
Long Gone

The riddles of fate began to show itself to me.

"I didn't notice that this were my destined fate"

"To live for you, to die for you"

'I clearly remembered those blissful days, where I was still a fresh graduate'

Years prior before the flames disappeared along with its light.

As soon as the day ended, someone approached the jobless individual.

An old man came up and asked.

"Sonny, do you wish to serve my daughter?"

I replied.

"No, thank you"

The old man's expression looked sour and grumpy as he raises his hand and called out.

"Take him away by force if he resisted, it's okay to beat him up"

I looked at the old man with confusion, and he just stood there smiling.

"If you don't want to go with me in peace then, I'll take you by force". He said, so I immediately turned tail and made a run for my dear life.

Yet so, my pride didn't allow it, although I want to run, but I didn't want to be branded as a coward and if that old man was lying he'll be in a difficult situation as it's already dark and there are many thugs in the streets at these hours.

The old man blankly stood there as I halted my plan for escape.

"Why aren't you running anymore, Sonny?"

I answered.

"I'll take you back to your home, old man"

"So don't dawdle around as it's dangerous in these streets at this hour"

The old man then grinned.


"Oh yes, do take me home now"

At this point had I known that there were people hiding behind the bushes ready to beat me up like the old man said, I would've just went for it and ran.

"Old man, where's your house?"

He answered.

"Just behind those trees over there"

We walked for a few hours, and I'm completely exhausted except that the old man hasn't even broken a sweat yet.

"Dare I ask, are you tired? I'll carry you on my back"

He answered.

"You look like you're the one needing a piggyback ride rather than this old bones"

My pride got the best of me, and now I'm stuck with an old man in the middle of the mountain.

The night is still young, yet I've seen no light coming where he pointed at.

It's already passed to the point for regrets, so I just followed the path.

At the end of the thick forest, lies a huge metal gate.

As the old man entered, I followed suit without uttering any sort of words.

Me on that day thought that, I've struck the golden honey pot, but it was there when I saw you, walking along the isle filled with glorious lights that made me want to stay.

A few years after that, I've served you with my entire being, with nothing to complain about.

You were very well-behaved and filled with the aura of elegance.

"My Lady, dinner's ready"

As she is still reading her book, I thought that she were in need of a more provocative way to grab her attention towards me, so I leaned my head on hers and spoke.

"My Lady, dinner's ready"

She looked at me as our lips touched.


She wasn't flabbergasted or anything, she just stared at me and drew me closer to her.

Our lips touched again, she then embraced me as if it was destined to happen.

On that day, we made our love known to the both of us.

Two years later.

Her grandfather passed away, and we all mourned his death.

After another year passed, her Father became the patriarch of their clan, and he didn't approve of my relationship with her daughter.

That very same day he didn't approve of me, he announced her daughter to be wedded to another man.

I cried in pain as I listened.

A few years later on her wedding day, I stood outside the church as she is going to be wedded to another man.

'This is for the best...'

As I quietly took my leave, something in my mind came flowing back up and tears kept running through my eyes.

'No...! This shouldn't be the end!'

I showed my last bit of courage and opened the churches doors.



There I saw her beautiful appearance, I didn't waste any more time and quickly walked towards the altar.

The guests were quite shocked at this scene, as I silently walked forward.

There, her Father ordered some of his men to stop my advance.

"Men! Stop him!"

I didn't bother much of what they were going to do and only looked at her.

Thirty fully grown men blocked my way to her.

I was enraged and tried to settle things peacefully.

"Get out of my way"

They just sneered at my words and came forward.

I looked at them with the intent to not back down.

At that time, unknown strength came rushing through me.

I've fought the men that tried to stop me, I've fought till the last of them were knocked unconscious.

At that moment, the guests including her Father were quite shocked as I make my way forward.

There I stared at her in silence as she makes her way towards me.



As soon as she got closer to me, she then kissed me in front of everyone in the church and hugged me tightly.


"Let's go..."

I then immediately escorted her outside and as we both left to elope.

A year later, we settled down in a small wooden house along with our soon-to-be born child.

At that time we thought that her Father wouldn't cause us any more trouble but half a year later, her Father sent over hundreds of his men to hunt us down for the humiliation which we've caused him.

Under the dead silence of the night, we kept running and running as far as we can.

In the midst of our escape, a bridge in the middle of the forest in between of a ravine appeared out of nowhere.

With our pursuers caught up to us, I've made a crucial decision.

"My Lady, please go on ahead, while I draw their attention to me"

She then began to cry.

I immediately tried to calm her down.

"Don't cry... My Lady... I'll follow soon after... I promise you"

I caressed her cheeks as I removed of her tears.

I turned my back on her as she crossed the bridge.

I whispered to myself as I nonchalantly remember the times we spent together.

"I'm sorry... My Lady..."

As I've said this words, I once again looked back with a tear on my eyes.

"Farewell, My Lady"

When I saw her finally standing on the opposite side, I then drew my dagger and sliced off the ropes connecting the bridge.

She reached out her hand to me as she saw me turning my back.

One last tear dropped on my face as I took my stance.


I dashed through the hundreds of men with just the thought of having saved My Lady and the child that she carries with her.




As our weapons clashed, I was continuously being injured in every part of my body.



A few minutes later, I was surrounded by them.

I was just there thinking that, My Lady have successfully escaped.

At that moment, the clouds gathered and began to pour out bucket's of water.


"I still need to get back to My Lady.... I've promised her that I'll...."

As the second passes, it began to rain heavily.


The men slowly enclosed their distance towards me.

Then a man came up forward and directed his weapon at my neck.

"Any last words?"

I just stood there and stared at the cloudy skies.



Several years later.

"Mama! Mama!"

A young child kept running in the grassy field, calling for her mother.

The Mother smiled at her child's innocence and opened up her arms, ready to embrace her.

"Come, My child, Dinner's Ready"

As she embraced her child, they both went inside their small wooden house, as they smiled happily and lived happily ever after.... Or so they thought.


One Shot Story

NoveListsArtscreators' thoughts