
Little mask adventure

After a fulfilling day at school, Juli made her way back home, her mind buzzing with thoughts about her upcoming costume. She couldn't help but wonder how superheroes in the DC universe obtained their iconic outfits. Did they have a specific tailor they relied on? Or perhaps they possessed the skills to create their own costumes? Realizing she didn't have the resources of a Batman-like character, she understood that she would need to take matters into her own hands.

With determination in her heart, Juli decided to turn to the vast realm of the internet, hoping to find answers and guidance. She embarked on a search, scrolling through numerous websites and forums, exploring different avenues for obtaining a customized suit. As she delved deeper, she discovered that talented artisans and craftsmen offered their services to create personalized superhero costumes. However, upon realizing the exorbitant costs associated with these services, she hesitated. Paying such a large sum would leave a digital trail that she preferred to avoid. She didn't want any traceable connections to her new vampire identity.

Undeterred by this setback, Juli remained steadfast in her desire to create a unique costume. She realized that she would have to design her own mask, incorporating the sketch she had made in her trusty notebook. Determined to bring her vision to life, she retrieved her notebook and began brainstorming ways to transform her hand-drawn concept into a digital design.

Having done her fair share of research, Juli discovered that software like Blender and Photoshop could help her achieve her goals. She promptly downloaded the necessary programs, eager to immerse herself in the world of digital design. Despite being a novice, Juli possessed extraordinary senses and a remarkably agile mind, enabling her to grasp the intricacies of the software with surprising speed. Combining her inherent abilities with the vast knowledge available on the internet, including helpful YouTube tutorials, she embarked on her design journey.

For hours on end, Juli dedicated herself to mastering the intricacies of Blender. She meticulously tweaked and adjusted her design, pouring her heart and soul into creating the perfect mask. The process was equal parts challenging and rewarding, and as the hours ticked by, she found herself growing more and more satisfied with her creation. Finally, after an arduous five-hour session, she stood back and admired her work. The mask design looked acceptable, capturing the essence of what she had envisioned.

However, Juli's journey was far from over. She knew that simply having a digital design wasn't enough. She yearned to hold a physical manifestation of her mask in her hands. She longed to feel the weight of the materials and see the colors come to life. Eager to bring her design to fruition, she researched local options for 3D printing.

As she scanned through Google results, Juli discovered a nearby shop that offered 3D printing services for rental. Excitement coursed through her veins as she envisioned her design taking shape. Determined to move forward, she meticulously planned her visit, ensuring that she would have ample time to complete the printing process.

Before embarking on her 3D printing adventure, Juli joined her parents for dinner, engaging in casual conversation about her day at school. Despite the familial setting, she couldn't shake the feeling of detachment. It was still strange to refer to these people as her parents when they felt like strangers. Nevertheless, she conversed with them, sharing tidbits from her daily life, making the effort to maintain an appearance of normalcy.

During dinner, Juli couldn't help but wonder about her parents' lives and the source of their wealth. They had always provided for her needs, but she had never delved into the specifics of their careers. Curiosity got the better of her, and after discreetly inquiring, she discovered that her parents owned a small news and publishing company. Her mother worked as a journalist, writing articles on various subjects, while her father oversaw the business operations. It was an eye-opening revelation, shedding light on their financial prosperity.

With dinner concluded and the family chitchat fading away, Juli retreated to her room, anticipation coursing through her veins. As the night settled in, she patiently waited for the cloak of darkness to enshroud the world. When the clock struck 11 p.m., she sprang into action, agilely leaping out of her bedroom window and traversing the rooftops with grace and speed.

Navigating the cityscape effortlessly, Juli arrived at the 3D printing shop in record time. The sight of the establishment filled her with a sense of purpose. Stepping through the door, she was greeted by a friendly woman behind the counter. Unleashing her vampiric powers, she locked eyes with the woman, her deep red gaze enveloping her. Succumbing to the hypnotic power, the woman fell under Juli's control without resistance.

With her newfound control, Juli commanded the woman to begin the 3D printing process using the design she had painstakingly created. Handing over a pen drive containing the necessary files, she instructed the woman to bring her mask design to life. As the machine hummed and whirred, Juli eagerly awaited the moment of completion, her heart filled with anticipation.

Hours passed, but to Juli, it felt like an eternity. She anxiously paced the shop, her excitement mingling with impatience. Finally, the printing process concluded, and her mask emerged, crafted from sturdy plastic. Holding it in her hands, she marveled at the tangible representation of her design. Although it lacked the intricate details and paintwork she envisioned, she couldn't help but be captivated by its potential. The physical mask was a crucial step towards transforming her concept into reality.

With the 3D printing stage complete, Juli bid farewell to the shop and made her way back home, where she succumbed to the need for sleep. Although sleep held little necessity for her immortal existence, she found solace in its familiarity. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself a few hours of rest, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and possibilities.

The following day, Juli awoke with renewed determination. Armed with her 3D printed mask, she embarked on another day at school, her mind focused on finding a way to transform it into a tangible metal creation. During breaks and free moments, she delved into the vast realm of online resources, determined to discover the best metalworking workshop in Gotham City.

Hours of research led her to a renowned establishment known for its meticulous craftsmanship. The workshop had an excellent reputation for creating delicate and precise pieces. Juli eagerly approached the artisans, handing over her plastic mask and detailing her requirements. She emphasized the need for a sturdy mask made from durable materials and requested that it be engraved with intricate red markings.

The price quoted for the mask creation was substantial, amounting to approximately $1,500. Though costly, Juli's family possessed the means to afford it comfortably. As a vampire, she held a unique perspective on wealth and money. She knew she could acquire it effortlessly if necessary, rendering the financial aspect inconsequential. Satisfied with the agreement, she eagerly anticipated the completion of her mask, which was estimated to arrive within three weeks due to the intricacy of its construction.

As time passed, Juli eagerly counted down the days, her excitement growing with each passing moment. Though two and a half weeks felt like an eternity, she reminded herself to be patient. She knew that great things required time and precision. With her mask in the hands of skilled craftsmen, she continued her daily routine, cherishing the anticipation of finally donning it.

[A/N: Should I create mini chapters in between as she discover her sexuality and make a *18 ch here and there for fun more of solo action ]

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