
Lights Camera Action!

{pov will}

Still hearing screams and yelling from the front of the police station I decide that this was my new home and whoever wanted me out of this office was going to have to fight me for it. I had started to calm down and take into account of my location and again my perception freaked me out. I don't know when I had cased the room but I knew the places to hide that would least likely draw attention such as the side of a rather nice bookshelf to the right of the door or maybe the beaten-up wooden desk that seemed to be the centerpiece of this office although it didn't seem like it could withstand a harsh stare let alone someone trying to go over it so that was out. There were two beaten up chairs in front of it that had seen better days but the centerpiece had to be the chair behind the desk it was massive, luxurious, red, and downright gaudy looking like it could also support an elephant if need which just killed me, I mean who sits on a throne in a cop shop. Scurrying around the desk to get behind the chair I was struck again about my size and change of status as it seemed if I decided to jump into the throne-like chair my legs wouldn't even reach the ground I quickly get behind it only to discover a safe that is neatly hidden behind its shadow.

"you don't need to do this Will you know curiosity killed the cat" I mutter to myself as I edge towards the little steel structure that had been bolted into the ground. Well the cat won out and I started to fiddle with it and to my shock, I seemed to know what I was doing at this point causing me to snap out of my sudden kleptomaniac fit that seemed to be plaguing me since my sudden change in bodies and pay attention to how my body was doing this. This brought up a grainy-like memory of this kid into my head, it seemed he was watching a movie of someone cracking safes and locks at an internet café. With me watching this video in my head my body had just gone into autopilot going through all the little steps on how to open a safe by feel that the old man on the computer screen was helpfully explaining while he did it. Just like that, I heard a click, and viola I am Lupin the third a thief extraordinaire fear and excitement just seemed to thrum through my body at this discovery.

Inside the safe didn't seem very exciting a few yen some files and a vile of random powder I.E drugs was my thought but it did seem to settle an itch in my body just to be able to open up the safe. Figuring what the hell might as well dig into my ill-gotten spoils I pocket the contents of the safe and huddle behind the throne for some light reading while Muscles deals with the crazy bitch outside. Which strikes me he didn't seem to look like his anime character of All Might no crazy blonde hair sure he still looked like he took one too many steroids but I just figured that was something that people with physical perks dealt with. Pushing that thought out of my head while going through some really raunchy photos that seemed to be of female heroes in various modes of undress I hum hum pocketed a few of those as well for further research purposes. I got to the files in the document reading through what seemed to be a chemical formula of the powder that I snatched earlier with documented effects and side effects.

{pov All Might}

"Mam please cease you cannot win this fight and will only cause more harm if you continue" I state to this woman with real worry in my voice. She has a great perk and seemed to know how to use it although she couldn't fight me of course! She could do great harm to the law officers and other individuals around me. "this can all be settled peacefully without further damage and possible harm to civilians" I explain as calmly as possible as if talking to a wounded animal.

"No that little shit didn't grab my smokes and he's here in the police station probably crying that mommy doesn't love him" the woman shouts with a crazed light in her eyes as she starts to mutter to herself over and over again. "little shits always going through my stuff always whining about being hungry deserves it all!" at this I've had enough of this evil and struck as fast as possible tapping the woman on the head knocking her out and luckily enough not breaking her neck... don't judge me it's hard having all this strength. Catching the woman I lower her to the ground as people start coming out from hiding staring at her with not a little bit of disgust. Seeing Biggs the captain of this unit I make my way over to him "the villain has been apprehended captain" I state to the man he must be six-eight and almost as muscled as I am. He was missing an eye which he lost in the line of duty which was why he was doing police work now instead of working as a hero like he used to. "good work All Might" he states with his gruff voice asking "where's the boy she was looking for" causing the police in the area to wince as quite a few individuals stare at the man's office. Recalling where young William had run off to during the excitement I grin at the man "you seem to have received a tenant in that office of yours Biggs" causing us both to face his office him with a frown and myself with a wide grin on

{pov Will}

What the hell did I just read this file was vile and seemed to have whoever's office this was fingerprints all over it. I do some quick calculations and decide my best bet was just to dump everything back into the safe which I do while locking it back up just as I was trying to figure out what to do next I hear the door opening. Reacting purely on impulse I snatched a pen off the table a sling it at the first person walking into through the door with my heart in my throat. To which I hear a muffled curse a guffaw and a few snickers. I hear a voice almost trembling with anger "alright kid that's my office your stashed in and I want it back" causing me to pause in panic as I realize that this is the dirty cop whos safe I've been digging in. Summoning my acting skills up again and trying to sound like the scared twelve-year-old I look like "Where's All Might" which causes a louder laugh and the mans voice to roar out "you're in a police station and you just hit the captain of it in the face you don't need a hero you need a lawyer"

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