Shino: "Is that how you act with your girlfriend as well?"

Katagiri: "You're one to talk, Shino."

Flashbacks from Highschool, on a date with Sa-chan:

Sa-chan: "Te he." "You always act so cool, kyo. But sometimes you let slip a laugh just for me."

Katagiri: "...I do?"

Sa-chan: "Yeah 💕." "I... love how your face looks in that moment."

Katagiri: "..." "Well, I guess it has been said that I lack any kind of facial expression."

*Flashbacks end*

Katagiri: "Huh?" "What is this, why am I feeling so flustered."

On the same day,

Ding Dong (Shino rings Katagiri's apartment's bell)

Katagiri opens the door,

Katagiri: "Oh, Shino."

Shino: "Katagiri."

Katagiri: "...Why does she have a face like that of an elementary school boy." (shocked)

Shino: "There was a cat stuck up in a tree."

Katagiri: "You climbed a tree dressed up like that?...You should wash that cut."

Katagiri quickly gets the first aid box to tend to Shino's wounds.

Shino: "You sure are prepared."

Katagiri: "My girlfriend tends to fall a lot."

Shino: "Will you put it on for me?"

Shino: "Uh...?" (dirty thoughts came to his mind)

Shino: "The band aid."

Katagiri: "Y-Yeah."

Puts the band aid on Shino's bruises.

Shino: "...ungh." (a loud sexual voice)

Katagiri: "...sorry." (stunned)

Shino: "It's okay..." "Thanks."

Dear Sa-chan, as I wrote these words for you. I have another woman on my mind.

After some days,

The next thing that happens is that, Katagiri sees Kunikida and Shino kissing each other.

Kunikida sees Katagiri and says,

Kunikida: "Hi, Do you live here in this apartment?" "Nice to meet you. I'm Kunikida from room 201." "Thank you for looking after my wife."

He gets frustrated and talks to Shino after Kunikida goes back to his office,

Katagiri: "...You are married."

Shino: "Uh-Huh."

(If you like I can help you with that) voice starts drumming in his head.

Katagiri: "I can't believe you said that even though you had a husband."

Shino: "... You didn't take me seriously anyways." "Are you fond of your girlfriend?"

Katagiri: "...?" "I wouldn't be dating her if I wasn't..."

Shino: "Do you love her?"

Katagiri: "What exactly are you trying to get me to admit?"

Shino: "Hmm... I wonder." "It's getting cold out."

Katagiri: "..."

Shino: "Just because you have a clearly defined relationship doesn't means that you love each other."

Katagiri: "I don't get that lady."

Shino: "If you step through that door. You might just find out."

... Sa-chan

It's been eight months since I moved to Tokyo. Sa-chan Tokyo has such a mild winter. Dear Sa-chan I had sex with a married woman.

The Next Morning,

Shino comes with a coffee and says,

Shino: "Morning." "How do you feel?"

Katagiri: "... Like shit."

Shino: "Oh, I was delighted." "Although you were a bit rough. By the way It's going to be a chilly day."

Katagiri: "It sure is."

Meanwhile Sa-chan,

Sa-chan: "Te he he."

"This stationary is so adorable. I'm glad I bought it." "I'll see you at the end of this year." "I wonder what he'll say in his next letter."

~The End of Chp.1~

Remember, if you want me to continue this novel adaptation of the manga support me through power stones.

Soumaan_Ahmedcreators' thoughts
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