
Winter Solstice: Council of Gods

"I see the arrogance of your people still blind their eyes, Hermes..."

Alan's calm voice reverberated, stirring a blazing fury within the eyes of the Olympian God of thiefs and movement.

He raised his head, about to lash out in anger, when he suddenly shook in fear.

Alan who was supposed to be calmly seated on his throne was no longer there, and as the Olympian's eyeballs turned to the side, his whole body shook, and he instantly disappeared from where he stood, reappearing several meters away.

"How did you-"

Turning to look before him, Hermes asked in shock, not expecting a rogue demon, like they call him on Olympus be able to move at speeds even he was unable to react to.

"It's easy Hermes. If I wanted to kill you, it'll be as easy as lifting a finger...

I could just.."

Before Alan's words completely landed, he was right before Hermes again, with his palm resting against the chest of the Olympian.

"I could just crush your heart like this, and then it'll all be over.."


The moment Alan's words sounded, a massive hole instantly tore open in the torso of the Olympian, accompanied by a shockwave that newrly destabilized the pocket dimension.

Golden ichor spurted out like fountains of waters, as the Olympian's lifeless body slowly dropped to the ground.

"Bring him back.."

Alan spoke, while he focused on the body of the Olympian. His eyes brimming with excitement and fascination.

Crouching down, he dipped his fingers into the ichor and slowly tasted it, as his eyes widened in surprise.

He could feel the sweet taste of vitality and life on his tongue, as a feral smile materialized on his face.


Rolling her eyes, Death waved her finger, summoning the soul of the Olympian back into his body, and in about a moment later, his eyes snapped open, as he sat up in fear.

"Y-y-you killed me?!!"

The Olympian crawled away, screaming in fear, as Alan shook his head in disappointment.

"Of all the things you could've been afraid of, why death?"

Alan asked incredulously and looked towards Death.

"Having lived their entire existence in the blissful ignorance known as immortality, makes them breakdown at the mere sight of it."

Death responded, while Alan nodded in response.

"Leave now, Olympian, and tell Zeus and those bunch of old geezers that I'd be there."

Waving his hand as he walked to his throne, Alan quickly dismissed the Olympian who disappeared from the castle in an instant.

"You're really going aren't you?"

Death asked, as she walked to him and sat on his lap.

"Mmhmm. Gosh, I really hope those folks don't bore or anger me else I might really end up killing everyone.."

Alan longed, as Death merely smiled and kissed him on the lips.



The entire desert surrounding the land of Egypt had was nearly destroyed. Multiple craters reshaped the topography of the land, along with the massive cracks shattered hills.

It looked as if two ginormous beasts had been battling on the desert, hence the level of damage.

Amidst the destruction, a figure was calmly seated on a small rock with his leg crossed, his cudgel resting upon his shoulder while chewing a small leaf stalk in his mouth.

Before him, the figure of a bloodied Set, the Egyptian God of War lay unconscious, with multiple bones in his extremities twisted and shattered.

A few meters away from Wukong, the icy domain of Nuwa shattered in dust particles and the next moment, she came walking elegantly as before.

Behind her were two frozen statues of the two women she had been battling before.

"We got him, let's go!"

Hoisting the fallen God onto his shoulder, Wukong waved his hand, summoning a fluffy white cloud, which he sat on without hesitation.

"Stay right there!!!"


Right as they were about to leave, a voice suddenly reverberated, filled with fury, followed by a sonic wave that decimated everything in its path as it traveled towards both of them.

Taking a step forward, Nuwa gently stretched out her palm, as a giant forcefield of icy blue energy surrounded them.

And in an instant, the sonic waves that were threatening to decimate them froze and shattered.

"I, king Horus of Egypt, demand you let Set go now!!"

The newcomer, a rather handsome young woman with long blonde hair roared out, his body transforming in the process into a falcon headed golden body armour, as a pair of massive wings burst out from behind him.

The moment, the newcomer transformed into his godly state, more and more Gods began to appear and transform into their Godly forms and a moment later, Wukong and Nuwa faced off against dozens of Egyptian Gods.

"Hehehe. This is going to be fun!!!!"

Wukong flung the body of the Set into the distance, before he hurled himself into the sky, and descended into the midst of the Gods with an overhead smash while bathed in divine flames.





The winter Solstice, one of the most sacred days in all of Olympus and in other pantheons. After the Titanomachy, the great council of Gods was created in order to determine how the earth was going to be divided, and the regions each pantheon was supposed to conquer, and on this particular the heads of said pantheons met to discuss both internal and external affairs affecting their rule.

A massive round table was set up in the middle of the massive hall, levitating in the air, while multiple figures sat behind it with serious expressions.

The first was a tall and handsome man with long white hair and a beard. He was dressed in a white chiton which only elaborated his chiseled muscles. Streaks of lightning flashed within his cold blue irises, as he tapped his fingertips against the table.

He was Zeus, the mighty king of Olympus, God of the sky.

To his right was another man dressed in viking armour and a purple robe. He held onto a long spear that glimmered with divinity and two black crows were situated on his shoulders.

His eyes were closed, yet he gave off a sage like aura, of peace and wisdom.

He was the All father, Odin Borson. The mighty God of Wisdom and War, the Supreme God of Asgard.

To the right of Zeus was a beautiful young woman with incredibly fair skin, wearing a pure white Japanese kimono with a golden headgear and jewellery. She was the epitome of beauty, shining like the sun itself. She was Amaterasu, Shintoist Goddess of the Sun and Supreme Ruler of Japan.

Next to her was a man dressed in far barbaric manner compared to the others. He was shirtless covered piercings and tattoos.

The Supreme God of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli.

Finally, to the extreme right of Zeus, a middle aged man dressed in ancient Egyptian robes sat there angrily, while his divine energy bubbled within his body and ready to erupt at any moment.

He was Osiris, former King of Egypt, Son of Ra.

"I still do not understand why this meeting was so urgent. He is a threat to the divine Era and our rules demand he be annihilated. What else is there to discuss?!"

Osiris finally broke the silence, with an angry statement as Zeus and the others sighed.

"Calm down, Osiris. We can't just attack him without knowing who he truly is, what he stands for. For all you know he could be a possible ally."

Amaterasu spoke, but her words only drew scoffs from Osiris.

"Do not tell me you are afraid to go against this rogue demon. No matter how powerful he is he would not be able to resist the might of six divine pantheons combined together!!"

The Supreme Aztec God bellowed, his voice like thunder.

"We might be able to take him down, we might be able to win, but at what cost? He singlehandedly nearly wiped out the entire Jade dynasty of the East in a matter of minutes. He is too powerful.."

After a moment of arguing, Odin of the Aesir finally opened his eyes and spoke with a sigh.

"Odin is right. But you should know something. A millenia ago, before the rise of Olympus and the fall of the Titans, during the reign of Uranus, my grandfather, it was stated that the demon arose from the depths of Purgatory in thsoe times, and was confronted by the Primordials themselves.

In the end, my grandfather Uranus was badly defeated and disgraced.."

As Zeus spoke, the others listened attentively.



Before Zeus could continue his story, a figure suddenly swooped in from above and landed right before them like a meteor.

As the dust cleared, the figure revealed itself to be a red haired handsome youth covered in tattoos, with long blood red wings behind his back.

He was dressed in a pure white chiton, and his black and white irises held a sense of playfulness and disgust as he stared down the so called Gods before him.

"I came here to be excited. Don't bore me, otherwise I'll just have to kill you all..."

His words drew uncomfortable and angry looks from the Gods who immediately powered up the divine energies within their bodies, ready to attack at any moment.

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