

Sword Sovereign Jin the strongest sword user on the countless realms He was one of the 4 rulers of the grandmist along with his 3 brothers Sadly the countless realms started to go war with the Realm Devourer In a crucial battle Jin used his Forbidden Attack successfully killing the Devourer while also destroying His Body killing him that is what he knew until he saw the light and heard the voices of his new family

LORDFROSTY · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


"Your first goal here is to fight and polish your team work also to obtain 2000 gold so we can pay the debt of our school, Next is to recieve a silver rank medal, I heard that it was a requirement for you guys to graduate the school" Grabdmaster said to us

"Now we are going to seperate the group, luckily the battles here are bracketed by Age and Ranks, we are going to have a 7 man team, Bing Bing And Ning Jin will be our substitute for the first round of the 7 man Fight then for the next fight Oscar and Hongjun will be our substitute, for the duo tournaments You must partner to someone close to your rank, and for the individual battles Rongrong, Oscar and Bing Bing you three will not participate on it" Grandmaster said

Everyone nodded then we began to group ourselves, ofcourse my partner is Bing Bing for the duo competition, Oscar is with Lin Bai, Zhuqing with Rongrong and Tang San with Xiao Wu, Hongjun cant participate because he didnt have a partner

"I'm Also prohibiting you guys to show your face in the public as well as unique spirit bones and you must not use your own names, we will register by nicknames" Grandmaster added

"Nicknames?" Oscar asked

"Yes as for the nicknames we will go with

Ning Jin - Sword God

Bing Bing -Emerald Flute

Lin Bai -Vicious White Tiger

Oscar- Food God

Ning Rongrong- Seven Tiled Pagoda

Tang San- Thousand hand Combatant

Xiao Wu- Charming Rabbit

Zhu Zhuqing- Quiet Nether Cat

Ma Hongjun- Hell Phoenix"Grandmaster said, Everyone is okay with their nicknames then we headed to register ourselves, Our team is named 9 Shrek Devils, Bing Bing and I also registered for the duo competition our team name is Sword Empress Duo

I was at the combatants waiting area with Bing Bing, Right now Lin Bai and Oscar is fighting in the arena, next will be our fight

Then I heard the announcer, announcing the winner of the match which is Lin Bai and Oscar so I stood up and get ready

"Bing Bing Dont hurt them too much" I said to her

"Dont worry Brother,I'll held back a little for you" she said while smiling

"next round is still a 2v2 battle between the Sword Empress Duo and the Vicious Brothers,Both of the combatants is below 20 and have atleast 4 rings, Let the match begin!" The announcer said

I looked forward at our enemies and I took out a Wooden Sword from my spirit ring the one Grandpa Sword gave me

Everyone became surprized when they saw the wooden sword in my hand, then they laughed at me, I can hear some of them calling me an idiot

"Boy are you really gonna fight is with your wooden sword?" one of the brothers said he was the taller one looks like he is the older one here too, I just smiled at his provocation and said

"Come at me with your full power, Or else you wont survive a single swing of my sword" I said to them, the audience began to clamor after hearing my words the two brothers are pissed and they both attacked me

"Hayz this idiots" Bing Bing Said

"Just end them Quickly brother, they are too boring" She added

"Little girl, you got guts to say we are boring huh, after we beat up your boyfriend were going to rip that mask on your face and we will see who is the borinh one" The shorter one of the brother's said

"I really want to go easy on you guys, but the words you just said pissed me off" I said as I quickly dashed to meet them both, I swing my sword towards their feet

Everyone on the arena just saw a blurr who passed the brothers, while the stronger spectators seen something they cant imagine

As I passed by the two of them, all of their limbs fell to the ground, I've cut them perfectly both to 5 pieces

The sounds of screaming is the only thing that can be heard inside the arena, after a while the audience started to cheer too

"You only have this strength and you dare threathen her? Looks like your balls are made of steel huh?" I said as I walked towards the two brothers who was screaming like a pig in the butchery

"Well Lets try if your balls are really that tough" I said as I quickly slashed my sword two times toward their crotch, The whole arena gasped the men watching the fight instinctively guarded their balls

The sound of screaming continues, then after a while the announcer announced us winning because our enemies cant fight anymore

I exited the arena with Bing Bing who was smiling beautifully

"You said to me that I should held back a little, Look what you did to them" She said

"Their lucky we are not in the forest, If this is a forest then I will slowly feed them to the beasts there" I said to her

"No one can hurt you on my watch" I said to her, She smiled and blushed heavily

"Hmmp then you better protect me properly then, and in exchange, I will protect you too" She said

"Silly girl I dont need any exchange for that" I said as I rubbed her hair

"But you didnt have to do that to them" She said

"they are fortunate I didnt killed them" I said to her

After that we headed back with they guys back, Tang San is asking me what did I do to my enemies, Because in his point of view, I just vanished and then appeared at the back of the brother duo

"I just sliced them, That's all" I said which shocked him, after all I didnt use any spirit skills it was a sword strike imbued with sword intent if cant cut those guys limbs then my past life training with sword will become useless

"Brother Jin, can you train me on how to use sword?" Lin Bai said, this surprized everyone even me

"Ofcourse, meet me during the day, I'll teach you the basics first" I said to him, after that we returned to the hotel, Looks like everyone won their matches this time

The Next Day

Lin Bai woke me up early, saying that he wants to learn the way of the sword, I remembered his self created divine sword skill, then I told him that he should accompany me with my morning exercises

We arrived at the forest and I saw Oscar Hanging on a branch of a tree

"Hey Oscar what the hell are you doing there!" I said to him

"Oh Elder Brother I'm Training, Grandmaster said that I should practice being hanged in the air" He said while smiling like crazy, I scratched my head, if this idiot wont change in the future I wont entrust my little sister on him

"Looks like Oscar became crazy" Lin Bai said, we stopped near the three where Oscar is hanged

"First of all when training in sword, You should now what type of sword you want to use, I saw your sword is just like mine, But you use yours as a two handed sword,Two handed swords are bigger and heavier, If you want to use that type of sword then you should master controlling your spirit power first, Meditating with your sword to form a spiritual connection is very important too, A Master Swordsman can cut anything he wants, Your sword must follow your will, here let me show it to you" I said and wait for a right time as the wind blows a leaf came flowing down and I slashed it with my sword, my sword and the leaf came in contact with each other but the leaf is not cut off

"If you can achieve this state the you have entered the Master Swordsman realm" I said to him

"for now you should materialize your divine sword and swing it a thousand times till noon, if your not done till noon then you should say goodbye on learning the sword" I said, Lin Bai just nodded then he materialized his Divine Sword and started to swing it I on the other hand sat down beside the three and started meditating, When Oscar saw us both training he became silent and began to think, then the looks on his face become determined

"They are already this strong, but they are still training like madmen, I should do my best to so I Can catch up to them" He said weakly but I heard it


"Brother Jin, I'm done" Lin Bai said, I opened my eyes and saw him sweating all over, his hand and legs are shaking

"Good lets go get something to eat, Oscar come with us, its lunch time already" I said to them, Lin Bai Helped Oscar in getting down the branch and the three of us left and went to the plaza to get some food

In the Plaza

"You guys will have your first team fight tonight right?" I said to them

"Yes we will battle the savage battle team 2 of them have 5 rings and two of then got three rings" Lin Bai said

"Just do your best and you will win, Did grandmaster told you guys what the strategy is?" I asked the two of them

"Yes Grandmaster already told us the plan, if we can execute it perfectly then our chance of winning is 100 percent" Lin Bai said

"As one of the team vice captains and the eldest right now on the competing team you should now what to do Brother Lin" I said

"Dont worry I am prepared for anything" He said, after a while we saw Hongjun stuffing his mouth with food, we decided to eat there too

"Oh! So you guys are together, where did you go?" Hongjun said when he saw us sit beside him

"We trained early, you and Tang San were sleeping when Me and Lin Bai left" I said, Hongjun stayed silent and he continued eating his meal

"Oh yes Brother Jin, Elder sister Bing Bing is looking for you this morning same as Zhuqing" He said

"Why? What happened?" I asked

"I dont know I think its about the battle in the fighting arena" He said, I just nodded I'll just ask the girls when we return to the hotel

When we returned at the Hotel I saw Bing Bing waiting for us in the front gate

"Our enemies for our promotions to silver badge are decided I recieved a letter from the Spirit Arena our battle will be tonight after the fight between Savage Battle team and shrek 9 devils" she said, she gave me the letter and I read it while walking towards the hotel

"Good looks like tonight will not be that boring what do you think Bing Bing" I said

"It depends, But dont expect too much about them after all the two of them are just rank 41, while me is Rank 45 already, and you are rank 55" she said, I just laughed I look forward on fighting this, Swordking and Almighty Duo