
Love your work

Little did I know that it would be ending so bad. Both are yelling loud at each other in the bosses office and I can clearly understand the phrases.

"What are you doing back in New York?"

Then a quietly response is heard. "My money, it was stolen. My company is in big trouble and if I do nothing against this spiral I am left with nothing. I am as poor as before. Working as a cashier at the next supermarket. My wife has gone far away, she took the kids with her. I don't know what to do. This is the greatest obstacle in my whole life so far. Please, help me brother", he is sounding different as before with his made up cocky attitude. But I like him better with a little bit more self confidence, so much so far.

"Derek, say something. Our past can't be the cause of bitterness and hate between us, at least we are brothers, blood is thicker than any friendship could ever be."

Again there's no reaction from Mr. Roland. Suddenly I hear a very loud groan coming out of his mouth." No, definitely no. You can be my brother, but you didn't help me years ago as I was standing close to bankruptcy. So don't worry about your big problem, you can make yourself great again someday in future."

After his little speech it's death quiet, neither my right nor my left ear can hear what's going on. Oh no, my heart is suffering from this loose of information.

So I'm walking back to my desk so fast my knees are possibly breaking under this pressure. I should be making more sport again, not always sitting in that damn office. My backbone and shoulders would be very thankful for that.

Yeah, after work I will be heading straight to my place and put some clothes in a sport bag, then I will be training my poor excuses of muscles to become big ones. Yeah, brilliant idea!

It's around 3pm as my boss orders a coffee through a email. So I'm walking to the wonderful coffee automat and pressing the start button on the screen. The delicious aroma of the fresh drink is filling my nose, so I am making one for me, too. Oh god, I need a cup of said good. I hope it tastes like it smells! My mood is suddenly much brighter, even brighter than the sun. I am a supernova!

I am walking through the door frame and putting the mug on the desk.

"Here is your coffee, Sir. Is there anything I can do for you again?"

"No. But be pretty tonight, not this secretary suit, please. My former classmate in university is at this said party, so I need a good looking lady as company for that evening gala. Be at 7pm at the house of happiness, so we can go about the red carpet very fast. Beginning is at 8pm. Your salary will be reduced to the half of it, if you are late. For now, you can go home. I hope, you aren't going to be a disappointment for the fact of it."

Wow, that was definitely the longest speech ever. I didn't know he can roll his tongue so much.

"What are you standing there like a stone in the middle of a desert", he is asking me in a non understanding kind of way. Thanks for it, I am saying to my incompetent brain.

"I am sorry for this mistake I made. It won't happen again, I do swear." My head is lightly bowing down, to confirm my rightness.

"I hope it, too. Now go home. I have work to do." So he's throwing me out of work, only to go to a place I don't want to go to. Yeah, but I am going to the fitness center at first, to strengthen my self made promises to make me feel better.


The first step into a new world should be shocking and the truth is: I am like a deer in the car light. My eyes are as big as a golf ball. Yeah kind of.

In the women's changing room are spins, so I am putting my clothes into it after changing into a wide t-shirt and dark sweat pants.

By the administration, I am paying for a three months card, to see, how much input I am giving after work.

A trainer is here to start with me slowly. He's assigned for the first five times to introduce me to the machines and showing me some training exercises to gain muscles.

"I am Tom. What's your name?"

"Hi, I am Wanda."

"What are you doing in your job?"

"I am a secretary."

"Oh, you are a short-answering one. That's good for the beginning. Let's start."

What should I have done? Should I tell him my whole life story? Definitely not! He's alien to me. A person I don't know, I talk nothing to.

"Come on. Sit right here. I am checking your health conditions. Lift your right leg. Yeah, it's looking not bad. Now your left leg, too. Doesn't sound bad either." He claps his hands together and says: "Now stand up and stretch your arms above your head to the fullest. Right, go down with your back until your fingers touch your feet. That's good. Great." His hands are feeling my spinal column, I think he can feel my failures. A few dislocated vertebra are going back to their earlier state of place. It feels good, after I am stand upright again. It's kind of a wonderful feeling. Iam feeling very light, even if my weight says otherwise.

"Let's start with a few exercises. The main focus is on belly, bottom und legs. It will be great, I can promise. But if you are stopping with your sports, you will be looking the same way as before. I am telling you the truth. Many are here at first, but only a little group of motivated guys are coming regularly to form their figure. But they have good results."

I hope so, too. Maybe I can look at my body as something worthy, someday in the future.

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