
Shattered Dreams (1/2)

Izuku POV

Hello my name is Izuku Midoriya, I am 4 years old and an omega, my mommy is also an omega while my daddy is a beta. I love them very much, they are my world hehe.

When I told my parents that I wanted to become a hero when I grew up, my mommy was a little worried, and my daddy was happy. He said that I would make an amazing supporting hero, and told me to never give up just because I'm an omega (which I didn't understand, but it's ok if my daddy says so).

Today is the day I discover what amazing quirk I have. Today is the beginning of my race to become a hero. Today I'll make my mommy and daddy proud.

As we arrive at the doctors clinic, my daddy receives a call from work and has to leave.

HISASHI: "Go on in and make me proud son." daddy told me while patting my head and ruffling my hair. To which I reply with one of my brightest and toothy smile. He then goes to my mommy and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

IZUKU: "I love you daddy. I promise I'll make you proud"- I say with a big smile.

After saying our farewells to daddy, mommy and I enter the clinic. As we enter, I can't help but be captivated by the decorations in the waiting room. The walls where painted with different and brilliant colors, and had funny signs and pictures of animals and flowers all over the room, the floor was white and there where tables with small colorful chairs to one side. On the other side where a lot of toys and picture books. I love books so much that mommy started teaching me how to read.

IZUKU: "Mommy" I call to her while pulling at her hand, to which she turns and smiles to me. I love when she smiles.

INKO: "Yes baby?" she asks while lowering herself to my height and tilting her head slightly to the side.

IZUKU: "Can I go see the books?" I ask her while jumping of excitement. She looks to the area I'm pointing and smiles again.

INKO: "Ok, but you have to promise that you're gonna behave. OK?" she says while letting go of my hand and cupping my cheeks to give me a kiss on the forehead.

IZUKU: "Yes mommy, I promise I'll be a good boy" I say while skipping to the toys and books area. And my mommy goes to talk to the lady behind the glass decorated with flowers, rainbows, hearts and clouds. After a minute I choose a book and sit in one of the colorful tables.

INKO: "Izu baby" I hear my mommy call and look up. She is motioning for me to go to her.

My mommy picks me up once I'm by her side and walks through a blue door. Inside I see that is decorated similar to the waiting room, with the only difference that in this one there where heroes on the walls. I get excited when I see my most favorite hero. 'O.M.G. its All Might, I like him because he is so big, and strong, and always saves the day with a big bright smile on his face. I want to be like him when I grow up...'

INKO: "Hahaha, Izu baby you're doing it again." My mommy says interrupting my thoughts and walking to a chair.

Seems like I was mumbling again, it is something I cant seem to control. I look at her and smile. Not even a minute after the doctor, who was bald with big glasses, walks through the door and sits down in the chair in front of us. I am so excited to finally know which quirk I have, that I start shaking and talking non stop, to which my mommy has to hold me still.

IZUKU: "Doctor, Doctor, I want to be a great hero like All Might." I say with a big toothy smile.

DOCTOR: "You should probably give it up then." says the doctor making me freeze in place.

INKO: "How can you say something like that to a child?" my mommy asks the doctor while I remain frozen trying to understand his words. He can't really mean that I should give up on being a hero, right?

DOCTOR: "Mrs. Midoriya, normally by the age of 4 your son should have manifested one of your or your husbands quirk, or some combination of the two." the doctor says while moving to signal a picture in the wall. "You can see in here that Izuku has two joints in his pinky toe. It's unusual to see that these days, which mean that he is one of the rare cases where a person is born with no quirk. It really surprise me to see a quirkless child, I thought that I would have die before seeing one." He said leaving me completely shocked.

I don't remember much of what they talked after those words. My world was starting to crack, my dream of being a hero, the promise I made to daddy. I can't breath, my back feels cold, can't stop shaking, my little heart is racing, I feel dizzy and numb all over. I can't seem to hear anything that the doctor and my mommy are saying.

My mommy is looking at me with tears on her face, I don't like that face mommy, please smile for me, and tell me that it's gonna be ok. Stop crying mommy... because if you keep crying... I'm gonna be sad too.

I suddenly feel something wet on my face. I lift my hand and touch it to see what it is, and see that is just water? Are this tears? But I don't feel like crying.

Oh no, daddy doesn't like it when I cry... He says that heroes don't cry... And he is right, All Might is always smiling... All Might...

Does this mean... that I... I can't be like All Might... when I grow up?.. Oh no... I cant be a hero?.. No hero... I can't... be one... I'm... weak... I-I... have no... quirk... why?

I feel my mommy hug me. She says something in my ear, that I can't understand. More like I can't hear her?... There's no sound around me?... I look at my mommy, but words wont come out of my throat... She looks at me and smiled, but this smile is different... it feels sad. She then picks me up and start walking out of the doctors office... out of the clinic.

Outside I notice that the sky is cloudy. Seems like its gonna rain soon, and somehow, that's how I feel inside.

In this AU, thanks to the mutation that humanity went through, the second gender will show once the baby is 1, this causes for the senses to  more sensitive.  They will develop faster than a non mutated child would.  Their corresponding cycles will present once they hit puberty, it can be as soon as they are 12 to 13 years old, or 15 to 16 years.

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