
Conflict #66

As the two teams reunited, they exchanged reports of their experiences so far, but all eyes soon turned to Bruce Gordon, awaiting his explanation. Bruce couldn't shake the sense of annoyance that prickled at him. He had meticulously crafted a plan to rid himself and the world of Eclipso, a torment that had haunted him for the better part of his life.

First, he had tracked down the black diamonds, fragments of the Heart of Darkness imprisoning Eclipso's essence. Through some cunning maneuvering, he had arranged for them to be sent to Parador, facilitating Eclipso's resurgence. 

Then, he had infiltrated Parador to gather solid evidence, intending to present it to powerful figures like Amanda Waller and Sarge Steel, securing their support to vanquish Eclipso once and for all.

Everything had been going according to plan until two days before the mission's start when Amanda Waller had called him. Her instructions had been clear and non-negotiable: a man named Crusader would request to join the mission, and Bruce was to accept him without question. 

Though he found the directive peculiar and had the urge to argue, he knew better than to challenge Waller's authority.

The addition of a new member to the team introduced an unknown variable, but Bruce reasoned that one man wouldn't alter the outcome significantly. 

As long as he could expose Eclipso for the true monster he was and rally the entire world against him, nothing else mattered – not Waller, not the Shadow Fighters, no one. Or so he had believed.

But as it turned out, Crusader was a much larger variable than Gordon could ever expect. Crusader's unexpected knowledge of the true nature of their mission had thrown him off balance, and now he faced the daunting task of explaining it to the Shadow Fighters, who were clearly ready to pounce if they didn't like what they heard. 

Peacemaker and the Creeper, in particular, seemed eager to rip him to shreds. 

"Now then," Gordon began, clearing his throat to buy a moment's reprieve from the hostile stares. "Please, keep calm and hear me out. I have crucial information about the target of our mission," he announced, trying to maintain an air of authority despite feeling anything but in control.

He paused, gathering his thoughts as he continued. "You were all led to believe that our target was the Count, a local drug lord. But the truth is, we're after something far more sinister – Eclipso, a demonic entity currently possessing the Count," Gordon revealed, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.

Before he could even finish his explanation, the Creeper stepped forward, looming over Gordon with an intimidating presence that made it clear he meant business. Gripping Gordon's collar, he raised him to eye level, his grin belying the threat in his voice.

"Why the hell are we just hearing about this now?" the Creeper demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "Think deep and hard before you answer because while I might be smiling, that doesn't mean I won't snap you like a twig," he warned, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint.

Gordon raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, hoping to quell the rising tension. "Look, I get it. You're all mad, and you've got every right to be. But please, hear me out before you resort to violence," he implored, meeting the intense gaze of the Creeper head-on.

The Creeper grunted in frustration, releasing Gordon's collar and taking a step back. "Fine, I'm listening. But make it quick," he growled, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Gordon nodded, grateful for the opportunity to explain himself. "The reason I kept this information from you is simple: nobody would have believed me if I told you that a demonic entity capable of threatening the entire world was pulling the strings behind a mere drug lord," he admitted, his voice tinged with exasperation. 

"I needed a more believable cover, which is why I focused on the Count as our target," he explained, hoping they would understand his reasoning.

"I had planned to come clean about everything once we were safely on the ground in Parador. But then, Crusader here beat me to the punch," Gordon continued, shooting a pointed glance in Crusader's direction. 

The mysterious figure seemed unfazed, keeping vigilant watch over the area and ignoring the discussion as if the whole situation had nothing to do with him.

Gordon's frustration was palpable. He had intended to maintain control over the situation and reveal the truth in his own time. However, now that someone else revealed the fact first, his credibility was heavily compromised.

 It seemed Crusader had deliberately disrupted his plans, casting doubt on his leadership and causing chaos within the team. Or at least, that was Gordon's suspicion.

Gordon's internal turmoil was interrupted by Peacemaker's scoff, his frustration palpable as he voiced his concerns. "So, what? We're just supposed to swallow this load of bull and pretend everything's hunky-dory?" Peacemaker's hand hovered near his pistol, his agitation evident. 

"You dragged us into this mess without so much as a heads-up about the danger we were walking into," he accused, his anger boiling over. "And what if Crusader hadn't shown up? We'd have been mincemeat for those damn hyenas!"

Gordon clenched his jaw, feeling the ground slipping from beneath him. He had intended to unveil his arsenal of solar-tech weaponry, ready to combat Eclipso and his possessed minions, but before he could, Crusader stepped forward, diffusing the tension.

"Let's all take a breather," Crusader interjected, placing a calming hand on Peacemaker's shoulder as he addressed the group. "While it's true that Gordon withheld crucial information, he's not the sole culprit here," he asserted calmly, drawing everyone's attention. 

"The blame extends to the Office of Metahuman Affairs and even myself. I could have disclosed the truth before the mission commenced, but I chose not to," he admitted, bowing his head in remorse. "Eclipso poses a grave threat, but I have faith in this team's ability to eradicate him once and for all," he affirmed, lifting his gaze to meet theirs.

"The path ahead may be fraught with challenges, but The Lord only presents his children with trials he knows they can overcome," he continued. "Trust in God, trust in one another, and we shall see this through to the end," he concluded, his words imbued with a sense of conviction.

At Peacemaker's resigned acceptance, a wave of relief swept through the group, their tension easing. "Well, I suppose we're in it now, whether we like it or not," he remarked with a weary shrug. "Time to wing it, I guess," he added, shaking his head.

The collective agreement among the team members was like a balm to the situation, but Gordon couldn't help but suppress a twitch of frustration. Not only had Crusader thrust him into this predicament, but now he swooped in at a critical moment to resolve the conflict, overshadowing Gordon's leadership at every turn.

Yolanda, however, wasn't as quick to brush off their predicament. "I don't think we're out of the water just yet... we've won our first thanks to Crusder's magic..." she interjected, her tone more cautious than the others. 

"But Eclipso can possess and enhance anyone. If we encounter more of his minions, how are we supposed to stand a chance if we're divided?" Her question hung heavy in the air, drawing the group's attention.

Gordon seized the opportunity to unveil his contingency plan, ready to showcase his solar-tech arsenal and regain some semblance of control. Yet, before he could speak, Crusader intervened.

"I'm sure Mr. Gordon has a few tricks up his sleeve," Crusader reassured, his tone cryptic yet oddly confident. "After all, I was a last-minute addition to the team," he added, diffusing any further tension.

All eyes swiveled back to Gordon, their collective gaze a mix of impatience and skepticism. 

"Well? What's the holdup, chump?" The Creeper's voice dripped with irritation, his frustration palpable. "Don't tell me... You were just waiting for the perfect moment to whip out your trump card, right? Like, when we're all already six feet under?" His words came out in a low growl, laced with suspicion.

Gordon's response was a bitter smile, a feeble attempt to mask the turmoil brewing within him. "Not at all... I had every intention of revealing my solar-tech arsenal at the earliest opportunity," he explained, his tone tinged with regret. "But circumstances, well, they haven't exactly been cooperative," he added with a shrug.

The Creeper's scoff was laden with disdain, his gaze piercing with distrust. "If you say so..." he muttered, clearly unconvinced.


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