

After an hour of experimenting, I figured out how to give myself permanent abilities. The problem is that if I do give myself an ability I also permanently connect a soul to that ability.

That means that I can't use that soul as a power source anymore and all the power it generates gets used to power my ability, until I get rid of the ability that is. The ability is also only as strong as how much power I use while making it.

The super strength I gave myself only ended up giving me 10 tons of strength even though I was imagining the strength to lift the whole world while making it. One soul just wasn't enough to give me that much strength, like it wouldn't be enough if I used it to lift the world with magic.

It seems like I can't cheat my power restrictions like that.

After a few more tests I managed to use only a certain percentage of a soul to power an ability, leaving the rest of the soul to generate more power for me to use. But as I said, how strong the ability is depends on how much power I use when making it, and I sure as hell didn't have enough power to give myself the strength of a Kryptonian.

And then it hit me, I just had to change my DNA to that of a Kryptonians so that I naturally had their abilities.

Patting myself on the back for being a genius, I was about to do just that, before I could try it out, a stream of information got shoved into my mind from the Orb that had given me my powers. Once I was done understanding the information that got forced in my head, I flipped the roof a middle finger.


Long story short, changing my DNA would result with me losing my powers as a Warlock.

Because I would also change what gave me my powers in the first place, and trying to keep the piece of DNA that gave me my powers while still changing my DNA into that of a Kryptonian would end with me falling apart and dying.

Stupid Orb, with it stupid rules.

I will show it that I don't need any stinking Kryptonian DNA, once I have enough souls I can give myself every ability I can imagine and make them as strong as I want!

Stupid Kryptonians, with their bullshit natural abilities.

'I may be a little bitter'

After that revelation I wasn't in the mood for any more experimentation and just gave myself tough skin to go along with my super strength.

I ended up using up 2 souls to practice with and another 2 for my powers which left me with only 3 souls to use as power sources.

Those together with my strength and tough skin should be more than enough to take care of Satchi and Quan.

It's time for revenge!


Gold neon tubes spelled out the club's name in light, Golden Dragonfly. The place has been open for a few years now and instead of decreasing in popularity like it should have had, with newer and better nightclubs opening, it still kept it place as one of the hottest places to party for the rich and famous.

There had been rumors and accusations that the popularity of the nightclub was the result of drugs and prostitution being offered inside the club, but seeing as both higher ups in the gangs and corrupt government officials frequented the club, those accusations fell on deaf ears.

The disappearance of the reporter that had been covering the story in the first place also didn't help the case. It wasn't like no one suspected a thing, they just weren't brave enough to put their own two cents in.

Two no-nonsense bouncers stood at the front door of the club while a line of hopeful singles and couples that weren't rich or famous enough to get in wound its way around the corner. Walking past both the bouncers and the people waiting in line, Quan and Satchi had no problems getting in with the girls on their arms, seeing as the club was owned by Quan's family.

Quan didn't forget to throw a few smug looks to the peasants waiting in line as the bouncers opened the divider for them.

The inside of the club was pretty big with 2 separate floors. The first floor was for those lucky enough to get in but without the connections needed to go upstairs to the VIP floor.

The dance floor dominated the bulk of the first floor space with only the bar and DJ stand situated in the middle and end of the dance floor respectively taking some space. Like every night, the club was swarmed with people, couples and random people were grinding against each other to the beat of the music, having the time of their life.

Not sparing the gyrating bodies on the dance floor another look, Quan walked straight up the stairs to the VIP rooms with Satchi and the girls following after him.

The upstairs of the club was quieter, but still open to the first floor, offering the VIP-ers a view of the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. The whole floor was divided in several rooms with their own small bars with curtains that could be closed for privacy.

Every VIP room also had its own bouncer/waiter that waited outside ready to acquire anything the customers inside wanted.

"Wow, is this whole room for us alone?" Asked one of the girls he and Satchi had picked up on their way to the nightclub.

He was sure that they had introduced themselves at some time but honestly he just didn't care enough to remember their names. As far as he cared their names were blonde with big tits and brunette with long legs.

"Perks of being the owner,"Quan replied cockily.

Nodding for the bouncer to close the curtain, Quan made sure to give the bouncer the signal to ignore everything that he hears coming from the room.

Quan and Satchi went to the small bar and poured the four of them a few drinks.

The room was divided in two with a sofa on each side of the room with a glass table between them, they each took a sofa and a girl. They talked about nothing for a few minutes just drinking and flirting with each other, before Satchi and the blonde started to make out.

Getting impatient Quan kissed the brunette, at first she started to kiss him back but when his hands started wandering and started undoing the buttons of her dress, she shoved him away.


"How about we go to the dance floor," The brunette continued, she was starting to feel uncomfortable. When she and her friend had met Quan and Satchi on the way to the club, it was like they hit the jackpot but after being ignored the whole way to the club and being treated like easy girls, she started to feel like they had made a grave mistake.

Quan did not deign her with a reply, and continued trying to remove her dress.

"I said stop!" She went to remove Quan's hand again, and missed.

Confused, she started to stand up only to fall down again. Her limbs felt like wet noodles, lacking any strength whatsoever and her vision had started to blur at the edges.

"You drugged me!" She slurred out her mostly unresponsive mouth, her heart started beating frantically in her chest from fear. She had heard of girls being drugged in nightclubs but never believed that it would ever happen to her.

From the position she had fallen, she could see why her friend hadn't said anything the whole time, like her she had been drugged but unlike her she was already fully unconscious and unresponsive. The last thing she saw before her vision went fully black and she followed her friend in unconsciousness, was Quan's malicious smile.

"Finally!" Satchi sneered from the other side of the room where he had already mostly unclothed the blonde girl.

Before he could start on his own girl, Quan heard the bouncer call him from outside.

"What?" Quan growled, Sticking his head outside the curtain with a scowl on his face, "Didn't I tell you to never disturb us."

"There is someone looking for you," The bouncer gestured to the other side from him with his head.

Glancing over he saw one of the underlings from the Six Dragon gang that he kind of remembered, the guy had tried to suck up to him and Satchi for a while before stopping when it became clear they didn't care for him.

What was his name again, something with the zh..Zhang Yu that was it.

"This better be important Zhang Yu, I'm busy!"

Zhang Yu twiddled his thumbs uneasily, "There is a kid outside that's looking for you and Satchi."

"What do I care about some kid, tell him to go away!" Quan growled out, getting ready to go back inside and finish what he had started.

"Wait!" Zhang Yu almost screamed desperately, "He told me to tell you, he filmed you and Satchi killing a street rat yesterday,"

Quan felt his heart jump to his throat, and felt his legs go weak for a second.


"Satchi, get your ass out here!"

The sound of cursing and clothes rearranging came from inside.

"What is it?" Satchi asked as he walked out the room while pulling his pants up, "I was just about to start."

"Forget those bitches," Quan hissed at Satchi, before turning back to Zhang Yu and glaring at him, "Repeat what you said just now."

"There is a kid outside searching for you two, he said he filmed you two killing a street rat," Swallowing Zhang Yu continued "He also said if you don't meet him today he will put the video on the internet."

Satchi froze, Satchi and Quan had been friends since their childhood, Quan's family had quite a few not totally legal businesses like the Golden Dragonfly and Satchi's family had members that were government officials.

Working together the two families had done a lot of illegal things that got shoved under the carpet with the help of Satchi's family. If the kid had been threatening to take the video to the police it wouldn't be such a big deal, their families would still be able to make it go away but not even their families could help them if a video of them killing a kid got onto the internet.

The police would arrest them because of the outrage even with their connections, and even those connections wouldn't mean much anymore when they get disowned to protect the families reputations.

"This kid,How old is he, is he alone?" Quan asked, an idea was starting to grow, if it was money that the kid wanted then he would pay him and after he had the video he will take care of the fucking kid himself.

"He looked like he was 7 or 8 and I didn't see anyone else out there with him."

"Ok, take us to him."

"You," Satchi said pointing to the bouncer, "follow."

"The kid said just us, otherwise he will bolt and place the video online," Zhang Yu said after seeing the bouncer follow them.

The bouncer looked at Quan and when he shook his head he went back to his position in front of the VIP room.

They left the Golden Dragonfly without any more fuss and walked into an alley connected to the nightclub. Looking inside the alleyway Quan only saw dumpsters and trash thrown everywhere.

"Where is he?"

"Behind you," he hears Zhang Yu say from behind him.


"What the hell?"

"Funny that you mention hell," I reply calmly.

Seeing the faces of Quan and Satchi go from confused to scared as I release the illusion of Zhang Yu from around myself is amazing. At first it was difficult to figure out who to impersonate, it had to be someone Quan and Satchi recognized and trusted a tiny bit but not someone they knew good enough that I couldn't fool them.

That ended being a problem only as long as it took me to remember that I could warp reality and didn't really need to know such a person or what he looked like. When I saw Satchi and Quan walk past the line of people in front of the club, I just imagined my magic searching through Quan's mind for such a person before sending the image of that person to me.

After that it was all too easy to lure them out here where I could deal with them without any witnesses.

"You're that kid," Satchi said scared, slowly walking backwards away from me, "bu-but we killed you already!"

"The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated," I replied with a smile, using a little magic to make my eyes glow red.

"Monster!" Satchi shrieked and turned around to run forgetting that we were in an alleyway with a dead end, Quan on the other hand always the tough guy took out a knife and rushed me.

Even though I could have used my magic to stop him, I didn't and let him stab me in the stomach, or at least try to. The knife stopped dead in its tracks the moment it touched my skin and made a clear 'clang' sound as if he was trying to stab steel.

Quan looked down at the knife that he was pressing on my invulnerable(not really) skin, and then into my glowing red eyes.

"Surprise," I was just about to continue when I heard Satchi stumble over a trash bag.

Taking hold of the hand that was still holding the knife against my skin, I started to slowly turn it the wrong way, Quan tried to pull away, but he may as well have been a bunny comparing its strength with a lion with how much good it was doing him.


The sound of bone breaking resonated through the night, followed by Quan's scream of pain as he fell to his knees.

"Oof, that has to hurt but don't worry after I'm done with you, you will hardly feel such an insignificant pain anymore." The terror on Quan's face only made his pain all the more sweeter.

Now that I knew Quan wasn't going anywhere, I turned my attention to Satchi who had almost reached the end of the alleyway(which wouldn't do him any good but whatever).


The moment I finished saying the word, Satchi's arms and feet snapped together as if they were bound by invisible rope which they were, leaving him to fall on his face. Saying words obviously wasn't necessary to make my magic work but it makes it easier and faster to get the intent I needed for simple things like binding someone.

Gripping Quan's broken hand I dragged him with me to where Satchi had fallen and was now doing a fine imitation of a manic worm, while screaming his lungs out. It was a good thing that I decided to make the alleyway unassuming and unapproachable.

Standing over Satchi's fear filled body and Quan's pain filled one, I allow a dark smile to grace my face. This is what I have been waiting for ever since they beat me up.

There is a saying that revenge doesn't pay but standing here with mine in arms reach, all I could say is that the person that came up with that saying never understood what it really was about. It wasn't about getting back what you lost, it was about making those that took that thing from you pay for it dearly!

Getting tired of Satchi's screams(even Quan had stopped screaming and was silently whimpering), I took a step forward onto his right leg and used a little bit of my strength to put some pressure on it.


Ah, the sound of bone breaking was like sweet music to my ears.

"If you scream again, I will keep breaking limbs until you stop," I told him before he could start screaming again, the threat worked and he joined Quan in whimpering silently in pain instead.

"Please," Satchi begged, "I didn't even do anything, it was all Quan he is the one that killed you!"

"You bastard," Quan screams from next to him, "don't listen to him, it was his idea to beat up street rats to begin with."

Looking at them turning on each other at the drop of a hat, I sneer. Pathetic, to think that these two second-generation rich kids almost killed me.

Turning to Quan I stand on his leg, breaking it, and making Quan open his mouth to scream in pain, "What did I just say?" Quan mouth snaps shut before more than a whimper could escape it.

"I don't care who did what or who's idea it was, you're both going to suffer before I kill you."

Hearing that I was planning to kill them, Satchi started crying, and not pretty cries but ugly ones with snot coming out his nose and everything,"Please don't kill me, I will do anything."

"Anything?" I ask, giving him a smidge of hope.

"Yes, anything!"

"Me too, my family is rich, I can give you money, please don't kill me," Quan butts in fully prepared to beg for his life now that he sees it working for Satchi.

"Hmm...you know I'm feeling merciful today, I won't kill you two, and all you have to do is sign these," I say, pulling two contracts from behind my back along with two pencils.

I release the binding around Satchi now that he can't run away anymore and float the contracts together with the pencils up to them.

"Read it out loud,"

"Alexander gets my soul and in exchange he isn't allowed to kill me." They both read out loud, Satchi's face goes pale and his hand holding the pencil starts trembling.

Ooh, what do we have here, who would have thought that a punk like him that likes to beat up kids would end up being a believer. But it does explain his over the top fear of me ever since seeing that I was alive and had glowing red eyes.

Quan's face on the other hand only blanches a little bit, his life was obviously more important to him than his soul.

"Sign it."

Quan doesn't hesitate to quickly sign, Satchi on the other hand hesitates, not sure if he should sign his eternal soul away.

Let's help him with that decision shall we, I take another step this time on Satchi's left leg breaking it cleanly, this time I use a little more force and make the bone go right through the flesh and skin of his leg.

Satchi screams and begins sobbing in pain, I go to take another step, this time a little higher.

"Wait, Wait I will do it, I will sign," He sobs pitifully, as he signs the contract.

Seems like the pain I can cause him now in the present, is scarier than losing something that he doesn't 100% knows exists, good to know.

Their souls fly out of their bodies and hover in front of their chest, a moment later the contracts fly out their hands before wrapping themselves around the souls, after that they finally fly into my chest.

That is new.

Looking in my mindscape I recognize the souls of Satchi and Quan straight away with how they stand out wrapped in contracts. Touching them with my metaphysical fingers I can immediately tell that if I kill Satchi and Quan I void the contract and lose their souls to the afterlife.

This wasn't only a way to get easy souls(Which was just a great bonus) it was also an experiment to check how conditional contracts work and to see whether it's considered my fault if Satchi and Quan die from losing their souls and I forfeit the souls for killing them.

"Ok, now that that's over with let's continue where we left off."

"You can't kill us," Quan screams, "we signed the contract!"

"Don't worry," I smile cruelly at both of them, "you won't die, I promise."

Screams of pain and terror filled the night sky of Macau before stopping abruptly, unfortunately for those doing the screaming no one but the perpetrator could hear them.

Walking out the alley, I whistle cheerfully.

Those two are going to spend the rest of their lives(no matter how short) in the hospital with everything from the neck down paralyzed, and no tongues to speak with. I even overcharged their bodies with soul energy so that they need to live a whole year like that before dying.

Poor bastards if I was them I would have chosen death instead, but that is just me.

Phew, what a good night, I got 8 new souls and took care of my revenge. My chest feels like a boulder weighing a ton had been taken off it.

"Get them!"

And it looks like the night still isn't over.

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