

After giving all the respect to their father, they all stood up again.

"Kids, from tomorrow on all of you will embark your journey on the path of martial arts, I your father hopes that you will flourish our clan's name through all the corners of the continent and make me feel proud" he said while controlling his emotions.

"Tomorrow all of you will start your journey towards the central divine kingdom academy of the divine kingdom, and today all of you are gathered hear to get a final gift from your father before you leave" he added while signaling a guard in the courtyard to bring the gifts.

After some time the guard came again holding a large bronze circular plate in his hands, on the plate their were 10 tokens placed on it each of a size of iPhone 5....

[ Yep guys, this author just had used some copyrighted shit but whatever, I am a copyrighted character too and he is still using me in his novel ]

....they are all black metal tokens with some special scriptures engraved on them, clan leader took one of them in his right hand and said "kids this is the token of currency, it works as a money transfer unit in any corner of this world, with its help you can transfer money from your token to someone else's token by simply touching them to each other"

After finishing his talk he started giving them away to his kids, the first one to receive the token was obviously Mia, after her its Hestia's turn and after all the kids the last one to receive the token was none other than deadpool.

After giving them to his kids he spoken again "now you can activate them by dropping a drop of your blood on this token".

And as soon as he finished his sentence all the kids one by one started to activate the token by dropping their blood on it, deadpool also had done the same thing, and as soon as he dropped his blood on the token it started glowing and a number appeared on its surface.

It was 5000 points written on his token....

"Kids these 5000 points are gift for you from me which will give you a little headstart in your academy" clan leader said in a loud but soft voice.

After giving his kids some more advice about how to become a better martial artist in the academy he signaled them to leave the courtyard.

In his room deadpool was laying on his bed with the currency token in his hand and after some time of thinking he jumped out of his bed and started pacing towards the outside of clan mansion, after reaching in outside of the mansion's gates he went straight towards the grassland in which he had killed the bandit last time.

After reaching the grassland he summoned all of his 250 shadow clones in the grassland and after summoning them he ordered all of them do start the qi cultivation.

It was already the noon time and in the grassland their was 250 deadpool sitting cross legged their cultivating, inhaling and exhaling at the same time in a rhythm.

He cultivated till the sun was about to set behind the silhouettes of the green mountains coloring the whole sky with its red rays, deadpool after cultivating for a long time stood up from his position and after vanishing all of his shadow clones he stood up from his place and said "uhhh.... My butts hurt like hell" while patting his butts to remove dirt on them.

He is a grade one martial artist now and on contrary Mia was a level 5th martial artist, that is why she easily disappeared in front of deadpool's eyes last time, but now with the training speed more than a legendary grade it will not take him time to surpass everyone in his clan.

After reaching in his room he started packing his stuff for tomorrow's journey towards the academy and after some time he packed all of his stuffs in a bag and after this he jumped in his bed closing his eyes to get a good sleep after witnessing so much in just two days.

As the moon raised in the sky scattering its silvery rays on the earth with soft wind blowing through the Windows of his room he slept while snoring a little.

[Author one more lie and I am gonna kill you ]

Guys sorry if their are any typing mistakes in this chapter, actually I have a bit of fever today so you know the drill...

You can tell me in comment section if their were any serious typo so I can fix them when I am well again

roll_the_musiccreators' thoughts
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