
Deadman's Dream

It's black and dump I can hear water dripping , I see a faint light I try to reach but the closer I get the further it moves I finally reach the exit . It's so bright after my eyes adjust I can see a small village in the distance as I walk something feels different the air isn't polluted there's no car noise so where the hell am I .

I find a man with a wagon n a giant lizard I stop him and ask him what that thing is , he says it's a partial dragon I ask a what then he explains there are 4 types of dragons the demi dragons these are people with dragon features , groundonium dragons these are large snake like dragons which dig through the ground they are usually used in mines or to make underground tunnels, then we have pure dragons these are dragons said to be ridden by the great Posiden when filling our seas with water ,by Ares when he lead our troops to fight against the halvalinstin army and many more folk tales and myths and lastly the hybrid dragon they are born when a pure dragon breeds with an animal it creates a hybrid. Which tribe are you from the man asks I respond with I'm not from around here honestly I don't even know where I am , the farmer tells me he can show me to the guild I say sure after about 30 minutes of walking through the forest I see it the village brick road merchants along the roads demi humans and golems .

After I fall behind I a woman bumps into me and we both fall to the ground , we awkwardly pick ourselves back up and introduce ourselves I'm Max I say she responds with I'm Mai then runs off .Me and the old man get to the guild I thank him then he continues his journey to go deliver the goods I wonder what the goods could have been I guess I'll never know .

I walk into the guild and as the lady at the front desk saying I'm looking for work she says so you wanna became an adventurer I say yes ,she brings out 3 papers then says put ur hand over the crystal ball so I can scan your attributes I reluctantly do it ,the first hot girl who talks to you in this place and your gonna embarrass yourself this is a sad moment for but right before I could finish my thought she talks a step back and says you have a high affinity for ice , dark and fire magic .she cans the rest of my attributes speed five strength three agility four then she says if you're willing to start working immediately I have a job request .She explains that there a necromancer who's been sending armies to kill near by villages ,cool cool cool but one small problem well two problems I don't know how to use my magic and I don't know where to find him . She shouts Mai have a request for you I she a small girl in a black cloak walking towards me she says then asks what's the request the explains while I'm think of how to impress her, anyway I was a loser in the world I'll be a loser in this one, let's go she says on our way out she asks do you have a weapon I say no she tosses me a rust dagger and say just don't die .

I ask her where we're going she says to kick necromancer butt where else on our way walking through a dense forest a snake bites me she says lean against the tree she asks where did it bite you I show her the bite on my neck she pours some holy water on it but it burns ,she jumps up and say so your working with him ,I try to explain what happened she calms down but explains since the cellular structure of my body has been tempered with I will slowly start decomposeing like a regular corpses but there is a way to reverse it and probably turn you back into a human most necromancer have a special type of crystal ball if you destroy it in the center there is a crystal is you mix it with pure holy water it turns you back into a human ok let's go . The closer we get to the dungeon the more undead monsters come finally reach the necromancer as I'm about to slit is throat with a dagger a bunch of bandits come and say hand him over or the girl dies ,I give them the necromancer and the leave I say atleast they didn't talk anything ,yea anything except the holy but I have the crystal .Can't I just bite it won't that turn me back she says it'll turn you into a mindless berserker it's worth a try I say , she gives me the crystal and I eat it see nothing happened I say but after a few seconds my heart starts rapidly beating then stops the I fall to the ground the I try to stand up my but I feel nothing but pain it feels like millions of needles in every single muscle the pain goes and my entire body has changed I'm taller stronger and faster she explains that the magic from the crystal has fused to my body,and that the decomposition of my body has been halted