
DC Wars

There was a soul then it was torn apart in two. Does it even tear? The soul was again reformed as nothing has happened to it then another one comes out of existence. The soul was the same as the first with the same memories. It is even the same person that was before it was torn? ‘Yes it is’ Then it was sent to two Concepts, One is “The One Above All” and the second one is “Presence”. They are protectors of their own reality. They are the concepts born when their reality was forming. Some outer forces form their shape. That is what we want to believe but they were born when this universe was created ‘As the Guardian and Creator’. They created different realities some are often merged with each other to get different results. So when the souls were sent to these concepts, they were ordered to train them. Why do you ask? That was the only time could tell. A war is coming and it’s not just taking in one place like it used to NO it's going to drag every single universe there is. They were surprised how they could not know this outcome, they were the Guardian of their own universe they allowed concepts to be born there which were known as God among Men. Some people worship them but some killed them. They know everything that is happening in there. But they did not care for they cannot be distracted by trivial matters. The surprise was just momentarily before it disappears. Then the concepts start focusing on the task at hand. The soul’s bodies were formed, their eyes, their nose, their face also look identical. There is also soul chain that was connected to the both soul means they are connected but separate at the same time. The soul can also feel their connection, but they don’t know what it is until later. No one knows the souls are being prepared for one single reason and that is to win the unreasonable wining ‘War’. People will know them in time yes they will remember as ‘Heroes and Villains’ what is now is that they must be prepared. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You can like my other story Marvel Wars =-=-=-=-=-=-=-------=-=-=--=- I hope you guys really like my story see you very very soon

Everything_About · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The girl who knew nothing but pain

sorry sorry it got this late to complete this chapter it is not much but it is everything I can do for now. but I'm not worried as you point out my mistakes I will learn from them.

Also please comment if you like my story.

And sorry Marvel Fans there will be no chapter for now.


"I'm not particularly fond of Gotham.

It's like someone built a nightmare out of metal and stone."


It was night at this peculiar City known as 'Gotham', In night many things tend to happen here from 'Looting' to 'Rapes', 'Business Trades' to Back 'Stabbing' all things are common here. Suicides are the most common.

"Here on the East End, a midnight walk constitutes attempted suicide."


"The most consequential spot in Gotham and he has no idea."

—Jason Todd

In its most notorious region Known as 'Crime Alley' which is supposed to be rowdy at this hour it seems eerily quiet. Then suddenly a 'Rift is open apart in the sky'.

From within a boy came out flying in the straight direction like someone punched him suddenly his course of falling was changed (and yes he's is falling) and due to the force of Gravity the boy hit on the ground face first "Argh" the boy groaned still face plastered on floor. He put his hand on the ground, and pushed himself up from the floor.

"That damn bastard" the boy hissed.

His eyes were a bit hazy because of the means of travel he just used.

He gets up from his position feeling air through his skin for the first time and it was pleasant, then a cooling sensation washed over his body it was a cold air squeezing through the alley. It was astounding how Cold Air can feel this amazing towards the body even Air Conditioners can't come close to it.

"Maybe, I'm just over reacting a little too much. But…"

"S…Some...Somebody…..He…lp….me" interrupted by a muffled voice but it was quite low, for a muffled voice it was too weak to even consider a Voice.


"Batman there was a spatial disturbance. In the north district of Gotham" said the girl who was sited on a chair with big holographic screen, showing a red dot on it.

"I'm going….." said the man tied in a suit which looks like a Bat.

"Wait, it just disappeared" interrupt the girl.

"What was the last location?"

"Crime Alley"

That's all he wants to hear and rushed towards the location. It was the location something very deep for him. Something very emotional.


The boy vanished from his location and appears on the building roof. There he saw a girl with brown eyes and black hair you can guess from her facial features, she is an Asian/American wearing what appear to as a sack. 'That can't be right' the boy thought and shake his head in disbelief. 'No she is wearing a sack'. The girl also appears to be in her teens.

"Sorry" he heard a voice and looked at the thing or a person beaten up to a pulp. 'Hmm …..Did that girl really beat this guy' then he looked at the man with disbelief. 'Interesting it seems this world is more fun than I thought' the boy thought amusingly. While the boy, was thinking.

The whimpering figure of the man start dragging himself towards the wall or running away from the girl with fear visible in his eyes.

"arg" the man groaned because of the broken leg which was taking a toll on him. While he was groaning the girl start walking towards him consumed by rage form some reason or to able to see reason in her actions but one thing was clear. Angry for whatever the man about do to her while she was sleeping and ashamed she let her guard down. Because of her carelessness She was almost got Ra****ed.

She grabbed him from the neck and pick him up and with jerk of her arms throw him towards the wall like a sack of potato.

"AAAA" the man thing screamed. But the woman was not done yet rage already clouded her reasoning. She quickly ran towards the Man Thing and with a swipe of her hand she sliced his throat "Spurt" soon blood flowed. The man looked at her with fear and disbelief clear in his eyes. Slowly light faded from his eyes. The girl looked at the spectacle she just created with indifference. 'Yikes hard stuff'

But suddenly "Creak" opening of the door resounded, "I wonder what Mr. Creed be doing….." another man came out of the building and looked in front of him a corpse of the man he was talking about and then saw a girl with a sack and blood on her face. Before he could say anything "Who did this?" yelled a voice from behind. Two more men came out with guns in their hand and another adorned with silver three piece with haughty demeanour clearly visible on her face.

"Did you, Do this!"

The girl did not reply.

"Answere me!" the man asked out loud almost like he was yelling but, The girl was already start running in his direction and before he know it the first man to fall victim to her clutches was the first man that came out. She strikes with her fingers like a pincer to the man throat. His throat first got sullen then veins present in his neck was ruptured and the man falls down lifelessly.

In the midst of that, the man with gentlemen demander froze. But then.

"Shooot" he shouted towards his man. 'Not good' I moved in front of the girl before they could pull their trigger.

They got startled, but it was momentarily. "BAm BAM BAM" a round of bullets and sparks can be seen from their guns. After sometime the round of firing stopped."Empty Already?" asked the boy.

When they heard him they got scared who wouldn't be after that. A fucking nobody came out of nowhere and stopped bullets like it was nothing.

Then 'boom' with a shockwave the boy moved and punched the first guy who was instantly blown apart. They got scared seeing that. But before they could do anything, they got the same treatment as the first guy.

Suddenly a man wearing peace of armor with black cape, a mask with pointy ears and symbol of Bat which was on his chest Landed in front of the boy looking at the him with caution.

"What have you done?" asked the Man Bat.

"As you can see I killed them" the boy said with indifferent like it does not matter to him.

The Man Bat did not say anything"Who are you" but give out another question.

"Me" I asked pointing finger at myself.

He did not speak again. But take something out of his belt pocket.

We did not speak for some time and the situation got awkward for me at least. Before that something unexpected happened I quickly read his mind and saw he was preparing for taking us in custody.

'Nope not happening' I quickly looked at the girl who was just barely standing up in her place but still got a wild look on her face. 'sigh' I sighed inwardly 'first let's get out of here. Its only had been 15 minutes before I arrived in this world. I should take the girl with me too.'

Before Man Bat can do anything I disappeared from my spot and appear behind the girl and grabbed her and vanished from there. But not before saying in Man Bat Ear "See you around. SUCKER!"

Batman quickly moved around to see but there was nothing. "Oracle where is he"

"I don't know there are no signs, the vibration module was not able to pick up his signals. Like he just disappear from Gotham."

"What about the Girl"

"she too, but her signal was captured"

"Keep tracking the girl and inform the B-Team we need to find him he is too dangerous to be left alone" ordered Man-Bat.

"Wait" but that's all, before he also disappeared.

Don't... talk to me like that. Like I'm stupid.

--Cassandra Cain

In a certain valley, two figures suddenly appear out of thin air. It was a boy and a girl but as soon as they landed the girl attacked him with a quick moment, with a quick hand strike towards the boy abdomen and another hand snaked around to the back of his head to throw him off her shoulder or she thought so.

The boy was standing and looking at the girl who is trying to throw him off 'what is she doing?' thought the boy with blank look.

As the girl see nothing is happening to him she used her leg and launch an attack towards his family jewels. But as she was about to hit him someone grabbed her leg "OOi OOi what are you doing" and pushed her on the ground.

I turned her around and force her back, towards the land which is the only hard place in this Valley "Gah" she let out a groan when she suddenly felt her air come out her lungs.

The boy looked at the girl brown eyes looking at him with anger visible in her eyes.

The girl was still looking at his eyes, trying to find weak spots and waiting for an opportunity to strike. But the fact of the matter is she cannot move yes she can't. The boy holding her will not allow her to move.

She was also tired for some reason but she can't afford to get sleep 'Now'. Looking at the boy eyes she can't find any lust in them. Only confusion and curiosity but she can't trust him, her training won't allow her.

The boy looking at her can guess what she was thinking then not to let the situation get complicated "Hey, you should calm…" but as he was saying that the girl passed out of exhaustion.

The boy sighed looking at sleeping beauty or passed out beauty, amused by his own thoughts the boy let out a sneeker.

"Now what I should do with you" asked out loud the boy.


"What am I doing here?" the boy asked himself, what he was doing here in a bathroom with a half-naked teen in his arms who is still passed out.

What can he do now he was living in his Realm 'Alone', 'For now at least' the boy again looked at the girl and this time his gaze focused on her back which was cut and bruised from different locations there is also holes which looked to be made out of guns bullets.

"Sigh" the boy sighed 'This chick!.....is not normal is she' and without any shame quickly remove the Sack or what was left of it and her modest body present for the world to see 'It's not like anyone is here other than me.' After sometime the boy start washing the girl body with utmost care he may not be a gentlemen but he knows when to attack and when is too lenient towards his desire.

So after washing all the grimes and blood from her body, he quickly picks up the girl in the princess carry. He quickly got out of the bathroom and quickly made his towards a room which was apparently his. He first laid her down on the bed and put sheet on top her and quickly left the room.

(2 hour later)

The girl wake up, feeling something soft under her "Soft" she let out a cute voice. Like she just wake up from her nightmare, a nightmarish life where she must kill to survive.

She thought of these moments only in her dreams. If she have any before her life turned from bad to hellish. Yes it was tolerable at first but it got worse after that, after she got her first kill she was praised from her father or bastard will be more suffice yes he is a bastard through and through. If you ask her about her mother then she does not, she never met her in her life and she don't want to either.

She is quite relaxed now which is a blessing in itself maybe she is in heaven 'Yeah Right! After what I have done' or maybe it is.

Unknowingly tears started to fall from her eyes then she heard a "Creak" and quickly her eyes follows towards the sound.

Her eyes fall on the boy who was coming down with Tray in his hands. Then reality struck her like a pin on a toe all her memories come crumbling from the previous night. She quickly tried to move 'But' she is too weak to even move a muscle, lack of malnutrition or maybe in her subconscious she just wanted to give up.

"Why" the only thing that came out of her mind was a question 'Why' just why is this happening to her…

"Hey, You OK?" she heard the voice of the boy. She looked at him specifically towards his eyes to find any lust. After many years of traveling she come know one specific gaze that is LUST yes lust which is surprisingly present in every other male she ever encounter.

But surprisingly what she saw in his eyes was something else it was pity and care for some reason. But before she could say anything to ask him why care she can guess about the pity but why care that's a foreign emotions for her. Before she could say anything.

He hugged her and it was comfortable for some reason "Why" the only thing came to her mind was this question but it was enough the boy arms around her tightened, she panicked her mind was already a mess she wanted to cry but then she heard him "Hey, its ok to cry some time" that's was the last straw "UWA….UWA" her wails was so loud like she just want to forget about what happened in her past and just enjoy the hug which was quite comfortable for some reason.