
Chapter 10: good going kid

Mal stood in Darkseid's throne room a horrid place filled with fire and everything that screamed I am evil he had honestly started to like the design of the place

The previous Mal never thought much f it at all he cared little for so many things but seems he cared about other things well for one he seems to have wanted to spend more time in the throne room and rule, he also held himself in high regard but with his talent and looks it was clear why.

Seems the Mal before had a lot of daddy issues not as bad as Kallibak but with me fusing with him and my absolute lack of daddy issues I have cleansed him of his problem after knowing that Darkseid cares only for himself trying to impress dear old dad is only a priority so I don't get thrown to the pits of Apokalyps so until I am strong enough might as well listen to dad.

Other than that seems like Mall only cared for a handful of people Alpha, Barda and surprisingly Steppenwolf and Kallibak and it kind of made sense since Steppenwolf was technically the one who raised him and although Kallibak was always yelling he had never once attacked Mal which was strange knowing him but Mal never found him annoying it was more like he liked him more than anyone else.

The current Mal well I don't have the daddy issues or full-on ambition to rule but I still have some of the sadism and desire for power the sadism I should fix but the desire for power can't be too bad but anyway ill fix that after the meeting ends if only Dad would stop staring into nothingness and start it already everyone was here.

Steppenwolf took the initiative and began to announce the victory on each planet and how its populace was converted to slaves, I honestly felt a certain way about that which was weird since I helped take over one of those worlds and I was really cruel about it as well I wonder why I keep getting conflicting feelings like this.

back to the meeting.

Steppenwolf continued about how the full Anti life equation was not there on any of the planets but the traces were there, which lead me to question how one even finds the Anti life equation honestly it's a lot of trouble for a math equation danm geeks and this is why I hated math in school and here I am being tormented by it again.

Steppen wolf then showed the current states of the worlds and how they would be governed I was interested in this part since the show never went into detail about the invaded worlds I completely zoned out during all this until the best part.

Were I was congratulated for my quick invasion of the planet I wasn't expecting congrats but it was more than welcome of course, Steppenwolf just made it quick and started dishing out assignments again and since I was so effective I was sent back to the battlefield this time I was to choose who I would go with to my next planet and this time I wasn't going to conquer the planet but stop and monitor a rebellion of sorts.

Although I wasn't fond of the idea since I just wanted to sit back and relax hay either I go and shoot lasers or I get lasered for disobedience, the meeting ended and I went back to enjoy my bed before I left I was given three days before I would leave and those three days were to learn as much as possible about the planet and the rebellion.

Just as everyone was leaving Darkseid told me or rather commanded me to wait with his loud booming voice it did make me freeze in place, I looked around to the other commanders and officers and they either pretended not to notice or laughed to themselves or almost pitied me.

As they left Darkseid finally turned from staring into the nothingness and faced me and gosh hard to believe I'm related to that honestly, He stared at me with his red eyes with a face not reviling any emotion this happened for some time until he finally spoke again.

"I hear from Steppenwolf that your power grows ever stronger and that you might even have the potential to rival me in power, is this true?

My mind began to race for the correct answer and I knew that if this dude found my answer unsatisfactory he would not think twice about turning me into anything and I wasn't going to waste my new life over saying something wrong.

I quickly bowed on one knee facing downwards "Father although Steppenwolf is correct in saying I grow stronger I can only thank my incredible heritage for my power and as such I fully intend to use my power to serve Darkseid and only Darkseid!!

I tried to make my voice sound passionate and committed as possible without going overbored to not sound fake even if it was I didn't even try to look at his reaction but I could feel his glare until he spoke again.

"Heritage you say, your brothers are either useless imbeciles, traitorous do-gooders or impulsive warmongers yet you bless your heritage what honestly makes you different from them?

My head was racing again and this time even faster this was one of those what is your worth questions and what separates you from others?

"Father Kallibak is as strong as many of your top officers but is a fool who wastes his potential on violence rather than knowledge, Orion is a traitor with much potential but there is too much light in his heart and Grayvan he is a prideful fool despite his incredible power

"I on the other hand am Stronger than Kalibak but I also see the value in knowledge and strategy as seen with my first invasion, I have just as much potential as Orion without the corruption of the scum of New genesis and a heart fully dedicated to serving the will of Darkseid and unlike Grayven I would not let my pride and my entertainment get in the way of the goal the only goal that matters the goal of Darkseid"

(As soon as I said that my heart was racing I felt like too much of a loyalist and I immediately started to regret what I said )

But surprisingly there was no response only the glacier that I continued to feel on my back since I still hadn't looked up until he told me to rise which I did but slowly and when I did I saw something that surprised me.

Alpha was in a cadge not just any cadge in one specially made to hold a new god which was fitting since Alpha was much stronger and faster than many of his kind he was so strong that he could even compete with Big Barda when we would spar in the past but here he was in a cage with a lowly soldier pushing it he was one in charge of training soldiers.

I glared at him with disdain but Darkseid snapped me out of it "you claim to be loyal to me but you must prove it"

If I hadn't had a bad feeling up until now I was feeling it from the top of my head to the tip of my toes and I just prayed to myself that he would not say what I thought he would say.

"Kill the useless dog that stands before you, and prove your loyalty to me"

On the outside I was calm but inside my head, I was freaking out, he wanted me to kill Alpha the very alpha I had raised and trained since he was a pup I always expected this to happen but I always dreaded the thought I wrecked my brain on what to do.

I then looked forward my eyes glowing red with conviction as Darkseid looked at me with interest as I Shoot my Omega beams at the lowly soldier incinerating him to dust, Darkseid looked at me and asked "What is the meaning of this boy?

I looked at Alpha with a stern voice "Alpha come here" and upon my command, Alpha burst through the cadge with little effort and rushed to my side facing Darkseid and bowed before him the best way a dog could. Darkseid was not amused by his antics and so I spoke.

"Father, you commanded me to kill the useless dog and so I did Lawley was a waste compared to Alpha and killing him would be a waste.

Darkseid raised his eyebrow signalling me to continue and so I did.

"You see father it is clear that Alpha is unlike the other hounds he is Larger, faster stronger and more intelligent than any other hound on the planet and his strength in a force to be recorded with I should know I trained him since birth to serve you why is it he never faltered when being presented to you because he lives to serve you father and so he stayed put despite being imprisoned.

Just as I was about to continue Darkseid raised his hand "Enough, I have seen and heard enough you may be gone and take your dog with you.

This slightly surprised me I had prepared a whole speech and everything but seems I was saved by his boredom. As I bowed and was about to make a getaway he stopped me one more time

He turned back to staring into nothingness "Listen well Mal-Valtrex if you continue o serve me well you may continue to do as you please whether it be racing beasts, fighting to indulge yourself in food or fornication I care not whether you fuck all of the universes so long as you complete your tasks well, understood!

I bowed " of course father" I responded and quickly left my dear old dad to enjoy his alone time.

Although he didn't look it he must have been slightly impressed since the cadge could hold new gods but Alpha has trained with me and Barda since he was born his strength surpasses many new gods. But that is something to stop thinking about instead all I wanted to do was to sleep since I was mentally exhausted that was the most afraid I had ever been for some reason.

I rushed to my room with Alpha following behind me he was following close by clearly tired and afraid as I was, I'm just glad I trained him this well I wouldn't have wanted to kill him, maybe its a sign that I'm still good somewhere inside but hard to happily say that after calling Orion a goody but oh well doesn't matter know I survived.

And on that night I had the strangest dream.

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