

Another Day at Hunter's bar, I prefer working nights but I suppose I shouldn't complain, the money is good and it gives me a chance to do double shifts. Los Angeles is busy day and night, but today its a bit slow. My boss Jerry looks at his witts end. I don't think business is doing that well, it's the first time I have seen him so pissed off at the world in the three years I have been working here. "Alina come to my office," Jerry calls from the upstairs office.

"Yes Jerry?" I answer nonchalantly and take a seat in front of his desk.

"Alina, you have been a star employee for just over three years now, but I'm sorry to tell you, we are shutting down, as of this evening we will be closed. I'm sorry, here is your last pay check in cash. Please take care of yourself sweetheart." Jerry looks at me sadly, he's been a good boss, very kind and a genuine good guy, this can't be easy for him.

"I understand Jerry, thank you for the last three years and giving me a job. Don't worry about me I will be alright." I walk out with a heavy heart, heavy for Jerry and heavy myself.

I just lost the one thing keeping me afloat. What the hell am I going to do now? I sigh packing my bag at the end of the shift and decide to take a cab home, its only a fifteen minute drive, but it is freezing out tonight. I spend the short ride wondering what I'm going to do now, I need to find a job as soon as I can, also I can't stay in this city too long, I have already been here longer than I should have been. I reach my apartment it's a small two bedroom I share with my best friend since I moved here Marissa, a bubbly red head with gorgeous brown eyes. We both move around but this was the longest either of us have stayed in any one city. "Lina, hey, you're home early?" Marissa asks standing in the kitchen making dinner, pushing her curls away in frustration.

"Yeah, old Jerry shut the place down, I'm out of a job. I don't know what I'm going to do Mari," I say as Marissa hands me a glass of red. "I also have stayed way to long in this city I need to move on," I sigh and take a long sip.

"Alina, we stick together, where you go I go, so where too?" Marissa asks raising a brow at me.

"I can't ask you to leave your job," I say shaking my head in protest.

"I strip for a living Alina, it's not like I can't do that somewhere else." She says shrugging. "So where too?" Mari asks smiling and winking at me.

"Well Mari, I'm thinking New York, it's the best place to get lost in and to find a job." I say pouring myself another glass, Marissa agrees and we decide to have our dinner, but still contemplating on just what will happen once we get to New York.

Two weeks later we are in New York and found a small apartment, and now it's time to start job hunting, the dreaded task. Mari and I tried a few spots and all that's left are a few strip clubs, mind you I have never stripped before but I'm sure I could pull it off. We tried a few clubs and finally found one aptly named 'The Underground'. It's quite an upscale club, black and purple interior, with a black stage and poles on it. It has podiums all around in a huge circle across the floor with girls dancing. I see a closed off section which must be the VIP booths and they have normal booths for lap dances. It's not what I was expecting, the girls are all stunning and extremely classy, never taking their clothes off, but dancing seductively and going over to the booths for private dances and I guess the ones on the back are where you get naked, but I doubt there's sex involved. There are many business men around, it seems like the upper crust, wealthy side of society and then you get the normal looking guys, who are trying to seem wealthy in very cheap suits.

We are ushered in to meet with the owner Valencia, she's in her forties, slim light brown hair green eyes and looks like she takes care of herself, she is perfectly manicured and her make up is impeccable. "So Alina and Marissa what brings you to The Underground?" She asks in a thick French accent, but she has an Italian last name, which is slightly confusing, probably married an Italian.

Marissa looks at me and I take my cue. "Well Mrs Moretti, Marissa White and myself Alina Johnson are looking for jobs, we have just moved to New York from Los Angeles and are in desperate need of employment." I say to the point, hoping I'm not being too blunt.

Valencia looks at us raising an immaculately plucked eyebrow and just keeps staring, I think she's sizing us up. "Well ladies, as you can see this is a very exclusive club, it's not your everyday two dollar stripper club, men come here for privacy and everything in here is confidential, all girls sign a non disclosure, and I need your age". She stops and says nothing, I feel so intimidated.

"Well it's a beautiful club, I'm twenty two and Mari is twenty three", I say unsure of what to answer. Mari looks like she wants to crawl under a rock.

"Do you have any experience?" Valencia asks, her accent making me feel even more intimidated.

Marissa answers. "Yes I do, I danced for three years. Alina however doesn't but she's a fast learner, and has danced as a kid and she can bartend". I smile weakly hoping we are not embarrassing ourselves.

She stars us down for a full minute, "I see, well stand up let me see both of you." Valencia commands and we do as we are told. She motions for us to turn around, "ok I don't normally do this and take girls off the street, but you two are striking and I think the clientele will take a liking to you. I will give you a trial tomorrow, just dancing on the main stage, turn up for practice at two, I will explain the rules then and also the salary which is upward of twenty thousand. Also, I will send both of you to get ready today with my stylist on staff Frédéric, he is the best. Before you go on stage I need you to be an underground darling, groomed to perfection." Valencia says as she calls her stylist and says, "Prenez les filles et préparez-les. J'ai besoin d'eux parfait pour demain soir!" She claps her hands and he literally jumps. (Take the girls and get them stage ready. I need them perfect for tomorrow night!)

With that we are taken in an SUV and to a salon and we are pampered, manicured and pedicured, waxed all over and finally we have our hair done. I just have a decent cut and a few deep plum highlights in my very long black hair, all very classy. Frédéric is so much to handle, but he's damn good at his job. After a full day of basically female torture we are ready and dropped at our tiny apartment. I have to admit, it's been a long time since I actually took care of myself like that, well if it doesn't work out we had a free make over.

We turn in for the night after a small dinner. I'm pretty nervous I have to admit, I can't mess this up it's a pretty exclusive place and the salary is really good plus tips. I have a restless sleep that night, the next day Mari and myself get ready to go for the practice session and arrive at the club a little before two in the afternoon.

Valencia is there to greet us. "Hello girls, you look amazing. Very polished, now go change into the practice outfits provided by the head darling Hillary." She states as a leggy beautiful blonde leads us to the change rooms. I look at Mari and she's clearly not as nervous as I am she looks excited.

"Mari, I don't think I can do this," I say shakily.

"Alina, we don't have a choice, it's either this or a fast food joint. You are an amazing dancer, I have seen you, I know we can do this. I will go first if that makes you feel better?" Mari offers.

"Ok, maybe that will help with my nerves," I say gratefully. Hillary is a bitch, but I guess I should have expected that, she throws purple crystal rhinestone bikinis at us and shows us where to get heels. We change and I put my hair up in a clip, with tendrils hanging, the outfits are so revealing, my breasts are pushed up to high heaven and the bikini bottoms are thongs, we were assured its new, I saw the tags on the lingerie and shoes.

Valencia sits with two other guys whom are dressed impeccably in suits, definitely the Armani type. They are good looking, and can't be over twenty seven or so, they also look Italian, I see Hillary in the back arching her brow, as I'd she's expecting us to mess up. Mari gets up on the main stage in front of the guys and Valencia motions them to start the music. Mari ever the professional stripper does an amazing job on the pole and off, and this does not help my nerves. Her song finishes and its my turn. My heart is thumping and I feel like I can throw up, but breathe through it.

I put on a brave facade and appear confident. I walk on to the stage and the music starts up again, I walk seductively round the pole and stand in front of it, moving my one arm up and shimmy down the pole moving my hips and I go loosening my hair and throwing the clip. I open my legs wide and close them again, swaying my hips as I go back up, I decide to twirl on the pole, some stuff Mari taught me when I used to visit her at the club in the day time. I spin round the pole leaning back as I roll my body showing my ample cleavage. I stop then move away from the pole and move seductively, dropping to my knees and leaning back running my hands down my body. Coming up I move shaking my ass and rolling my body, touching myself as seductively as I can, and I do one more twirl and the song ends with me having my one leg around the pole holding on and winking.

I'm heaving, this is a lot harder than it looks. "Girls, I love both of you, never mind the trial, you are both hired. You start tonight. Alina, you will be front of the stage and centre tonight, Marissa, you will be stage left and Hillary stage right. Your outfits will be ready by tonight and I need you to come sign your contracts and non disclosures. I am very impressed girls. I think for now I don't want you to do one on one dances, but you can keep some high profile men company by just being entertaining, serving and giving conversation, no private booths yet, any questions?" Valencia asks.

I answer, "Mrs Moretti, I would prefer not to be doing any private booths for extra money, if that is alright, stage and not getting fully naked is where I prefer to be."

"We pride ourselves on keeping women comfortable. Yes that is fine. If someone does request you, I will still ask in case you decide to change your mind." She says smiling. "Welcome to the family girls, you start at seven till two thirty am. Also, there are a lot of powerful men here, be careful, do not speak unless you are spoken too and if requested for conversation or a private dance or booth." She gives us a wink. Mari and I go for a late lunch after doing all the necessary documentation and it's pretty good to know we have jobs again and it's really good money too, before we know it, it's opening night and we have a blast, we get some huge tips and I find I'm not feeling as nervous as I thought. Our outfits are revealing, pink, black or purple bedazzled lingerie sets. I notice some girls have wings which means they are available, if we don't wear those we don't do the back booths. It sets my mind at ease a bit, also security is heavy. This seems like a good start and I'm really comfortable with this job.

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