

Friends show their love in the time of trouble, not in happiness.

Walking around in tears Jinyoung speeds up towards their house, yes house. It doesn't feel like a home for him anymore. He knows that he is married to a rich young man and things like these often happen in Marriage Life but he didn't expect that this will happen to him. The one who married his longtime boyfriend and childhood friend, he thought they were soulmates, a perfect pair but no...Jaebum found solace elsewhere, enjoying his physical needs with someone else other than him.

He felt the insecurities come in, when he's younger Jaebum always makes him feel special, always treats him like a princess and handles him like a fragile glass, but now things have changed, maybe he's not that pretty to look at anymore, maybe he looks older than his age or maybe his body looks like shit and Jaebum has had enough of his imperfections. Maybe he's not the one for him.

He called their family lawyer who is shocked by his request but immediately consented to his wish.

He requests a copy of a divorce paper agreement to be emailed to him asap. Once he printed the form he signed it, left his phone and went outside, leaving all his things behind without a proper goodbye.


"Do you want me to kill him for you?" Jackson said as he looks at his crying best friend who is slumped on the bed between Mark and himself. He doesn't mind the intrusion really, he's been itching to make love to his lover but then Jinyoung burst through the door and they just stop what they are doing, usher the man inside their room and comfort him.

"No..I still love him."

"I say we kick his ass and make him pay, the cheating bastard," Mark said in anger over his friends' situation as Jackson nodded in agreement.

"I left a signed divorce paper.," Jinyoung said as Mark gasps in shock.

'Hey..are you sure about this Jinyoung?" Jackson tentatively said as he looks worriedly at his friend.

"I am..I just..gosh I can't take the pain. This hurts too much and I'm angry and I just want to forget but I will never forget what I saw with my own eyes ever." Jinyoung wailed as Mark cry with him.

"You divorce that shit..and when I saw that man, I'm gonna kick him on the balls for you." Jackson clenches his fist but hugs his friend in comfort.

'Don't worry about anything, me and Mark here will take care of you okay?"

Jinyoung holds his friend's hands.

"Thank you guys..this means everything to me."


Jackson receives a call from Jinyoung's number knowing who the caller is.

"He's not here you son of a bitch."

"Well, you seem to know something is off about us so that means you saw my husband already right? Is he staying at your apartment? I will come and get him, we really need to talk." Jaebum said as Jackson laugh over the phone.

"Well kiss my ass Im Jaebum. I'm gonna kick your smelly ass once I saw you at my freaking door so don't even try. My friend needs some time away from your bad presence and please just sign that divorce paper and disappear from the earth so I won't have to see your face at work."

"I don't have time to chitchat Jackson..." Jaebum said irritated at the man.

"I don't have time to talk to some dickwit like you too so bye and don't fucking call again. Asshole."

Jinyoung bites his lips as he heard the conversation, Mark held on to his hands in comfort.

"Don't worry, Jackson will protect you, if you don't want to be with him he can't force you. He will have to go through us and we will not back down without a fight."

"Thank you, I just need time to think."

"No, you need time to heal."


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