

Attilan, a city of wonders, formed by a strong and wise people, for a long time isolating themselves from the rest of the world, the reason? , their people unlike normal humans, homo-magi or even Meta-humans were of a very different constitution. His people were descendants of what became the first Inhuman, a human affected by the mysterious mists coming from a special crystal left on Earth by an unknown species.

This human whose name has been lost to history met this species, and as humans would do with animals in the future the aliens used this human from over ten thousand years ago to do their experiments, testing the effects that the mists would have on their gene.The experiments proved to be a mistake on the part of the aliens, as over time the human developed super abilities and using them he freed himself and killed his captors, stealing not only his ship but all the knowledge inside him.

This was the first Inhuman whose power was unknown but it is known to have lived long enough to procreate on a large scale, forming the five noble families that thus spread the Inhuman genes, they could not stay with normal humans so they isolated themselves, forming Attilan , hidden among the icy mountains of Nepal.

Millennia passed and they with the stolen alien technology developed beyond any known human nation, second perhaps only to Atlantis which had sunk, with a monarchical system where a King and Queen ruled together with a council of five families. After generations of Kings today, the heir of the current King was born.

[Attilan: 1975


Today was a special day in Attilan, everyone knew it, because the Queen would give birth to the prince who would rule the great kingdom of the Inhumans, in the palace in the royal room the queen's screams were heard, even though it was a developed kingdom they still reproduced natural way, that is, childbirth was still common. The great Queen Rynda who was considered the most beautiful woman in the kingdom possessed the ability to control electrical energy and like every awakened Inhuman she possessed natural abilities superior to any human, but even she could not bear this childbirth without screaming.

In her mind she could only curse her husband Agon for putting her through this, it was just too much pain for anyone, luckily Attilan's doctors were competent, on the other side of the door Agon who heard his wife's curses sweated a little Although he was a King, he was still a man, and to hear threats against his male member still coming from his wife was disturbing, but he stood his ground, in his mind the results of the experiment still hovered.

If all goes well then his son would be the most powerful King since the first Inhuman, and that would take Attilan to new heights, soon his wife's screams ceased and the medics' sighs of relief were audible to him, his Awake Skill was increasing his physical attributes beyond any other Inhuman, being able to hear a leaf falling on the other side of the world, or even see satellites in another solar system.

When they found out that his wife was pregnant he soon had an idea and so he went to his scientists and experimented, if the theories were right then by exposing his son's fetus to the Terrigene mists then he could develop unparalleled abilities, let alone the son prince of two such powerful Inhumans.

//Soon my son, soon you will do wonders for our people// Agon as he thought of his heir, not like a normal father but like a King thinking of a new advantage for his kingdom, he headed to enter the room.

However as soon as he was in front of the door he heard it , it was small and almost audible to anyone but not him , inside the room he heard a small sob from a body whose lungs were still smaller than his own hands , his son , he had let out his first breath and the result was devastating.

Agon widened his eyes at the scene in front of him as the automatic doors opened, in slow motion he saw a wave of energy vaporize the doctors who were close to his son, he didn't hesitate looked at his wife at full speed he took her in his arms and fled leaving the rooms that were blown into nonexistence.

Everyone looked shocked , out of nowhere the royal palace had been toppled , what kind of catastrophe could have happened they thought , then panic came but it was quickly suppressed by the authorities , Agon with his wife fainted from the strain of childbirth looked at his fallen palace with a frown frown.

In all the ten thousand years of Inhuman civilization never before has the capital come under attack, and now their government was the first to have a palace toppled, and by their own son as if that wasn't enough. Agon sighed because his powerful heir must be dead, after all no one could survive such a collapse.

He was going to withdraw until he again heard something, he turned around in shock and then quickly ran towards where he heard the sound, again he arrived quickly and leaving his wife in the care of some soldiers he went towards some boulders.

He removed each rock larger than a few human cars quickly, soon he arrived where his son's corpse should have been, but instead there was something more surprising, there was a force field made of what appeared to be electrons, and inside it his son. asleep.

"In the end, it wasn't a total waste" Agon said as he picked up his son, a small smile threatening to form, he then ordered the construction of a new palace and the opening of a special camera, preferably one that dampens the sound.

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