
The Beginning

It all started one night, when Julia was so engrouse in reading a novel in her phone.

Me: 'Amhm... this is so boring. Why all the female lead so weak and keep getting bullied. Didn't they know how to fight during old days?'

with knots in forehead and scratching her nose, she is so pissed on this historical novel.

M: 'If it's me, I will never let that happened. and I'll make sure all the person who bullies me will pay!' anger was so visible in her beautyful face.

Little this eighteen years old know, some ears heard her statement and fullfill her heart desire.

With a smirk on his face, the creature floating outside the girls window compas his hand and begun to enchant old tounge.

Not so long, a bright light form inside the bedroom. Just a flick on a eye, Julia vanish on thin air.

10,000 years before the year 2019.

Her hand on her forehead .

Julia was so dizzy.,

It's like having a hungover after traveling 3 days straight in plane.

The jetlag and the hanging feeling was so visible.

She take a deep breath and be still.

After a while, she feel a lit better. she open her eyes, still thingking what happened, not aware of her sorroundings.

Me: 'What the ▪︎▪︎ happened?

Am I not feeling well?'

That's the time she notice she's in a room.


Her eyes are bulging from it's sucket.. with bewiled in her eyes, she roumed and focuse on her sorrounding.

Unfamiliar room, delicate curving walls, gold art designs.

And the bed, so much like pricess bed she watched on TV, with silk curtains each sides.

What going on?

Where am I?

Her face was like a fish, remove from water.

She cannot comprehend.

That's when she feel a slight movement beside her.

In a split of a second, an arm snake in her waist and tackel her.

"My lady, let's go back to bed. It's still so early.",

with that, the arm owner move. Tighted it's hold and a face place on the crook of my neck,

Making his hot breath contact on my skin sending goosebumb in my body.

Imagine my shock as to what's happening.

And feeling hundred percent sure that this man beside her was as naked at the day he was born just like me.

Her whole world was spinning.

All she can remmember was reading a novel in her phone, next thing she knew!....

'Ahhhhhh!..... '

'Whats going on?....'

'Where am I?....'

'Whats happening?....'

'Who is this man?..'

This are the question in Julia's mind at this moment

Next chapter