
The Troublesome Catwoman

Thea glanced at the enemy, pierced from front to back by the iron chains. He shouldn't be able to break free. Not bothering about his condition, she ascended to a height of five hundred meters and began flying around Gotham at full speed—150 km/h, 200 km/h, 300 km/h.

As the speed increased to 350 km/h, she felt a slight dizziness and decided to reduce her speed a bit. This was faster than her previous top speed during testing, indicating that she was gradually adapting to the high-speed movement on the Glider.

Looking down, she saw the purple-clad figure hanging below, pierced through by two iron chains. By the time Thea had flown half the city, this guy had already passed out, either from loss of blood or from the pressure of a high-speed flight.

'Damn it! How dare you show off in front of me? You flew so hideously, yet you had the nerve to flaunt it. This time, I'll leave you disabled. You'll think twice about flying from now on.'

Since the enemy had passed out, Thea didn't bother to continue flying. She oriented herself and swiftly returned to the camp.

Once off the Glider, some officers approached to take the purple-clad person away. However, they hesitated upon seeing the iron chains piercing through him, as they were unsure if removing them would cause further harm.

The officers dared not face the ferocious Thea, so they looked to their leader, Commissioner Gordon, for help.

Thea, sensing their unease, pressed a switch on the side of the Glider.

The open arrowheads retracted swiftly, disappearing back into the Glider.

As for the purple-clad man, he didn't suffer from excessive bleeding. The freezing temperatures from the high-altitude flight had already frozen his wounds, so there was no immediate danger to his life.

Thea had recently come to understand the unwritten rules of this world of heroes. It was inevitable that heroes would not kill, but criminals could be seriously injured, as long as they didn't die on the spot.

If they died later in the hospital, it was considered a medical issue and had nothing to do with the hero. Batman had long understood this principle and adhered to it. However, heroes like the Flash, who hadn't appeared yet, fell into the category of those who didn't understand. The future Kid Flash would be tangled up by the no-kill rule, but that's another story.

Understanding these rules was good news for Thea. She had previously feared that she might accidentally cross the line and be expelled from the ranks of heroes. Now, with this unwritten rule in place, things have become much simpler.

Two officers took the purple-clothed person away for interrogation, hesitating to handcuff them. There was a fist-sized hole in their thigh. Apart from the risk of escape, there was also a big question mark about whether they could walk normally in the future.

Everyone was prepared to hear his testimony. Perhaps this guy had specific information about Arkham. Thea, feeling restless and unable to sleep, decided to join them and walk inside.

"By the way, who is this guy?" After walking a while and noticing that no one was talking, Thea casually asked, hoping for some small talk.

"..." Everyone was speechless. Didn't she know this guy? She had flown around with him for half an hour with such deep-seated hatred, and she didn't even know who he was.

As the former team leader and current deputy team leader, Commissioner Gordon quickly explained, "He's Drury Walker, codenamed Killer Moth. He's a multimillionaire. Technically, he hasn't committed any major crimes, so he shouldn't be attacking us." The old commissioner looked puzzled. These enemies kept popping up, and he was mentally exhausted.

Thea found it amusing. "Killer Moth? What's with these names, Killer Croc, Killer Moth... are they brothers or something? One dives underwater and the other flies, they should make quite a pair. It's quite a coincidence that they both ended up in my hands."

As the medical staff entered, Killer Moth gradually regained consciousness. The agents brought out some truth serum and quickly administered it to him.

In less than three minutes, the agents handed the interrogation report to Lyla, glanced quickly at the others, and then bowed and retreated.

"This guy isn't from Arkham; he's here to retrieve stolen goods," Lyla said with a smirk, looking at someone in particular.

At this moment, everyone, including Thea, collectively turned their heads to look at that someone. There was no way around it; this person had too much of a history in this regard. Whenever enemies appeared, she would immediately use her cat burglary skills to probe and prod until there was nothing left of them before resorting to violence.

"Selina? Care to explain?" Thea looked at Selina with a strange expression.

"Ah, haha. Most likely, this bastard planted a tracker on that painting. Sorry about that," Selina said awkwardly, scratching her head and playfully sticking out her tongue.

Thea was a bit speechless. 'Sister, you're going for the sexy route, and now you're acting cute? Do you think being cute will let you off the hook? And weren't you supposed to go find reinforcements? Is this how you recruit help? You're taunting the villains and then dragging them back to camp for a beatdown.'

Feeling a bit guilty about her actions, Thea wondered if she had been too heavy-handed. After all, the person had only come to retrieve stolen goods, which wasn't a major offense. She cautiously glanced at the faces of the others.

Huh? Although their expressions weren't too pleasant, they were within the normal range. Thea immediately understood. This kind of thing had happened more than once or twice before. It seemed that Bruce Wayne had also dealt with this sort of situation. Then she didn't have to feel guilty.

Commissioner Gordon calmly instructed the officers to continue interrogating the suspect. The truth serum was still effective, as the agents had administered quite a bit. Since the man wasn't a good person anyway, they instructed the officers to ask him about every bad thing his ancestors had done, making sure to pin him down with irrefutable charges. No one mentioned Killer Moth again, and they chatted casually about the weather as if the person had never been there.

Over the next three days, the entire camp began to buzz with activity as more and more officers joined the assault team on Arkham. Commissioner Gordon's reputation was indeed formidable, as he had already summoned over three hundred regular officers and more than two hundred auxiliary officers with just a single call.

At the same time, the carefully crafted fake mayoral conscription order by Felicity was broadcast on major mainstream channels. The image of the mayor, with tears streaming down his face, accusing the criminals of their atrocities and lamenting his own powerlessness, called on eager citizens to take up arms and defend the city. Finally, at the bottom of the screen, Commissioner Gordon's phone number and the camp address were displayed.

Have to hand it to the Gothamites; they were straightforward. In just a few days, they had gathered more than two hundred veterans who had participated in multiple wars. These people hardly needed any training; they could fight as soon as they picked up a weapon. Lyla also secretly instructed her subordinates to investigate the family backgrounds of these people and eliminated more than a dozen who had no family background and looked gloomy.

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