
Chapter One


"This will be a great new start." Kelly said gently, shaking my arm.

Smiling, I nodded at her before going back to staring out the window. I watched the trees as I daydreamed about a girl running with the wolves leaves and twigs in her silver hair. I watched as they chased her and then tackled her to the ground licking over her face. I smiled at the visual, pulling out my journal of ideas. I wrote down the scene and the initial 'O'. I wasn't sure of the other characters yet, but her name definitely started with an 'O'. It felt right.

Wrapping the elastic back around my journal and putting it back in my Black leather mini backpack. In the corner of my eye, I can see Kelly grinning at me.

"What?!" I ask.

"Another story Idea?" she asks. I grin and look back out the window at the silver haired girl howling with her wolves to the moon.

"Yes." I admit.

"Please tell me...?" she pleads seeing her pout to me and I chuckle at her antics. Kelly is my new mom. I hadn't had one in so long it was strange having her interact with me still, but it had gotten better the year she fostered me and my little brother, Theo. But now we are moving to a new town. Greensboro, with her Fiancée who I've met a couple of times. Marco's a nice guy but it's hard for me to trust any male that comes near me or Theo.

Turning I check on Theo and grin seeing him move side to side dancing to the music. Quickly I blow him a kiss and he aggressively smooch his hand and blows it to me.

"I will think about it. It's not even a full idea yet. Just some notes." I replied, shaking my head. I loved writing but I never felt good enough to do it. I've written three novels, and nobody has picked them up. Which is why I am needing a new project and that was my third idea this week, but I haven't seen any progress to those ideas. They never came, writer's block. Which scared me because what would I do if I couldn't write anymore.

"Hey, someone will pick it up." She shakes me a little.

"Momma Sad...?" Theo says.

"I'm okay, Buddy." I coo, grabbing his lovey from the floor and handing it to him. It was one that my grandma Minnie had made for me when I was born. The damn thing was on its last leg. I was going to need to stitch it back together.

"I think I'm going to try selling my chapters on Quill's Nook." I replied. I needed feedback on my writing and well maybe if they liked the chapters I have, they will pay to read my book. I turn to Kelly and see her wide smiling and dancing in her seat.

"Yes! When are you going to upload it?" she replies. Kelly has been a big support in my writing even if she hasn't read any of my work. My grandma was the only person I confided in with my writing.

"As soon as I settle in. There's a lot that I need done. I have to make sure Theo is settled as well." I replied.

"Veli, what did I tell you." Her tone hardened a little. She didn't want me taking care of Theo. "Be a kid." is what she would always tell me, but I'm used to taking care of him. He's my family and I was used to not having any help.

"I know. I will try to do better." I say giving her a reassuring smile. Looking out I sigh thinking about the silvered hair girl and wondering what her story is. I imagine her four wolves jumping in the lake splashing around her and laughing together. The growling of rogue wolves at the top of the cliff looking down at them. Quickly I grabbed my journal and jotted down the scene.

"That's the college. The boys will be there to help you." She says pointing out Greensboro University. I nod at the school. It was big and out in the middle of nowhere. With a large iron gate. GU is one of the best schools to go to for the Arts. Which is what I majored in. Although I liked to take other random classes to help bring some of my stories to life.

"Thank you. I don't know how you were able to transfer all my courses. But thank you." I swallowed the urge to run. I hated accepting help from anyone more because they always wanted something in return. But not Kelly, she was a godsend. I think the only reason she was in my life was because Minnie was still looking out for me.

"Thank Marco. It was all him." she smiled.

"Twenty minutes till your destination!" The GPS announced and her smile grew.

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