
Reviews of dead




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For some 'extra-terrestial' reasons except: dominion's end I have never ever read a female protogonist novel And most probably I wasn't going to do that Well that changed today I am feeling stupid for the things I missed

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Hello readers, it's me, the author. I shamelessly ask you in a review to give this story a chance. But, firstly, if the synopsis confused you, I'll give an alternative here: Underdog Complex is about a girl who got reborn into another world. Her first death is significant, because it was caused by several factors. Two of them are a) her suddenly being a dog and b) inattention/blind spots of a pedestrian and her own. This leads her to have a fixation on covering all the blind spots that she can in her second life so she doesn't die again, and trying to return to human by reaching a certain point in cultivation. Now, why should you give this novel a chance? As the writer myself, I am biased on how I perceive the story. But I believe that you will find her logical leaps and, ironically, blind spots amusing. She is not the most perceptive when it comes to social and emotional competency, and I heavily *plan* on straying from the typical Xianxia setting and plot. [TL;DR]: She's stupid in some ways and you might get a good laugh. Also there will hopefully be some originality apart from my personal idea. What do you get out of reading this? Uh... A good reading experience? An amused smile? The feeling that you helped the development of this novel by giving me any kind of fair and logical feedback? *wink wink nudge nudge* So... That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading this shameless self-promotion. While you can now feel proud and virtuous for having patience and empathy to even read this entire thing, I'll go and reflect on my shameless actions and life choices in a corner. ... Me: Okay, I think I know where it all began. It was all because of the childhood trauma I- Corner: Please go away.


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