
famous author

The next day after Allen sent the parts of the books to the publishing agencies they are very excited. Because Allen's books written by the pen name reaper are very famous. They received very huge profits in these books while Allen also received millions of dollars on these books.

As for tricking Tony he did it out of fun and who wouldn't want more money. As Allen is enjoying his free time while occasionally monitoring Tony he came across Obadiah who escaped and secretly building his mech based on Tony's design.

As for Tony, he also upgraded his suit to mark 2 and flew up to try and break the records and fell down with icing problem before barely avoided colliding with a car. Allen shook his head at this playboy and returned to his work.

Speaking of which, he has a autograph program tomorrow planned by his publishing agency. As Allen is thinking about he felt it's troublesome to monitor Tony, after iron man 1 plot he'll take a break from all the shield missions as Natasha will take his place monitering the playboy.

As for him maybe he can try to meet the legendary god of thunder who will be electrocuted. Allen's thoughts interrupted by a thud and he goesoutside to see a girl passed out on his gate.

He goes to her and tried to wake her up but it's not possible as she is unconscious and she looks like she has fever. He took the blonde girl into his house and waited for her to wake up while he is writing other part of the Terminator series.

The food news today is he received that his book harry potter is now in shooting. The series in books is almost on it's last part. He is finishing it to publish the last part of deathly hallows. He is looking at the girl who is sweating profusely and frowned.

After a few hours she is back to normal and woke up to see herself in an unknown room while Allen spoke not even looking at her direction," you're awake. It's not safe for girls your age to fell unconscious randomly in front of someone's house".

The girl in question, is looking at him vigilantly. She checked her body and saw she is unharmed and the man didn't do anything to her. As Allen is busy she looked at him and said," thank you Mr".

Allen looked at her and said," Allen, Allen Walker", Gwen nodded and said," thank you Mr Allen. I'm escaping the goons that tried to kidnap me while a spider bit me on my neck. I suddenly felt dizzy and appeared here. Sorry for the trouble. I'm Gwen Stacy by the way".

Allen stopped typing and looked at her then asked," what do you say your name was?", Gwen looked at him with confusion and said," Gwen Stacy, Mr Walker is there a problem?", she looked at Allen who is suddenly silent.

Then Allen asked again," are you chief George stacy's daughter?", Gwen looked at him and nodded. While Allen is thinking about something. If Gwen is bitten by the spider then what happened to Peter parkerof this universe.

Allen thought for a few seconds and said," is your left leg okay now? When I checked it It's injured", Gwen checked her leg and when she stood up she fell down with a yelp of pain. She is embarrassed and looked around for her phone as she don't want to trouble the man.

But her bag is also lost during her escape. She said the things in embarrassment as she also doesn't remember the number of her dad while Allen said," okay then stay here for sometime, I don't mind having a cute girl as my guest".

He said while making coffee for both of them. He placed Gwen on the bed again and she looked around, she found many books of her favourite author there and took them reading those books. Allen also has new parts of the book which made her puzzled until she looked at his computer.

She saw he is writing the new part of her favourite series harry potter and is stunned for a movement. She is picked up by her favourite author, her face turned red while looking at Allen who is making coffee for the two of them.

He came back with two cups while she asked," um Mr Allen if it isn't inconvenient can I ask if you're really the author named reaper who wrote harry potter series", Allen looked at her and nodded while Gwen looked at him with blush.

Allen thought she is cute and held back pinching her cheeks. He asked her about her life and chatted with her before remembered she can call the 911 and let her father pick her up. She asked Allen," Mr Walker, can I visit you often from now on? I'm one of your fans, can you sign my book?".

Allen nodded and agreed she can come here occasionally. He gave her his own copy of harry potter with his autograph signed while Gwen is ecstatic. In excitement she even hugged him and gave him a kiss then realising what she did she blushed heavily.

Allen touched his cheek and smiled a little before gwen said," sorry got a bit too excited there", Allen shook his head and said," I don't mind a beautiful girl like you kissing me Gwen Stacy".

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