
chapter 2: reborn

In a room in the New York General Hospital in the ward, the doctor was struggling and sweating as he tried not to let his focus be distracted by the woman screaming in front of him or because her husband reassured her next to her where he was in the last step of the baby's removal from the womb.

"Mrs. Parker, one last push and you're going to do it, your son is about to go out into the world," said one of the nurses who saw that half of the fetus's head came out of the woman's vagina.

Mrs. Parker's husband, Mr. Parker said, "I heard the nurse dear, you can do it!"

Mrs. Parker shouted forcefully and pushed the object stuck in her vagina with full force while ignoring the pain as much as she could "AAAAHAHAHH-Cursing AAAHAAAHHH ..."

In a few seconds later, the doctor managed to successfully remove the fetus, and this feeling created it again, since after every successful birth he feels as if he did change the world, he did not care whether the change was good or bad, he felt that he gave life to another child, another person In short, he played a god.

The father, Mr. Parker, approached the infant the doctor was carrying, and at the moment his eyes were focused on him, he felt the family relationship between him and the infant, and he swore in his mind that he would raise this child in the best way he could.

"Do you want to take off his umbilical cord?" Said the doctor, who removed his muzzle and smiled at the father.

"Yes! I want to !!" Mr. Parker said with joy.

The doctor took the scissors from the nurse's hand and handed him over to Mr. Parker, who trusted in God and cut off what he thought was the umbilical cord.

"Are we done?" Said Mr. Parker.

The doctor said with a smile, "Yes, and now you have a girl !!"

The doctor, nurses, Mr. Baraka and Mrs. Parker were all smiling, except for Anthony's soul inside the infant whose future had just been destroyed.

Just a joke.

[The main character POV]

When Anthony regained consciousness he was inside a black tunnel while being aspirated ... No, he was pushed by a force expelling from inside the tunnel towards light, soon he realized that he was about to be born so he did not say the expelling force but helped her so that he could be born successfully.

When he was born he felt something different from what he had expected, he expected to feel euphoria or joy because of his shaking from the womb, but he felt something completely different: pain !!

Since he was a newborn baby, his skin, accustomed to the pleasant and warm environment of the uterus, was very sensitive to the air of the outside world, as was the case with his five senses: hearing, smelling, seeing, touching and taste.

The pain was enough to make any child cry, but Anthony, being the man he was, stopped tears from getting out of his eye and stopped screaming from getting out of his mouth.

Fortunately, the doctors were hitting the children if they did not cry, because the child who was just born did not know how to breathe from his nose and mouth because he depended on the mother for everything, so he made him scream and cry, helping the child to breathe normally.

And because Anthony was an adult in the body of a baby, he lost breath from his nose and mouth automatically, which means that he would not be slapped on his butt, the first task, saving the butt was done successfully!

Onyi realized that the person who had been taken out, and who the doctor might have been staring at in the eyes, even though I saw it in a hazy way, he wondered what the doctor was staring at.

Suddenly ..... Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbabat !!!!!

The doctor slapped Anthony's ass firmly, and because of the baby's sensitive skin the pain aggravated, causing Anthony to cry and scream with pain as he did not cry in his life and his death together !!!!

Even though he only came out crying out, baby, "Anthony haaaaaaa '(damn clash èçèç ??? !!! ????? !!! :: /; :)"

"Why is this?" Said Mr. Parker, a little upset.

"Babies are accustomed to receiving air and food from the umbilical cord and after they are born they do not know how to breath naturally so slapping in the ass helps!" The doctor said.

Anthony "You dirty dirty, why don't you check out my breath next time !!! My dignity is lost !!!! I will remember your face well, sadistic rascal and one day I will make your life on Earth hell !!!!"

Correction, first mission, butt rescue, failed.

He is then handed over to the nurses who have passed blood from his body and to his father who cut the umbilical cord, the real and not Anthony's little brother.

"What are we going to call dear?" Mrs. Parker said.

Mr. Parker said, "What do you think of Anthony? Anthony Parker?"

"It looks great ..."

Next chapter