

In the coming days, Markus and the others still had much to be done. The first thing they did, was go to every part of the city, to every village, to every location on Valdr and free the people imprisoned in the colosseums and locked away in cages. No more was Slavery going to be tolerated.

Together, with the help of everyone, the people of Valdr began to rebuild. They ate together, they worked and built together, they survived together, and finally when the time came, they celebrated together. Throwing a great festival for the heroes that managed to topple the corrupt king Mongul Sr.

For days, for weeks, the people of Valdr, be they Valdarian, Hivelings, or something else, all of them shouted Vulcan's name to the heavens. And although he still hated being called such a name, he allowed and welcomed it from the people who believed in him.

Though not everything was settled just yet.

Markus had made a deal with the Spike fathers. And now it was time to fulfill on his end of the bargain.

As the people celebrated, Markus and the spike fathers slipped away to the king's former palace. But not without Cir-El noticing them first.

When night fell, Grog, Dregg, Virlal, and Cir-El came to see Markus, to tell him of the news.

" What's all that noise?" Markus asked the group.

" They're celebrating." Dregg told the man.

" Again? What are they celebrating now?" Markus asked.

Dregg reached behind his back and pulled out a small silver crown and held it out to Markus.

" Your coronation." He told the man.

Markus' eyes opened as wide as they could, which at the moment wasn't very much.

" What? No.... Why me?" Markus asked the man. " You know me, Dregg."

" It's because I know that you don't want this, that you deserve it. You've held the weight of the world on your shoulders, you opened your arms to every single man, woman, and child on this planet, regardless of their past, of their race, or their skin color. And you did all of that, without asking for anything in return. Only you have the strength... An only you have the will." Dregg told the man.

" Forgive us, Thunderer."

" Hungry... So hungry."

" Forgive us."

The three spike fathers stood beside Markus, gorging themselves on the energy that the man produced.

Normally, contact with the spikes like this would be enough to kill a man. But by channeling his energy outwards, Markus allowed the spike to eat their fill of his powers. Feeding them and keeping the people of the world safe from the spikes. For at least a little longer.

" Vulcan!" Cir-El exclaimed. She was shocked to see what was going on with the man. Had she known, perhaps she would not have allowed the spikes to get near Markus, let alone to eat from him.

" While the spike fathers, feed on him, the spike children outside are quiet." Virlal explained.

" But he can't.... He can't bear every burden of this world." Cir-El muttered.

Markus looked up at the woman, and a pained smile bore across his face.

" Says who?" Markus spoke. " Graaaaaaah!" Markus growled in pain; the constant feeling of his life energy being drained away was like a fire that wouldn't extinguish.

Cir-El placed her hand over Markus' and slowly, Markus turned it over, taking her hand in his own. Cir-El leaned over and wrapped her other arm around Markus' shoulder, supporting his tired and heavy weight with her own body. Supporting him as best she could. Markus rested his head on Cir-El's chest, he closed his eyes and held them shut from the pain.

It hurt more than anything else in the world, but it was a pain he needed to bear, lest more people suffer.

" May the prophet preserve you... King Vulcan."Virlal muttered. He, Grog, and Dregg left, giving Markus and Cir-El time alone to do what needed to be done.


Hours later, and day one of Vulcan's reign as king.

" Vulcan, why do you do this?" Cir-El asked the man. She did not understand why Markus would deliberately suffer in the way he was. " The spikes have been feeding on you for seven hours. Even you can't take this much longer."

" I have to Cir-El. For them." Markus told the woman. " Please, just... Don't let go." Markus begged the woman. His hand held fast and tight to hers, unyielding. And for a moment, Cir-El thought Markus would break her hand. But she held strong. She held strong, even as the last bits of energy began to drain from Markus' body.

And finally, as the last sliver of lightning, began to flicker away, the spikes finally stopped feeding on him.

" They'll pass my energy to the spikes outside the city.... So for another day they won't need to feed on anyone else." Markus muttered. The moment the spikes let go, he felt a wave of relief wash over his body. And although he would need time to rest to get back to his full strength, Markus was beginning to feel better already. He stood up from his chair and walked to the balcony, with Cir-El still in his hands. " I'm starving.... Wanna get breakfast?" Markus asked the woman. HE gave her a dry fit of laughter, and as the sun began rising, for a moment, his smile reflected in the sunlight.


After dressing himself, in his robe and a pair of regular pants, Markus walked out of his palace and into the streets of his empire. That was something that was going to take getting used to... But as he looked around at the kids happily playing in the streets, the adults baking foods. He smiled.

" Your highness." One of the female citizens and members of the hive came running up to Markus with plates of bread. " Would you break bread with us?" The woman asked.

Markus happily took the plates, from the woman and the hive lings and smiled.

" Yes, please, my lady." Markus replied.

" For this food. For this peace. For these friends. We give thanks O prophe-" Before the woman could finish her prayer, a sudden explosion knocked her and the food in Markus' hands to the ground.

" WHAT WAS THAT?!" Markus exclaimed. He helped the woman and the children back to their feets and then with Cir-El he went to check out the scene of the explosion and when he got there, Sideros and Elara were about to gut each other.

" PUNKS!" Markus shouted. He crashed through the roof of the senate building with Cir-El behind him and landed between Elara and Sideros. Markus snatched up Sid and Cir-El restrained Elara.

" Let me go two hands! She stabbed my brothers." Sid exclaimed.

" For cutting my mother!" Elara yelled out.

" Enough, Elara. The war is over. We're building a nation now." Cir-EL told the woman.

" Yah. A nation for the puny brownies. The Imperials killing us for years and years. Now they have to go. Now they have to die." Sid exclaimed.

" And you're ready to slaughter them in cold blood?" Elara asked the bug.

" I remember you were happy to do it. Remember Primus Vand? You cut his throat while he was crying for mercy." Sid shouted.

In his gut, Markus had a feeling that was the case, but he could never prove it.

" ENOUGH! You two want to fight this out? Fine then. Go! Choose who you want to fight, then come to the arena." Markus told the two. Cir-El looked at him in shock and confusion. Was he really serious.


When the time came, Elara and Sid arrived at the gladiatorial arena, with their warriors, ready to fight.

" You've picked your opponents, and now you'll fight to the death by the ancient law of savage combat." Virlal spoke.

" Sid, Elara... This is your last chance. Drop your weapons and walk away." Grog told the two. when neither side budged an inch, grog went forward and lowered his hammer. " So be it."

" May the prophet forgive and embrace you." Virlal exclaimed.

The warriors on both sides of the field, began fighting one another with the clear intent to kill, but as they battled, Markus suddenly jumped down into the pit.

" Fight! FIGHT! FIGGGGGGGGGHT!" Markus exclaimed. He rushed into the crowd of warriors and started smacking them each to the side like children.

" Vulcan what?" Before Elara could finish her sentence, Markus smacked the woman to the ground with his hand and then he turned and punched Sid.

" You want to fight? Fight me." Markus exclaimed.

" He's not... He can't be." Sid stuttered.

" He is." Elara stated.

" Fight me or die!!!" Markus exclaimed.

" Two hands! no!" Sid shouted.

Markus ran towards both groups of fighters, his sword swinging wildly at them.

Elara and Sid saw no other choice than to fight or die.

They all tossed their spears and swords at Markus, stabbing and cutting him anyway they could, trying their best to kill the man, unless they themselves wanted to die. This continued until finally, the last weapon was thrown, and the fighters were rendered defenseless.

Then just as quick as his rage came, Markus calmed down.

" It's over... Now. Do you... Hear me?" Markus told the people. He dropped down to his knees, and slowly he began to pull each and every sword and spear out of his body, causing blood to spill all over the ground. " We are all Warbound now... Embrace your brothers and sisters all of you. No more killing each other. We must be better. We must be one." Markus declared.

" Two hands..." Sideros muttered.

Sid and Elara looked upon Markus, they were ashamed of their actions both towards each other and towards their friend and new king.

With his blood spilled, the hivelings and those of Imperial blood all gathered together and shook hands, making amends with one another and promising to try and be better to each other.

Markus collapsed from the blood loss, even with his ability to heal helping him to recover.

" My king!" Cir-El descended from her spot in the arena and grabbed Markus' body. She picked him up and carried him all the way back to the imperial palace in her arms, and there Markus stayed until he awoke hours later.

" Hey..." Markus groaned.

Cir-El looked down at the man in his bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

" What's this? You worried about me?" Markus asked the woman.

" I was. You brave fool. What if you would have died?" Cir-El asked the man.

" Come on, Cir-El... You can't count me out like that. It's bad for your health you know. Besides, the important part is the people... Did they make up?" Markus asked the woman.

" Yes... They did." Cir-El replied.

" Good. Then I made the right choice." Markus sneered.

" My king, during your sleep, the Shadow elders have come to us. They wish to speak with you." Cir-El told the man.

" That's fine. Can you tell them, I will gladly meet with them first thing in the morning? Right now, I just want to sleep." Markus told the woman.

" Of course, my king. Rest. I will watch over you." Cir-El told the man.

" Thanks... Cir-El." Markus closed his eyes once more and returned to his slumber. He was exhausted, after feeding the spikes nearly all of his energy, and then after that losing so much blood. His body needed to rest.


Upon waking up the next day, Markus immediately followed Cir-El to meet with the shadow elders as he had promised beforehand.

" Shadow elders. How can I help you?" Markus walked in and asked. He had no time for soft pleasantries, and quite frankly, he still did not exactly care for the shadow elders.

" Skipping right to the matter of business? I see. I understand, Vulcan." The first elder spoke. Her tone of voice was much different than before. Perhaps her opinion of the man had changed upon seeing his deeds in the arena the day before. " So, I'll be straight. The emperor's treaties died with him, Vulcan. So, we, the elders of the shadow people, come to reestablish the shadow pact.... With you." The first elder explained. " You guarantee our ancient lands and rights. We pledge our support in times of war. And we provide you with a shadow guard. Cir-El was the emperor's guard, if you are agreeable, she could serve you." The first elder told the man.

Markus looked over to Cir-El and though she seemed to be fine with the way the deal had been laid out, he was not. For he had no need of a bodyguard.

" No." Markus told the woman. " No shadow guard. If I am to be anything of a king, I must be able to not only protect my people, but myself as well. No, a guard is not what I need right now." Markus explained. " But... Cir-El, if you'd have me, I do want a queen." Markus told the woman. Markus stood up and extended his hand to the woman, his face practically pleaded for her to take it. He wanted more than anything for her to take it, but if she didn't, he would understand.

Cir-El was shocked by the sudden declaration. But she quickly shelved it.

" Vulcan." Cir-El stood up from the table and placed her hand softly in Markus'. With a smile on both of their faces, Markus and Cir-El walked away from the meeting with the elders, leaving Grog, Dregg, and Virlal to finish handling the details.

" I... Believe we have a treaty." Dregg muttered.


Hours later, after his sudden proposal, Markus and Cir-El were finally ready to take a big leap on their next journey together.

In his royal chambers, Cir-El sat, kneeling, on the floor, next to a blue flame and golden lamp. She had discarded her armor, she wore instead a white silk dress to cover her flesh and a similar pair of leggings, and a golden necklace with a jewel in the middle of it around her neck.

Once she had finished making the preparations, Markus finally came in. He was wearing nothing but a pair of trousers as black as his hair.

" Though not born to it, I am still shadow. For our marriage to be true, we must complete the shadow ceremony." Cir-El told Markus. She looked to the man, casting her beautiful gaze upon him. " Will you kneel with me as I kneel with you?" Cir-El asked the man.

Markus, hesitated for not a moment, he dropped down to his knees in front of the fire and nodded.

" I will."

" Will you burn with me as I burn with you?" Cir-El asked.

She extended her hand into the fire and Markus caught it, placing his own hand under hers and protecting her from the bright blue flames.

" I will." Markus told the woman.

" And will you bare your body and soul to me, as I bare mine to you?" Cir-El asked the man.

Markus was quiet.... Now he hesitated.

" Vulcan, I must know you. All of you." Cir-El told the man.

" Cir-El.... My name is not Vulcan. My name is Markus. Markus of Themyscira. I was born on a distant planet, three thousand years ago. I was born to a race of warriors known as the Amazons. On my home island, Males are not allowed. They are strictly prohibited. Any man born on the island is discarded as a baby, thrown out, or just simply killed. I, however, was the exception. I was born to the queen herself, and my father..... Well, I have a good guess as of now who he is, but I am not sure completely. Instead of being killed like those before me, I was locked away in a cold and dark cell for years, the only interaction I had with the world around me was through the people who brought me food and water to survive. My aunt, Antiope, raised me. She taught me how to fight, and how to read and write, and how to do other things deemed necessary for survival. But she didn't teach me everything. On the day of my fifteenth birthday, I managed to escape from my cell, with my aunt's help. But instead of being free, I was snatched away by a bolt of lightning, where I hurtled through space for three thousand years. Until, finally, I arrived here." Markus told the woman.

He gave her a direct explanation of his life story; from the moment he was born to the time in which they had met.

Cir-El listened quietly as Markus spoke to her. The world around them was quiet and still.

" I understand that may be a lot to take in, and if you wish it, then I will understand if you no longer wish to be with- Mph!"

Before he could form another word, Cir-El captured his mouth with her own, performing the last act necessary to complete their marriage.

Markus slowly placed his hand on the small Cir-El's back, pulling her as close to him as he possibly could, and though his hands shook with a slight tremor, Markus slowly started to lean in and embrace Cir-El in her entirety.

" Come, my husband." Cir-El spoke. She lifted Markus up off the ground and walked with him to the bed. Cir-El laid him down gently. Then she stripped away the thin cloth covering her body, revealing herself to Markus entirely.

Markus was completely entrapped by Cir-El's beauty, her bountiful breast, her splendid curves, her smooth skin, her luscious lips, and her beautiful eyes. He was completely in love with all of her.

Markus extended his hand and Cir-El grabbed it, slowly she found herself seated next to Markus on the bed.

" Cir-El, I've only... I don't know exactly what I'm doing." Markus told the woman.

Truthfully, he had only had sex once with two women from the pleasure cruiser, and he had let them lead the entire time.

" Hush my, love. I will take care of you." Cir-El whispered to the man. She kissed Markus once again, and slowly started pushing, Markus down onto his back.

Markus allowed himself to be moved, letting Cir-El command his every action.

Cir-El placed her hand on Markus's waistband and stripped away his underwear.

Markus shuddered slightly, from her touch.

Cir-El moved herself from Markus' side and repositioned herself atop of him.

" Are you ready, husband?" Cir-El asked.

" Yes." Markus responded.

Cir-El slowly lowered her womanhood down on Markus' penis. His length and girth elicited a deep and guttural moan from Cir-El's mouth.

For Markus the pressure was intense, each and every second he spent inside of her, he felt her walls grip his member like an anaconda vice. But the feeling was warm, wet, bliss.

Slowly, Cir-El began raising herself off of Markus's hips and then, just as she reached the height of his penis, she slammed herself back down hard.

Markus and Cir-El moaned together. The pleasure he felt from Cir-El woman hood was different from the women before, this was special.

Cir-El repeated her motions, up and down up and down, repeatedly. And as she went on, she began speeding up.

Cir-El leaned down as she rode, Markus. Markus placed his hands on Cir-El's hips and as she continued slamming herself down on his hard prick, Markus started thrusting upwards to meet her rhythm.

" Husband! Markus!" The sound of her voice speaking his name, lit a flame in Markus' gut. Out of instinct, Markus flipped Cir-El over, placing her back down on the bed and started ramming his penis into her vagina. " MARKUS!" Cir-El wrapped her arms and legs around Markus' body, her nails themselves began tearing the skin from his back, only causing him to go faster and harder.

" Cir-El... I'm... I'm gonna." Markus stuttered.

" Don't be afraid my love. Let it out." Cir-El told the man. She herself could feel the pleasure beginning to blossom within her. " I love you!!!" And as Cir-El declared her love, both she and Markus took the plunge over the edge together.

Cir-El's inside clamped down hard on Markus' penis, the liquid gushing out of her and onto the sheets, was a mixture of his sperm and her own fluids.

After a moment, Markus fell to his side. He was tired.

" Not yet my love. There is one more thing we must do." Cir-El told the man as he snuggled up next to her.

" What is it?" Markus asked.

" Dress yourself. And follow me." Cir-El slipped her silk underwear back on and her bra, while Markus put his underpants on. Cir-El grabbed Markus' hand and pulled him, along with their blanket out onto the balcony, and when the two of them emerged all of Valdr, Hive, Valdarians, and Spikes, all of them cheered and celebrated the marriage of their king and queen.

And as Markus stood there looking out at the beautiful lights in the sky, he began to cry. Cir-El rested her head on his chest, she needn't worry. The great big smile on his face told her that, even though he was crying, right now Markus was happier than perhaps he had ever been. And for her that was all that mattered.

He is Markus, the Vulcan, the Thunderer. The Outcast who became king. The prisoner who became a hero. At first he wanted to be alone. To be free. Now he leads a nation. And every voice from far and wide, calls his name.

But there was only one problem with it all.


After addressing the people, Markus and Cir-El returned to bed.

And while he did his best to rest, there was just a nagging problem in the back of Markus' mind. And while he didn't voice it, his heart certainly did.

Markus, moved out of bed, trying his best to not wake Cir-El up from her sleep, and made his way over to the balcony. Things had changed, so much. No longer was he that little boy locked away. He was now a king. And that frightened him.

As he looked out at the city below, one thought constantly beat its way around Markus' mind. Can I do this?

" Husband?" The small groan behind him, told Markus that he hadn't been as quiet and subtle as he had wanted to be. Cir-El got up from the bed and walked over to Markus as he stood on the balcony. " Husband what is wrong?" Cir-El asked.

" That place... Out there. The steppes. You once told me that was a place, I could go. That I would never have to fight again." Markus spoke.

" Markus, what are you saying?" Cir-El asked the man.

" Maybe... We should go. What if... What if I'm not suited for this?" Markus asked the woman. " Would you?"

Cir-El smiled and kissed Markus on his lips.

" My place is with you my husband. Wherever it is you go, know that I will follow. Now, tell me my love... What troubles you?" Cir-El asked the man. She placed her hand on Markus's face softly.

A single tear ran down the side of his face at first, and then slowly but surely more and more came forward.

" I'm scared." Markus told the woman. " I have no idea what I'm doing Cir-El. I.... I don't know how to run a nation. Let alone an entire planet. What if I'm not good enough... What if I end up like Mongul?" Markus asked the woman.

" Oh Markus, you beautiful soul." Cir-EL kissed the man softly on his lips. And took his hand. " follow me." Cir-El led Markus off the balcony and flew with him, for miles towards the place where they first fought. When she landed, Cir-El guided Markus towards the nearest cliffs, and when he looked down there was an entire field full of greenery. And for Markus it was beautiful. " Look out over the steppes, Markus. We fought on this land remember? You bled here. You danced here. And now... Look at what grew from your soul. Look at all you see and tell me you broke the world. You don't need to run away. You don't need to be left alone. Because this is where you belong. With your people. With your queen. And no matter what happens. No matter what you do, I will always be right beside you, to teach you, to guide you, and to love you. Always." Cir-El spoke.

Markus leaned in and placed his forehead against Cir-El's and then he kissed her.

" I love you, Cir-El." Markus declared. The feelings of doubt form before slowly but surely began to melt away. And as he looked out at all he had accomplished, Markus felt like he finally found his freedom.

Next chapter