
Chapter 1

I wake up, now I've had my fair share of hangovers but this one it feels like death.

I look around trying to figure out where I am but the bright lights around make me have a real bad day but I adapt. I try to look around it's just white wtf... a cough grabs my attention I look around and see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.... but don't feel anything like I have a pit at the bottom of my heart I don't know if it's the white room or that I can't remember any faces to compare her too is she the only woman I've seen maybe because all memories are clipped except the non personal ones like watching TV shows. while I'm going on the tangent that is my insanity/amnesia the goddess cough's.

goddess:oh that's so sweet of you to call me a goddess it's wierd that you don't have personal memories ah it's just a manner of the soul, well anyway I brought you here for entertainment!

she says with a sly grin, but what she said has more attention to me rather than the beautiful face, she can read my mind and she wants me to be a giggolo I'm kinda honored about being a giggolo to such a gorgeous woman, but that mind reading. she interrupts my thoughts with the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard she smiles more.

goddess: you really can give compliments and your not even thinking through lust curious, and that's the first time thinking of being a giggolo, but no I'm talking about sending you to a random world of my choice with powers of your choice so go ahead and choose what powers you want to have unless I say so

me: so quick question I have no limits to my power?

goddess: well no unless I decide otherwise.

me: sounds fair.

goddess:good cause I wasn't going to change it, I don't understand why your so calm though people react differently or ask questions like am I dead.

me:I'm not dead?

goddess: what makes you say that?

me:big white room with a goddess in the middle granting wishes that definitely sounds like an afterlife no matter how wierd of one.

goddess: well I guess that makes sense, alright now start your wishing!

me: okay let's go! can I wish for immortality with hyper Regen like dead pool or Resurrection (she nods) okay I wish for that, now can I get super human abilities of strength, perception, dexterity, agility, and a small boost in intelligence (she nods) okay what else...(few minutes later) ah can I get the sharingan with like 3 tomoe and no down sides and no further evolution I don't want to rely on my abilities with that depending on the world im going to (she nods) okay... honestly I'm kinda running blank here I thought you were going to stop me at immortality but I'll keep going. uhhh you know I'll take the perfect voice like you Know those guys that have amazing voices just talking, oh and singing it would be nice to sing really well(she nods smiles and motions me to continue) uh let's see can I have electrokinesis (she nods and turns her hand for me to continue) alright.. what else let's go for super hearing can't forget that...umm oh can I design my body?( she nods and waves her hand)a screen pops up in front of me, I just stare at it for awhile and then move to decide what I would look like... a few hours later...ok I got it, if I say so myself I would say that looks pretty damn fine like man that's a model for a model I didn't know I was such an artist well I don't really know anything about myself huh. The character is platinum haired short cut with green eyes of the finest degree deep emerald shade it even had the option to me what the sharingan would look like I spent a lot of time on what the eyes look like and they're beautiful I spent a lot of time time just staring seeing if I can make it look better. Then I went to the face I got good eyebrows perfect nose thin deep lips with a stoic looking face, but the eyes are what really draw you in, the body was perfect Greek god bulk but not to bulk slimmer but very defined chiseled mussels on every angle, I was very indecisive on the penis size for a while but I went for an even ten inches. I went around and looked for things I could improve I went and added a beauty mark under the left eye I adjusted the face to be more actor hot guy look to go with the beauty mark and I gotta say I might doubt my sexuality if I saw this guy going down the road but the goddess in my eyes confirmed my sexuality, I mean damn she's perfect. I finish the body and look to the goddess I think if I want any more powers then think hell yeah. I ask the goddess for water breathing and for infinite vitality and stamina so I never tire but I specify I still want to be able to sleep when I want(she nods) I just look at her as if saying now what.

she raises her eyebrows as if that's it then says"you sure you don't want to wish for anything else?" I nod she smiles and says," I'll just improve your wishes with what's left over" I'm happy with that.

she then says bye I try saying wait, I haven't asked any questions I was to caught up in being giddy of having wishes, but alas I was to late then everything fades to black.

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