
Working Dokis

After Monika's leg was injured, she couldn't go to school for a few days, which left Natsuki and Sayori to do all the work. At first they thought it wouldn't be that hard, but once they entered the room, they saw nothing but a bunch of papers on Monika's desk. "Let's try to sort it out from the newest to oldest, ok?" said Sayori. So the two continued doing their work, until Sayori came across a sticky note that said, "Festival in 3 days- Monika. Sayori was confused. "Monika never told me about a festival, did you know, Natsuki?". "Uh, no why?". "I think we might have to make preparations for this". "I'm sorry, what?" Natsuki said pretty hastily. "But first, we need confirmation from Monika herself. So Sayori got her phone and Face Timed her. "Damn it, I forgot about that, whatever it's fine, I'll teach you what to do". So Monika explained what they needed to do and where everything was going to be. "Oh my", said Sayori. "Um, Natsuki, you were paying attention right?". Natsuki just stared at the Doki and shook her head no. "Welp, we're screwed". "Alright, what I remember is that we have to be on a float and sing a poem in front of everyone at the school, then we have an after-party in which we have to bake a lot of desserts". Natsuki listened up then, "Don't worry, my friend, I got the desserts covered, you can figure out how to do the float". And so she rushed back to her house. "Guess I better start thinking of a poern to write, and design the float all by myself." "But I am proud to be taking part in this festival". It was a few hours before the festival was starting. Natsuki brought the desserts, which were mostly cupcakes and a few cookies. Sayori sneakily took a cookie and tried it. "Hey, you can't just-". But Sayori cut her off. "This is the best cookie I ever tasted!". "Natsuki, what did you put in this, it's so good!". Well, I am a talented baker after all". "But stay focused, where are those design plans for the float and the poem?". "Oh right". So Sayori showed Natsuki the poem and plans. "Could've done better, but we've got no time, come on!". And so, the festival began, everyone was cheering and celebrating. It was Natsuki and Sayori's turn to show everybody their float and poem. "So who's gonna be singing?", Natsuki asked. "I thought it was gonna be you", Sayori said. "You know I'm uncomfortable around lots of people looking at me!". Sayori chuckled, "You sound just like Yuri", but she saw Natsuki's face after she said that and decided to confess something. "Look, Yuri isn't as bad as she seems, it's just that she's been basically mistreated by everyone around here." "Every time she tries to make friends, they usually tell her to screw off, if you know what I mean", "That's why she's so quiet most of the time". And on your first day here, she told me that she was bullied for her opinion of her thinking that prose is better than poetry. Natsuki heard what Sayori said, and decided to give her a hug. Everyone at the festival was silent, and eventually left the two alone. "Sayori, I'm sorry for what I did to Yuri, I really am". "No it's fine", Sayori said while shedding some tears. "It's just that I've known Yuri for so long.I just miss seeing her face all the time". Natsuki said nothing. "Sorry, got a little emotional there, the festival's already over, is it?". "Come on, let's go back to the club". "Actually", said Natsuki, "I think it would be best if you stayed home a few days to give you some time to think, I'll handle all the work, don't worry". "Thanks, but are you sure you could handle it, Suki?". "Sure-wait what did you call me?". "Suki?, is that a problem?". "Only 2 people called me that", said Natsuki mournfully. And the two Dokis walked back to the room, Sayori got her stuff and just smiled at Natsuki. A few days later, Monika made a full recovery and came back, feeling good as new. "Hey, uh where's Sayori?". "Sayori didn't want to come today, so I'm doing all the work". "Oh, that's a shame, can you tell me why?". "It's personal", said Natsuki. "Oh, she'sgoing through it again". "Huh", Natsuki said. "I'll tell you later, but now let's try to finish this work". "You know Natsuki, with all this work you guys had to do, I'm surprised you guys didn't go full Yandere". Natsuki's eyes boggled. "Yandere, no she can't be here, it hasn't been that long, is she coming here, Oh dear, oh dear!". Then she looked at Monika and said, "I have to go", and she rushed back home, leaving Monika to do all the work by herself.