
Join Her Side

Yandere, Hanako, and Yuri went into the woods so they could summon Furina so she could tell them what they needed to do today. "Ah, good evening my sweet submissive subjects, so let's get down to business, shall we?". "Today, we are going to perform the heist, and the person I'm giving this task to is Pigtails!". "Hanako?!", both Yuri and Yandere said while being confused. "You sure that's a good idea?", asked Yuri. "Of course, she's the only one of us who has a personal connection to Sayori, so that's why I chose her to do this task". "She has a fair point, you know", Yandere told Yuri. "Alright, everyone, here's what's gonna happen". So Furina told everyone what her plan was, and even went out of her way to break it down so that Hanako could understand. "Listen, to me, Hanako", said Yandere, "you need to do exactly what you need to do, and remember don't get too attached to Sayori, alright?". "Yeah, I can do that, we'll see you guys later!". "So what happens when Sayori fills her brain with nonsense?", Yuri asked. "Don't worry, Tinky Winky, that's why I've sent 3 of my spies to keep her on task". "I'm surprised she had even one spy", said Yandere. "Well you two can go home and wait until Hanako comes back with Sayori, then "hehehehe", everything will fall into place soon". Furina laughed maniacally after making that statement, so Yandere and Yuri slowly backed away. Hanako was waiting for Sayori to get out of the literature club so she could tell her to join a party that Furina set up. "Oh hi Hanako, um why are you here after class, and where's Yandere?". "Oh, well Yandi's sick today and I wanted to ask you something". "Which is?". "Would you like to go to a party with me, and get to know each other a bit better?". "Uh, I don't know, I've been kinda busy recently, don't think I need to be around a lot of people right now, so I must politely decline". Hanako went straight for the puppy eyes technique. "You're not gonna guilt trip me, Hanako, I'm sorry". Hanako then tried to sympathize with Sayori. "You know, to be honest, I feel kinda lonely not being around Yandi, I just wanna make some more friends, so?". It worked, as Sayori couldn't ignore it anymore. She shook her head and asked how they would get there. "I was thinking of calling an Uber, but I just wanna walk and talk, you know". "Oh, well that's fine with me then". So the two girls talked as they were walking, talking about random things, and changing topics every second. "You know, Hanako, you and I aren't all that different really, we share some of the same interests, you get my sense of humor, and we both care about Natsuki". "Yeah, you're right about that". "Hanako also got sentimental, but remember what Yandere said to her. "Well, we're here, we made it to the party!". It seemed like everyone from the neighborhood was there. "Jesus, I think there are more people than there were at the festival!", Sayori shouted due to the crowd and music being loud. "Did you say that you peed on people at the festival?!", Hanako asked. "No, I said that there were more people here than at the festival!". "Oh, that makes much more sense!". "Anyways, you want some drinks, they're on the house". "What do you mean drinks?", asked Sayori. "They got Fruit Punch, Kool Aid, Lemonade, and Water". "Give me the fruit punch", said Sayori. Sayori tasted the fruit punch. "Needs more sugar, she said while licking her lips. "So how are you liking it so far?". "It's fine, what else can we do?", said Sayori. But Hanako wasn't listening, as she stared at some of the boys that were there. "Ay, Sayori, this guy kept looking at you, maybe he wants you". "Oh no, Hanako, I'm not ready to be in a relationsh-", but Hanako pushed Sayori to the boy before she could finish. "Uh, hi my name's Sayori, what's yours?", she said nervously. "The name's MC, and I do say, you look quite charming". "Oh thanks!", Sayori said while blushing. "Well I gotta go, it was nicemeeting you, kthanksbyel", she said while rushing back to Hanako. "Not gonna lie, that was a good interaction you had with him", said Hanako. "Yeah, and that's the only one I'm having with him". "Come on, stop being scared, just be yourself, actually, here's what I want you to do. We're gonna sing karaoke together, and if I can tell that MC likes the song, you gotta tell me how you feel, ok?". "Ok, two things", Sayori said, "I don't have any feelings for him and how do you know so much about dating advice?". "Well, Yandi used to be just like you while we're in the military school. That's how she got her nickname, Yandere because she was quite obsessive over boys". Sayori chuckled, "Weird that she used to be like that, whatever happened?". "I don't know but she's still the same loveable Yandi that I'll always love". "I wish I could be you, Hanako, being so innocent and having no worries at all, guess that has to do with age". "But anyways, uh what should we do now?". "Well it's time for the karaoke sing-along", Hanako said. "Oh crap, no I don't wanna do this", the worried Doki said. "Come on, this is a chance to improve your social skills, plus I picked a good song, can you guess what it is?". "Let me guess, it's a song that's based on an indie game?". "Nope, this might be even better", said Hanako. "Ok, well what is it?". "Sweet Victory!", said Hanako while imitating fanfare. "From SpongeBob?", asked Sayori, "Yes sir, I told you this was a good one". "Well, let's get this over", said Sayori while looking at MC. So the two girls got to the stage, and sang. Sayori started not to sing, but looking at Hanako, decided to join her. Once they were finished, everyone in the crowd cheered for the two girls, even MC was impressed. "See, Sayori, they loved it, now I'm gonna show them these super deluxe only exclusive Gen Z dance moves, meanwhile you go talk to MC". Sayori said nothing and decided to approach MC slowly. The spies were watching outside, one of them said, "You think she's getting attached?". "Just give her more time, she knows what she's doing". another one said. Sayori tapped MC on the shoulder. "Your friend has some nice dance moves". he said. "Oh, thanks, she's actually pretty good, not gonna lie". Then Hanako winked twice, once at Sayori, and once at the spies, implying that it was gonna be time soon. Sayori finally told MC her feelings about him. "You know, you seem like a chill guy, maybe one day we could go out together?". MC smiled, "Of course!, I would love to do that, here's my number". Sayori was overflowing with emotions of shock, happiness, fear, and possibly everything else. "Uh, let's make it next Tuesday, alright?, she said. "See you then, Sayori-chan!", he said before leaving to go home. Hanako came to Sayori, smiling as she was sweating bullets. "Ok, my girl Sayori got skin in the game, see I told you it wouldn't be bad, but un how do you feel?", "I don't know really, I should feel happy, but I don't". "Well, you should just give it some time, anyways ready to head out?". "Sure", said Sayori as the two walked home. But then the spies came in front of them, one of them had a net and threw it over Sayori. "Let go of me, you cretins, Hanako, what is this?, save me!". Hanako didn't know what to do, either betray the other and help Sayori, and leave her be with the spies. She didn't know. "Hanako, why are you hesitating, help me, I thought we were friends, right?". "Yes but-", the spies cut her off. "Don't be silly", one of them said. "Hanako did all this because she was trying to separate you from that ginger and tsundere. "Hanako, you wouldn't do something like that, would you, you're so innocent. Hanako just said. "Take her away". So the spies carried Sayori to the woods. "Hanako don't-", but a spy put tape over her mouth. Hanako called Yandere to tell her that she'd done it. Yandere and Yuri arrived, with Furina joining shortly after. "At a girl, Hanakol, you'd make a mother proud!", said the excited Yandere. "You know, Pigtails, I didn't expect you to pull this off, but it appears I was wrong". "So what now?", said Yuri. "Grab her phone and call the ginger, tell her that I want tomake a deal with her", Furina said while her eyes were changing. There was nothing but regret on Hanako, wondering if she joined the wrong side after all.