


I apparated out with my people leaving behind a terror stricken and horrified albus who had just realised he had lost a hollow to a dark lord, a dark lord who seemingly already had the other 2, a monster who had for some reason or ulterior motive had left him alive and a monster who had threatened to kill his student...let's just say albus would not be getting a good nights sleep that day....or that week.


1 month before 3rd year starts

wizarding world POV

The next day the entire wizarding world was in an uproar at the defeat of Dumbledore who was up until yesterday known as the most powerful wizard alive, this new feat of the dark lord caos

elevated him to new heights of fame and greatness as people know considered him a even more dangerous and powerful dark lord then grindelwald and Voldemort as he had managed to do what both of them couldn't, defeat albus Dumbledore,terrifying the masses even more as his supporters rejoiced.


Sitting on his couch while drinking a cup of hot coco wade couldn't help but smile while reading the new daily prophet and seeing the front page which had a huge picture of him standing victorious with Dumbledore's wand in his hand at the end of the battle.its the little ego boosts like this that encourage young overlord's like him to keep on overlording(A/N speaking of that plz comment and review more)when his flew Flare's and Dumbledore steps out.

adopting a Appropriately worried and concerned expression he says"headmaster! are you alright you're not hurt from the duel last night are you?"

"Haha my boy no I'm fine a bit sore but at this age your always a bit sore aren't you."

"then how can I help you headmaster,do you need something from me?"

sitting down he stares at me seriously and says

" yesterday was a wake up call to me young wade I'm no longer the great albus Dumbledore i used to be and like all people do I have grown old,its time for the new generation to shine.speaking of that i would like to request you and harry to be trained by a colleague of mine,before you reply know that the dark lord caos had threatened you yesterday I know not why but perhaps its becouse he feel's like killing you would destroy the lights morale or perhaps he feels threatened by your future potential,whatever it Is.my boy it puts you in danger and it would calm this old mans heart if you accept his request and learn to defend yourself"

I had expected this when I threatened myself hell i had done it for this very reason but still the sheer fucking beautiful irony! it's taking everything i have not to cackle like the deranged multiversel chaos lord I am.

"if you think it's for the best then I shall do as you say headmaster"

smiling at me he sits down and has some tea with me making small talk for a while before he leaves,leaving me to finally cackle in peace.

the lesson's with moody started the next day and yes it was the real moody as I had gotten rid of crouch jr the annoying fanatic already.

moody would begin to teach Potter when school starts cuz well his relatives wouldnt allow it while he would teach me personally till then and i have to say the lessons were actually pretty useful,I may be the greatest cqc fighter in this world due to the deadpool Package but I'm not that learned when it come's to official wizard dueling ways,tricks and techniques all that I know i got from the lords,lady's and grunts I killed and devoured which is good but nowhere near the knowledge of moody ,Dumbledore,flitwick,Sirius,Voldemort etc the only reason I won the duel between me and albus was becouse i have super speed,super reflexes and enough magic to make Merlin look like a squib.knowing about this shortcoming of mine I also came up with a solution to it, when serious black finally escaped azkaban sending the wizarding world into even more turmoil....I simply had a man waiting by potters house and when he blew up his aunt I apparated in and killed Sirius in his grim form and devoured his skill's getting the knowledge of one of the most skilled dueler's surprisingly enough I even got his animagus form..cool

the rest of the year went by quite calmly,it was one of the most relaxing years I've had besides the demonters which the ministry still release'd cuz they didn't know Sirius had been killed by me which were used to practice my potronus charm on and get a bit more fame for my magical prowess. as for the three deathly Hallows,well I joined them and.....nothing besides having three useful artifacts absolutely nothing..sigh I wonder why I or anyone ever thought they could become the master of a primordial entity by collecting three trinkets..meh whatever the rest of the year passed by with me chilling with my girls,the only notable thing to happen was when I had checked up on their minds again and found them to perfect hence I revealed my true identity as lord caos and and multiversal reincarnatee hunting troll to them,all they did was be gratefull for trusting them and ask how they could help ahh I'm so proud of my goudere's.hear that dracule I have my own waifu's now! the only thing left is getting a loli but I'm sure author San will help a brother out.besides that I cant wait for next year when the newbie reincarnater will arrive and the beginning of the end of this world.will start

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