


thinking of leading my army in battle gets me excited.imagine me walking up to an enemy,putting my hand in my pocket and pulling out 70 million death knights lol.

now then let's see what world I have to go to next.the moment I think that a note appears infront of me

"mha huh not bad"




a portal opens and wade steps out,"ahh alleys they smell like piss and vomit throughout the multiverse,how lovely.like a constant companion on my journeys"

now then what do we have to deal with this time

the moment he thinks that a note appears infront of him

"welcome to the world of quirks wade

I've made it so you get to choose which quirks you want to assimilate,rather then get all of them including the useless one's I've also made it so you can choose when to use the mutation quirks like your animagus form,besides that your one month before canon starts,think of what power you and your girls want to register as your quirks and the legalities of it will be automatically dealt with along with a house and a refilling credit card with a million dollars."

holy shit is this rob being..thoughtful and nice...what a weird feeling I have to remember to do something bad to him so he goes back to normal. ,the words on the note disappear and new ones appear on it

"now for the three wishes of the reincarnatee

his first wish ironically enough was deadpool's regenerative factor...."


"....his second wish was a mangekyo sharingan with all the abilitys of itachi's plus the ability to copy quirks and his third wish was to be reincarnated as all might during his fight with all for one seconds before he got his flame back and used the United states of smash allowing him to use deadpools regeneration factor to heal almight and also keep his quirk. a chunni but a smart chuuni."

"meh the wishes weren't to bad I agree but that will just make destroying him more fun."

now then let's get to it,should I become a hero,vigilante or a villain...why not all 3?



3 burly men were robbing a rich couple after that one of the men held the guy down while another pushed the girl to the wall

thug 1:"hahaha first we took your money and now we take your bitch,make sure to watch "

thug 2 also starts laughing as he's finally cornered the girl against the wall and is about to Rip her clothes off when he's interrupted by thug 3

thug 3:"dude ,we've got the money now lets go haven't you heard about the new vigilante going around that guys fuckin ruthless he kills all the villains he comes across no mercy!! man stop wasting time and let's scram"

thug 1:"piss of we ain't leaving until we get this pussy you pussy hahahahah"

thug 2:"hahaha nice one drue"

before the 3rd thug could reply they hear a rustling sound and suddenly they see white blank eyes infront of them before they dissapear.

thug 3 :" shit shit shit its him he's here!"

thug 1:"shut up Sam,who's there ,piss of now and we' won't kill you"

suddenly a deep and throaty growling voice awnser's from the darkness "you want to know who I am?"

"I am vengeance "

"shlick" something flies through the darkness and embeds itself in thug 3's head who was trying to escape, causing the couple to scream and the 2 thugs to back away when they look closely they see it be a bat shaped projectile

"I am the night"

thug 2 screams,but his screams are cut short as he is pulled into the shadows and disappears forever

thug 1 starts to freak out and tries runaway before he feels a pain in his chest and looks down to see a batarang in it and hears the last words he'll ever hear in this life




you can see two cops patrolling and talking to eachother

cop 1 "I heard batman took down another group of criminals last night,they found their dead bodies In an alley with one of his batarangs and a note detailing their crimes"

cop 2 "goddamn vigilantes no better then villains I say '

cop 1 :"i get where you're coming for Dave but you have to admit that since he's started patroling crime rates in his area have fallen dramatically the numbers are the same as those of the areas almight patrols!!' and his whole I am vengeance thing is kinda cool I mean he already has a bloody fan club!"

cop2 :wait are you actually supporting him? I cant believe you're supporting a bloody murderer why I say he's no better then that new supervillain going around killing heroes!"

cop 1 :"now I'm not supporting him,I'm truly not! but comparing him to that new supervillain! that's to much even some of the worst villains arent as messed up as that guy,I heard that recently...."

before he could continue he stepped into a puddle,annoyed and confused since it hadn't rained he looked down to see that it wasnt a puddle of water but blood! horrified he informed his partner and both of them readied their weapons and followed the blood to the nearby alley and immediately puked at the scene they found,.....as inside the alley on a pole was the dismembered head of the no 136 hero heatblaze

with clown makeup and a smile on it along with the calling card of the same villain they were talking about,....a playing card ,more specifically THE JOKER


decided as of now


vigilante persona


costume=batman costume

quirk=blackbeards devil fruit

villain persona

The joker

costume=a suit plus clown makeup/mask (you pick)

quirk:legelemancy plus illusion magic

hero persona


costume:????(leaning towards the nightwing costume)

quirk:?????(leaning towards enels devil fruit)



hero persona



quirk:vampire physiology


hero persona




Next chapter